Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1565: chaotic rain of bullets

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

Lin Rui kept telling himself that after entering the dangerous area, every step must be taken carefully and there must be no mistakes. And if it is discovered, the enemy must be destroyed as quickly as possible.

He approached the wooden house on one side, and gently pulled the crack of the door open. Through the crack of less than two millimeters wide, Lin Rui carefully observed the situation inside. In the aisle, only two Secret Society soldiers with ak47s were patrolling back and forth, and the door to the room on the right was closed. I could faintly hear the screams of panic and the beatings and scoldings of the soldiers of the secret society.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in front of Lin Rui's eyes, blocking all of Lin Rui's sight. The door of the room was also pushed open by a force in an instant. Lin Rui subconsciously flashed behind the wall and held the dagger horizontally against his forearm. The man just opened the door and walked out, and he was still surprised when he saw the shadow flash. Lin Rui first covered the man's mouth, wiped his neck with a knife, and killed the secret society soldier. Then drag the soldier's body to the back.

Looking at the soldiers of the secret society who were dragged behind the wooden house, Lin Rui sneered and said softly, "It's so lucky, thank you so much, I'm still thinking about how to get out, so you brought the clothes yourself." After all, Lin Rui quickly changed into the clothes of the soldiers of the secret society. The key is that the soldiers of the secret society covered their faces with hoods.

In this way, he could walk out of the corridor swaggeringly, and when he saw two soldiers of the Secret Society patrolling, he nodded actively. The two patrolling Secret Society soldiers didn't care too much.

Through the window on the door, Lin Rui carefully watched everything in the room, and sent the information to the surrounding Jiangan in time through the wireless channel. "You can rush over. There is a barbed wire fence on the left side of the labor camp. After cutting it, you can go out."

"What about the minefield?" Jiangan whispered.

"These black laborers know where there are minefields. When I let them go, I'll follow them." Lin Rui whispered.

"Understood." Kishi cut off the communication and said to Sandro and the others around him, "It's time to go, let's go out, move in the direction of this labor camp, be careful not to hang up. On the left side of the target labor camp, act immediately. "

The o2 players threw a few smoke bombs, and a lot of smoke filled them, and they began to take advantage of the situation.

In an instant, several attack groups fired at the same time, and in the smoke, the chaotic gunfire seemed erratic. From time to time, the soldiers of the secret society fell to the ground instantly, and the soldiers of the secret society in various rooms also fell in a pool of blood with the sound of glass breaking. Snake Eye sneered and put away the sniper rifle. Rush forward with the rest of the team.

Sandro and Sergey's assault team quickly occupied the main passage and evacuated to the rear labor camp along the passage.

Lin Rui held the Type 97 assault rifle in his hand. He clearly remembered the number of bullets he had, and only the last two magazines were left. Lin Rui knew that he was now one-to-many. Once he opened fire, all his whereabouts would be hidden from the enemy. For him, efficiency is life now. But fortunately, he now has an advantage, which is the clothes on his body.

He had successfully arrived at the place where the black laborers were being held. This was a warehouse where some sundries and tools were stacked. Hundreds of black laborers were asked to kneel on the ground with their heads in their hands. Lin Rui knew that this was a precautionary measure. When a person is kneeling, the movement to get up will be slower than that of squatting. The longer you kneel, the more numb your legs will become, and you won't be able to run fast if you want to.

Lin Rui thought of a ghost idea. He turned around at the door, shot two consecutive shots, and killed the two guards at the door. Then he pretended to be panic and ran into the room, while pretending to shoot outside.

There were five or six fully armed members of the secret society in the room. As soon as they heard the gunshots outside, they were immediately alert, and they found that a "person" ran in in panic, and kept shooting at the outside.

The first reaction of all the militants of the secret society is - there is an enemy approaching. The two armed men of the secret society at the window immediately turned and aimed out the window. Several other militants also pointed their heads and pointed their guns outside. No one cared about the person who had just rolled and crawled in.

This is what Lin Rui wanted. He immediately raised his gun and shot, "Bang! Bang Bang!" The two soldiers at the window were hit first and fell to the ground, followed by the others. He stood behind the crowd and shot from far to near. In the chaos, someone found that the companion of the window was killed, and when he turned around in horror, it was too late.

Lin Rui kept moving in small steps, holding the gun tightly, and shooting at the fastest speed. Within seconds, several armed men in the warehouse had been slaughtered by him. When Lin Rui ran out of bullets, he quickly pulled out the **** pistol, and while trotting, continued to shoot at the members of the secret society who had heard the news from outside.

"Run, if you don't want to die, get up for me now, run! Run as fast as you can!" Lin Rui raised his gun and shouted at the black laborers.

These black laborers were already frightened, but this time, they all swarmed up, smashed the windows on all sides and fled out without risking their lives. The armed forces of the secret society couldn't stop drinking, so they could only shoot to suppress it. However, Lin Rui changed another magazine, and when he saw the opportunity, he jumped out and fired a burst.

Those secret society members were hit by bullets, and then one by one, they were trampled under the feet of the black laborers who were desperately fleeing. Even Lin Rui felt it was cruel. Such a severe stampede by hundreds of people was really hard to survive.

Lin Rui opened fire to drive away the black laborers who and secretly shot and killed the secret society armed forces that rushed over. After fighting and retreating, he returned to the place where the hostages were staying. While removing the disguise on his body, he pressed the earphone and said in a deep voice, "Actuary, actuary is on the shore! Have you cut the barbed wire?"

"I'm here! There are too many workers, the barbed wire has been pulled down, and the exit has been opened. Crazy Horse and Sandro are in the rear, and the firepower is suppressing these militants. We are waiting for you to meet."

"Immediately!" Lin Rui turned around and shouted at the hostages, "Run with me, be careful to hold hands with each other! If you let go, it's easy to run away. I don't want anyone to be left behind, no matter who it is, understand? Go, go! let's move!"

He took the five hostages and ran towards the gap in the wire fence. Entire labor camps were set ablaze, and a large plume of black smoke covered them. There is also a small group of o2 who are desperately resisting the pursuit of the secret society armed forces. The evacuation time of Lin Rui and others was very good, and the evacuation location they chose was also very suitable. A few minutes later, Lin Rui had joined Jiangan with the hostages.

Lin Rui looked back and said solemnly, "Almost there, let Crazy Horse and the others withdraw. Let's go!"

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