Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1451: captive

The night in this dilapidated town was fairly quiet. Probably tonight, neither the United States nor Russia had an air strike mission, so there was no explosion or fire. Except for the occasional chirping of insects, there was nothing.

Lin Rui's waist and abdomen were still in burning pain, and he touched it with his hand. Fortunately, there was no bleeding from the bandaged wound. Although the wound was sutured, it also underwent simple treatment. But Lin Rui was still worried that his wound would be infected, so he took out a few pills from his pocket and swallowed it. There is no infusion condition here, I hope these anti-inflammatory drugs can work.

Because once the wound becomes infected, it will cause a fever. A persistent low-grade fever is enough to affect a person's judgment and reaction, which is what Lin Rui is most worried about. A hand caressed his forehead, and the hand was a little cold.

Lin Rui knew it was Yelena. Her watch looked beautiful on the surface, but there were hard gun calluses on her palms and fingers. For a girl of her age, there should not be such a pair of hands.

"You have a fever?" Yelena whispered.

"Yes, but it shouldn't be a big problem." Lin Rui smiled.

"This should be the seventh injury on your body." Yelena whispered.

"You remember it better than I do." Lin Rui said with a wry smile, "In fact, it's far more than that. I don't even know this is the hundreds of wounds."

"Hundreds?" Yelena asked strangely.

"Isn't it? I often scratch my skin when I shave, and it counts as at least hundreds of wounds." Lin Rui smiled, "So don't worry."

"You know, when I saw that you were injured today, it took me almost half a minute to recover." Yelena leaned on his shoulder and whispered.

"It's okay, everything will pass." Lin Rui patted her shoulder in a low voice, then closed his eyes. In fact, he is the same, no one is not afraid of death. And just like what the silver wolf said, the longer a person is on the battlefield, the more afraid of death he will become. Perhaps it is not fear, but more of a kind of awe, awe of death.

"Without the fear of death, people will become animals." Lin Rui said slowly.

"What did you say?" Yelena looked up at him.

"Nothing at least the instructor who taught us survival training before, a word he said. He was a survivor of the Rwanda genocide, and he was a child when the genocide happened. No one can imagine how he survived. Then he When I was training me, I said this sentence. Without the fear of death, people will become animals." Lin Rui whispered.

"What do you mean?" Yelena frowned.

"I didn't know that before, but I kept flashing this sentence in my mind today." Lin Rui whispered, "Maybe I understand a little bit now." Yelena looked at him calmly, trying her best to put herself and him together. Rely on tighter.

Lin Rui slept soundly that night. After the injury and blood loss, people would become more tired and lethargic. Even him. It wasn't until dawn that he heard the sound of vehicles outside. Lin Rui immediately turned over, took the weapon, and took a position against the wall to look out.

The car outside was an old van, and Sergey got out of the car with the biscuits and the chief, and shoved a bundled man inside.

Lin Rui breathed a sigh of relief and frowned, "Why did you come back?"

"This guy isn't home. We'll wait until dawn. So we grabbed him, his car, and the loot on it." Sergey shrugged.

"Okay, bring him here and ask clearly." Lin Rui frowned.

The man bound was probably in his thirties and had a beard that made him look older than his age.

Sergey exclaimed, "Say, who are you? Where are those Germans who were kidnapped?"

Crazy Horse shook his head. "Forget it, you speak a Russian accent. It's weird that he understands it. I'm having trouble communicating with them, so let the chief come."

The chief nodded, walked over, and communicated with the man in Arabic. The man seemed very frightened, struggling and gesturing desperately.

Lin Rui didn't understand a word, so he turned his head and said, "What kind of mess did he say? Didn't he say that everyone here can speak English?"

"More people speak French here than English. And most of them are Arabic." Jiangan shook his head and said, "Let's leave it to the chief."

The chief exchanged a few words with the man aloud, then turned his head and said, "He does not admit that he knows any extremists, and he emphasizes that his goods are received from all over the world."

He walked over to Kishi, flipped through the things on the man's car, walked over with a khaki bag, shook his head and said, "He didn't tell the truth."

"Why?" Lin Rui frowned.

Kishi took a camera out of his bag and fiddled with it skillfully. "Leica camera, made in Germany. The latest product of the l-sys series made in Germany with exquisite quality, the latest product released four months ago. Expensive price is Leica's brand Of course, Leica is also expensive. For their own reasons, all parts of Leica's lenses are designed through the most precise calculations, and they are carefully manufactured in Germany, so the cost is naturally very high. Just like Louis Vuitton or Giorgio Armani in the fashion industry, enjoy The distinguished brand advantage has made it the most noble camera brand in the imaging industry.

Such a new limited edition is simply not available locally. And with just such a camera, he can buy several of his cars. "

"Unless it's the German inspection delegation." Lin Rui nodded and said, "Hang up and fight until he admits it. Crazy Horse, you do it." Crazy Horse nodded and grabbed the man unceremoniously. out. Five minutes later, he was all in.

Crazy Horse walked back, wiping the blood on the tactical gloves with a tissue.

"How is it?" Lin Rui frowned.

"He said it was sold to him by a guerrilla, a man from the Syrian Self-Defense Forces, who had a camp 40 kilometers away. He often delivered to them and got items through them, which he then took back and sold. , this camera and several leather bags." The chief frowned, "What should we do with him?"

"To those new friends you made, these local militiamen will hand him over to the government army. To provide assistance to extremists during the war, this alone is enough for him." Lin Rui shook his head. "Actuary, contact Cobain. Let him use the satellite to find the camp mentioned by this person and formulate a rescue strategy."

"Okay, I'll do it now." Jiangan nodded.

"What should we do?" Snake Eyes frowned.

"Find a way to get some fuel to make sure the car doesn't break down halfway. Then we go back and find the weapons and equipment that we didn't have time to deal with yesterday." Lin Rui said after a while, "Also, our brother who died in action."

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