Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1560: Grand Valley

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The patrol members in front were walking carelessly, keeping a position far enough away from them with Lin Rui and others. In order to avoid being discovered by them, Lin Rui stretched out his hand and asked the players behind him to crouch behind. Lin Rui was alone, staring at the patrol members.

"Be careful, there is a minefield on the left, follow my footsteps." Lin Rui looked down and looked around, and saw the traces of being trampled on by the patrol. He can see that the right side of the footprint is messier, while the left side is more tidy. This shows that these patrol members are a little deliberate when they are patrolling, trying not to get close to the line on the left, while they are more casual on the right.

This shows that their left side must be a minefield. After Lin Rui made a judgment, the team members quickly followed.

"Let's just follow them like this, where are these guys going?" Sergey whispered.

"They are a patrol team, but they won't be patrolling all the time. So after walking around, they will definitely go back." Lin Rui whispered. "Follow them and find a safe route to their lair."

"You mean the village here is not their camp?" Jiangan observed with a telescope.

"No, this village should be one of the three they plundered. They kept this place just for cover. Their camp should be closer to the dense forest of the mine. This will reduce the travel of laborers. "Lin Rui whispered.

"Not necessarily, they will not be so considerate and provide comfortable services for these miners." Sandro whispered.

"They built the camp close to the mine, not for the convenience of these workers, but to prevent them from escaping during the round trip. And did you go to the shafts that were dug down?" Jiangan whispered.

"I see, what's wrong?" Sandro asked curiously, "Isn't it just some dug holes?"

"Yes, those are the holes left by the mining industry, but in those buried holes, as long as you dig, most of them have the bodies of laborers. Digging and burying the corpses, this is what these laborers do. , until one day they themselves were buried in one of the pits. The reason why they built the camp to rely on the mine is for this." Lin Rui whispered, "I once heard a military officer in Sierra Leone say it. "

"This is really bad." Sandro whispered.

"Yeah, very miserable. But this is Africa." Lin Rui whispered, "Attention, they are starting to return. I continue to follow them, and you keep your distance and follow me."

"Understood, boss." Sergey nodded. After more than 20 minutes, the patrolling soldiers returned to the camp.

Seeing that Sergey wanted to follow by himself, Lin Rui grabbed him and hid in the grass together. Lin Rui asked in a low voice, "Wait, look there, can you get in?"

Sergey stopped, looked into the distance, shrank back, and said in a low voice, "Sniper?"

Lin Rui nodded and said that the camp was in the valley. Lin Rui keenly noticed that there were snipers on the commanding heights of the valley on both sides. They were dressed in grey-yellow desert camouflage and sat in the same color as their camouflage. If you're not careful, it's really hard to find. However, Lin Rui has a good habit of observing and then acting. After carefully combing the surroundings with binoculars, he said in a low voice, "Not only the commanding heights on both sides, but also on the watchtower of the labor camp in front. If we enter from the front, the chances of being discovered are too high."

Kishi also put down his binoculars, "There is heavy machine gun fire at the entrance. From preliminary observations, there are at least a hundred secret society armed forces here, and there are about the same number of Kobowa army. If you want to attack, it is enough to hang."

"Then let's wait until it's dark and try to save people secretly?" Sergey frowned.

Lin Rui shook his head and said, "No, this area is definitely not suitable for night raids. Too many laborers can easily cause chaos and interfere with our rescue. And even if we save people, it is too difficult to break through at night in this environment. , not to mention we have to take hostages."

"Then it can only be hard." Crazy Horse nodded.

Lin Rui nodded, and involuntarily replaced Crazy Horse's bow and arrow on his shoulders, and then firmly said to Sergey and Sandro who were about to speak: "Don't argue, I have the final say here. The two of them took a detour and climbed up from the back. The shore is responsible for the front, and you are in charge of Snake Eye and Viper Yelena. Once you hear my order, quickly clear the snipers in the watchtower and the machine gun fire in front. "

"When will you start?" Jiangan looked at him and asked.

"Stand by, unless you obey my orders." Lin Rui's attitude was very firm, Sergey sighed and pulled out the anchor gun from behind and handed it to him: "Here you, it will be used when climbing the mountain. Be careful boss. "

Lin Rui took it and slapped Sergey hard, "So do you." Then he made a gesture to Crazy Horse, and the two turned to the side of the mountain and touched the mountain.

Time is pressing, so they can't delay, and they can't say more. All feelings are replaced by the cruelty of war, and the only thing that remains is the desire to win. Only victory can bring the safety of the hostages and the brothers.

The way up is very smooth and steep, and the texture is a little loose. Not only is the anchor gun useless, Lin Rui also found that the hands and feet alone can't get enough strength. After thinking about it, he took out two daggers, one by one. Climb hard to the top of the mountain. I crawled cautiously for more than ten minutes, but I still didn't get halfway there.

The camp below is only three or four hundred meters from the ground to their But climbing up the sloped hillside is much more laborious than running straight down, and in order not to let the militants below Aware that they have to climb to a certain height. Continuing to go up, he has completely lost his sense of time. When approaching the top of the mountain, Lin Rui stopped and looked down from the mountain. The figures of the militants looked like yellow bugs. The number of those bugs seemed to be higher than his. When he came up, it was twice as much, and he couldn't help but scolded.

"What's wrong?" Jiangan whispered into his earphones, "It seems that the alarm has been sounded in the camp. Have you been found?"

"No, we haven't been found, they seem to be gathering." Lin Rui whispered, "The good news is that they are not targeting us. But the bad news is that they may be targeting those workers."

"Indeed, I saw them bring some laborers here." Crazy Horse whispered, "It looks like something happened in the camp. What should we do?"

"Leave them alone. Maybe they want to punish a few disobedient workers and prepare to kill a hundred people. That's fine, their attention won't be on us, and it's easier for us to sneak in." Lin Rui whispered.

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