Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1584: Celsius 0 minus 24

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

The o2 players climbed the steel beam one by one, and the place they were on was a small platform three meters wide and six meters long. In fact, it is not a deliberately reserved platform, but an extra section when the steel beam is erected. Because it is between the offshore platform and the sea, it is equivalent to a suspended platform.

Fortunately, this location is also very hidden. Whether it is on the platform or the supply ship not far away, it is difficult to find this blind spot. How to use this position is also the plan that Lin Rui and others came up with after thinking about it many times.

After climbing up, the players were all gasping for breath. Lin Rui leaned against the cold steel frame and quickly slapped the water on his body. In such a cold sea breeze, if you don't dry yourself, the surface of the wetsuit will soon freeze. They were all drying themselves quickly, then opened their waterproof bags and put on their warm clothes.

Because the underwater temperature is higher than the water surface, they do not feel cold underwater. But after getting out of the water, in this bitter sea breeze, the body temperature dropped sharply, and it was necessary to put on warm clothes immediately. The team members were huddled together in heavy winter clothes. Lin Rui did not take off the hood of the diving suit. In this case, an extra layer of gel coat would be good for protection.

What's more, the head of the human body is the easiest to dissipate heat. He just continued to cover the heavy winter clothing and hat on it, and the team members also learned from him.

Lin Rui connected to Kebain's communication, "Kebain, can you hear it? Test signal, we have successfully arrived at the designated location, what time is it now?"

"I can hear you, and even see the Crazy Horse in front of you through your battlefield recorder, although the network transmission is delayed. God, you look so embarrassed." Cobain whispered, "Really Fortunately, we are just a technical support team and don't have to suffer with you."

"Okay, I need to know how long until the supply ship is finished?" Lin Rui whispered.

"They only resupply every once in a while, so it can't be fast. I guess you have to endure three hours or more." Cobain replied.

"Okay." Lin Rui looked back at the players and said helplessly.

"How is your situation?" Lin Rui looked back at the players and asked.

Crazy Horse's face turned purple from the cold, he shook his head and said, "I don't want to talk too much, so as not to burn calories."

"This is the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life, blowing the sea breeze in the Arctic Ocean." Sandro smiled wryly.

"It's just the Bering Sea, there is still a gap between the Arctic Ocean." Lin Rui said with a wry smile. "Sit tighter to each other, it's good for your body temperature. Shit, last time it was this cold was in **** West Siberia."

Due to the needs of special operations, the o2 players have been carrying out a considerable amount of exercise. So they are in excellent physical condition, keeping their body fat and muscle ratios at their best. But at this time, Lin Rui suddenly began to envy Long Zhengwu's fat body. At least people with higher body fat are more resistant to freezing.

"You know, guys, I suddenly started to envy Fatty Long's body. If this guy is wrapped in a diving suit, he will feel like a plump seal." Lin Rui joked.

"He? Where is he a seal, he's a walrus." Sergey laughed.

"Hey, take it easy." Crazy Horse said resentfully.

"It's okay, even if he shouted hoarsely in such a strong sea breeze, no one could hear him." Jiangan whispered, "Damn, we have only come up for such a short time, and these water marks are already frozen. Guess there are now How many times?"

"Minus 24 degrees Celsius." Lin Rui looked at his watch, "The body temperature is 36 degrees 2, which is barely normal. But if the body temperature is lower than 35 degrees, we will be in danger. Everyone has to Watch your temperature. Avoid hypothermia."

Hypothermia, also known as hypothermia and hypothermia, is a condition in which the body temperature of an organism drops below the temperature required for normal metabolism and physiological functions. In warm-blooded animals, core body temperature is normally maintained at a constant level through biological homeostasis.

However, when the body is exposed to cold, this internal mechanism may no longer be able to replenish the heat lost to the environment. Hypothermia occurs when body temperature drops below 35c. Severe hypothermia often has symptoms such as disturbance of consciousness, neck stiffness, decreased blood pressure, bradycardia, or arrhythmia.

This is very deadly for combatants. They have only been there for ten minutes, but their body temperature has been dropping. The main reason is that this position is too special, it is completely in the position where the sea breeze blows directly, and the wind hurts the face. And limited to the terrain, it is difficult to move around. Several players couldn't help standing up and stomping because their feet were numb.

"It won't work like this, we will lose our combat effectiveness if we don't fight." Crazy Horse whispered.

"Don't be nervous, we still have this." Lin Rui took out a few bags from the waterproof bag.

"What is this?" Crazy Horse frowned.

"Field rations." Lin Rui whispered, "A good thing to add calories. I specially asked Aladdin to prepare it."

"Eating can't take effect so quickly, except for some wine." Sergey smiled reluctantly, the Russian guy was freezing.

"This thing doesn't look like those chocolate beans and mre rations of your Yankees. Not only for eating, but also for heating." Lin Rui smiled, "Type 09 self-heating food for individual soldiers, serious Chinese goods With a heating pack, it will heat up immediately within 3-5 seconds after encountering water, the temperature will be as high as 150c or more, and the steam temperature will be higher, the longest holding time can be up to 3 hours, and it will be hot to the touch."

Lin Rui added water to a bag, pressed it with his hands, and soon steam came out. Crazy Horse grabbed it immediately. "God, this is the best thing I've ever seen. My fingers are almost numb."

"There are not many One per person. The food is fried rice. After heating, you can eat it while it is hot. The heat pack can keep you warm. We still have three long hours to support. Keep your body from freezing. Especially hands and feet. Low temperature frostbite is even more troublesome than burns." Lin Rui whispered.

"That's great." Sergey kept moving his hands and feet while holding the food. "Eating hot food is the best way to keep warm. Why didn't I think of this trick."

"Because you secretly carried vodka in your arms, don't think I don't know. You know the rules, you can't drink alcohol during the mission." Lin Rui looked at him and said.

"Well, I'm just keeping warm. I swear." Sergey sighed.

"Only a mentally abnormal person would believe the oath of a Russian alcoholic. But this time is a special case, not next time." Lin Rui shook his head.

"Rick, did someone say you're a great captain?" Sergey raised the jug, "Captain."

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