Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1701: 1 way run

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

Lin Rui lay on the ground and asked Zhao Jianfei, "Have you counted how many shots he fired?"

"There should be one bullet left." Zhao Jianfei whispered.

"Do you think he knew that he only had one bullet left?" Lin Rui turned his head and whispered.

Zhao Jianfei nodded and said, "He must know that this is a veteran."

"Do you dare to gamble?" Lin Rui looked at Zhao Jianfei and said, "I bet that if we don't show up again, he will take the opportunity to change the magazine. This guy should be very experienced and will take the opportunity when we can't afford it. Change the magazine."

"I think so too. But do you think he has started now? I feel almost." Zhao Jianfei chuckled. "go!"

Lin Rui and Zhao Jianfei rushed out at the same time, bending over, running the s-line at high speed, doing various dodging and changing directions. As they rushed into the safe zone, "Bang

! "A shot sounded, and Zhao Jianfei fell to the ground. However, he rolled on the ground and hid his body.

"It's safe." Zhao Jianfei gritted his teeth.

"How are you?" Lin Rui came over to float him, but his hand was stained with blood. One of Zhao Jianfei's arms was bloody.

"It penetrated, fortunately it didn't break the bones. But this shot, at least let me lose two taels of meat." Zhao Jianfei frowned as he looked at the wound. Sweat came out of his forehead.

Lin Rui tied his upper arm with a rope to prevent Zhao Jianfei from bleeding heavily. Then he tore off Zhao Jianfei's shirt sleeve and helped him wrap the wound. "Let's do it for the time being. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Maklovsky may also retreat from here. Otherwise, he won't lay an ambush here." Lin Rui pulled Zhao Jianfei to continue running.

The two quickly rushed through this open area, then climbed over a wall and continued to run wildly.

"Hold on, there's a barbed wire fence ahead. Can you do it?" Lin Rui dragged Zhao Jianfei as he ran while observing the surroundings.

"It's okay, I can still climb over with one hand." Zhao Jianfei gritted his teeth.

"You go first!" Lin Rui lifted Zhao Jianfei over his head. Zhao Jianfei climbed up with one hand. The four-meter-high barbed wire fence was not a big problem for him. After Lin Rui waited for him to climb over, he looked around to make sure that there were no traces of blood that could be easily traced. Then he turned over and climbed over the wire fence.

"Where are we going!" Lin Rui took a deep breath and asked Keben while pressing his earphones.

"You have already left the surveillance area, but I can still locate your location through GPS." Cobain whispered, "From now on, keep moving forward. This forest is not very large, but it is dense enough. If you can Find a hiding place nearby, and if it gets dark, you will have a chance to escape."

"Unfortunately, they won't give us time." Lin Rui whispered, "This place will be surrounded soon, and the swat special armed tactical unit will thoroughly search this area."

"Yes, but I still have control of the system. For now, you are safe because I will try to help you in critical moments. Remember, I am with you all the time." Cobain whispered.

"Understood." Lin Rui supported Zhao Jianfei and continued to run forward. They had to run to the relatively safe depths of the woods in the shortest time possible.

At the same time, the defense of the National Academy of Quantico FBI has been completely activated. Americans have locked down the entire area. The Quantico base suffered an armed raid, and the incident was so big that the director of the FBI was alerted. The entire perimeter of the base was blocked, and the FBI and the top Marine Corps officials who were in charge of the incident arrived.

Because the location of the accident is at the National Academy, but the Quantico base is a training base for the United States Marine Corps. After the accident, they quickly organized a temporary joint command department in accordance with the emergency response method.

"Intelligence, I need more intelligence." The FBI officer was shouting with a communicator. "Scale of the battle, casualties. Background and armament of the attackers."

"It's unclear, we killed a few, but most of them escaped, sir," a heavily armed guard reported. "The casualties are still being counted. Only one thing can be confirmed. The location of the initial shootout was in the auditorium and on the roof of the building. The identities of the two sides in the firefight are unknown. They used helicopters and individual missiles."

"Helicopter, and individual anti-aircraft missiles?" The FBI officer was stunned.

"Yes sir, it happened suddenly. We initially thought it was an assault exercise. It wasn't until someone shot down a helicopter with an individual missile that it was not what we thought."

"What about the people on the helicopter?" the FBI officer shouted, "Is he still alive?"

"He was seriously injured and was already dead. But the militant who shot down the helicopter with a missile was killed by us. He didn't have any identification information on him. There is no matching information on his fingerprints. Only this is left." The armed guard moved out. a missile launcher.

The officer of the Marine Corps came over, looked at it and said, "British goods, it seems that the previous information is wrong, these people are not using the Stinger missile, nor the new Stinger modified version. This is the British Starlight missile. "

"British missiles?" the FBI official frowned.

"Yes, and it's the latest, semi-active line-of-sight command system. One of the most advanced missiles of its kind in the 90s, with fast speed, short reaction time, various launch methods, and high probability of single-shot kills." The official frowned. "Maybe you can find the weapon number on the launcher."

"It is This kind of short-range air defense missile is very popular in the market. The top order is likely to be at least 1.5-2 billion pounds, excluding those circulating on the black market. It is difficult to find out." Another FBI agent came over and said, "Whoever carried out the attack must have something to do with arms smuggling."

"Perhaps retaliation. Have we dealt with a large arms smuggling case recently?" the FBI official frowned.

"It could also be Mexican drug lords, against whom we have recently acted."

"It's basically impossible. And even if we did deal with such cases, no one would dare to retaliate against us in this way. This is a blatant challenge to federal law enforcement agencies." The FBI official waved his hands irritably. "We have to come up with a detailed report as soon as possible. This incident has already alarmed the senior management."

"We had a feeling that it wasn't against us, but that two gangs clashed inside the National Academy. One gang was evacuated by helicopter and the second gang pursued. But when our guards stepped in, the second gang People and our armed guards clashed," an FBI agent reported.

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