Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1526: impregnable soup


In the afternoon, Saint Kaiser Island, Africa, the command room of Black Island Military Company 2 Squad.

Lin Rui and others have received information from Cobain, almost all about the Cheyenne Mountain Underground Monitoring Center and the North American Air Defense Command. The data includes two parts, one part is a large amount of picture data such as building topography. The other part is personnel information and facility information.

"Judging from these data, this base is invincible. The monitoring center has more than 200 networks composed of super-large or large and medium-sized computers and more than 600 dedicated communication lines. The center uses communication satellites, microwave relay lines and optical cables, etc. Various communication tools exchange information with the outside world.

It can receive data from various detection and monitoring means such as military satellite systems, civilian satellite systems, airborne early warning networks and ground early warning networks. It also communicates with the Pentagon, White House, U.S. Strategic Command, The Canadian Armed Forces Command is in close contact with major U.S. military bases around the world.

The monitoring center has more than 1,200 military and civilian personnel. The building is brightly lit 24 hours a day and night throughout the year, with constant calls, telexes, and screens. Crews are on duty day and night, monitoring the thousands of man-made objects orbiting the Earth in space, alerting to possible surprise attacks on North American and U.S. overseas bases from land, sea, air or space.

All monitoring and security tasks of the Cheyenne Mountain Underground Monitoring Center are shared by seven departments. They are aviation warning center, missile warning center, space control center, integrated intelligence monitoring center, system center, meteorological support center, command center. This is a veritable command center for the U.S. military.

In addition to these, they also have a 900-person logistics support team, code-named 721, consisting of 4 squads.

721 Civil Engineering Team is responsible for property management and maintenance, operation and maintenance of power system and environmental control system, fire prevention and snow removal.

The 721 Communications Unit is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of all computer systems and communications lines

The 721 security team is responsible for physical, industrial and information security, access center management, transportation and visit control. "

"So what we're dealing with is the 721 security detachment?" Sergey nodded.

"That's right. According to Cobain, this security unit is very professional and very reliable. Once we enter this base, they will be our main enemy. The head of the security department is Colonel Joseph, who used to be the Army. 's elite.

Served in the 101st Air Assault Division and participated in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The year before last, he was transferred to the Cheyenne Mountain Underground Monitoring Center as the head of security. The security force under his command are all experienced members of the security force. ' Kishi replied.

"It's no big deal." Sergey shook his head.

"You can't say that. Compared with the general US military, they are quite powerful. And they are much more familiar with the terrain inside the base than we are." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "You can't underestimate them."

"Is there a plan on how to infiltrate?" Crazy Horse frowned. "This kind of test will never let us drive tanks to attack?"

"Even a tank can't open the door to the underground fortifications. They are protected from nuclear weapons. So the storm is a joke." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "I think it is still up to Cobain. If he can successfully invade the opponent's computer system , we can enter with fake identity information. At least a few gates before entering the base are not a problem."

"How many levels before entering?" Sergey frowned.

"Yes, the duty officer will first verify the authenticity of the identity, then check whether there is an appointment, and may ask some questions. Then it will verify the password and the ID card. These ID cards can read the information, and the authenticity can be argued. But if Ke If Ben controls the computer, he can make fakes and recognize the fakes as real. We can get in smoothly." Kishi replied.

"But what if Cobain fails?" Crazy Horse frowned.

"Then we can only think of other ways. But with all due respect, the risk level of other methods is much higher than this." Jiangan shook his head.

Lin Rui nodded, "It's true that it would be difficult for us to do it without Kobain's assistance, but Crazy Horse's worries are not unreasonable. We can't put all the bets on Ke himself. In case of an accident, we still have to other ways of coping."

"That's what I mean," Sergey nodded. "Maybe we should think of other ways to get in. Generally speaking, this base will have other exits. For example, in the event of a fire or other disaster, their personnel will Shouldn't there be other evacuation routes?"

"You think too much, at least according to the drawings, there are no other exits at all. As you said, in the event of a fire or something, they do have an evacuation channel, but not to the ground, but to other areas underground.

This is a huge underground facility with very complete settings. Completely different from those underground bases we encountered before. Below is almost an independent underground town, with access to large trucks. There is no need to consider the issue of diversion at all. ' Jiangan shook his head.

"Ventilation facilities, such a huge facility must have ventilation facilities, maybe we can sneak in from there." Sergey frowned.

"This is also Because of the risk of nuclear attack, their ventilation ducts are of special honeycomb design, and there are dozens of fans in various underground areas to maintain operation to ensure the air flow. Circulation. We can't go through these passages. Unless you can become a mouse or a cockroach." Kishi shook his head.

"What about the electrical and communication pipes? Or the water supply pipes." Sergey said without giving up, "There is always a passage between the outside and the inside, right?"

"We can't get through the electrical and communication pipes. They don't have water supply channels at all, because there is a large reservoir in the cave, and a large amount of high-quality groundwater is enough to supply thousands of people in this base." Lin Rui can only smile bitterly. road.

"Damn, is there really no other way to sneak in?" Sergey frowned, "How about digging tunnels?"

"Well, maybe you can dig a tunnel, but it's all very hard rock. The Americans built their bases under five hundred meters of rock just to prevent a nuclear bomb attack. To dig through this tunnel, you have to find a A construction team will help you do this. And it will take several years." Jiangan shook his head.

"Damn it." Sergey shook his head.

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