Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1757: worrying consequences

"What? Government forces attacked Redstone?" The secret society's military adviser, Powell, and the rebel leader looked at each other in surprise. August 1st? Chinese website (1?)??? (1) This is the news they just got. After the rebels' communication was restored, the rebels in Hongshi Town tried their best to contact them.

"We've been tricked, go back, let's go back to Redstone Town!" the rebel leader said angrily.

"Redstone Town is still in our hands, which means that their attack at night was not successful." Powell whispered, "We suffered heavy losses yesterday, so the government troops must have suffered great losses. I think it's better to return to Redstone at this time. Town, it is better to gather forces and capture Leta City." He slammed his fist on the table and said, "This time General Coffey will have no way out."

The rebel leader nodded and said, "Okay, let's attack Leta City."

At the Black Island Military Company in St. Kaiser Island, Michel the Silver Wolf looked at Cobain and said, "Don't you want to say something to me about what happened last night?"

"No, and I don't want to make any excuses for my actions," Cobain replied.

"Do you know what kind of trouble it will bring about invading the U.S. military's command system, or even posing as the U.S. military command to order their drones to be mobilized?" Silver Wolf Michelle looked at him and asked.

"I know." Cobain nodded. "Although my people have handled it very cleanly, I believe the Americans will still find out. We will face big trouble. Again, I'll do it again. Because it's about the lives of hundreds of brothers.

I don't have that ability to live and die with them on the battlefield. But I can repay their trust in me in another way. If the Americans do go after the company, I'll take everything. But I can't watch them die, I'm part of the team. "

Silver Wolf Michelle sighed and said, "Cobain, you are a genius. But the world is not as simple as you think. I admit that if it were me, maybe I would do the same. But now you Really got into a lot of trouble. But it's not just you, it's all of us."

Cobain was stunned.

"If found out, I won't let anyone take this responsibility alone. Because although I'm the boss, I'm also a team member." Silver Wolf smiled slightly, "I just hope you understand this. If you tell me in advance I, I will be very grateful. You asked Lin Rui and others to believe in you, so I also want your trust."

"Boss, what do you mean?" Cobain hesitated.

"Go back and have a rest. Then continue to work. Lin Rui and the others haven't left Anmore yet, that is to say, they have not been out of danger. So you have other important things to do." Silver Wolf Michelle sighed Said, "It's best that this matter is not discovered. If it is discovered, I will take the responsibility. That's why you called my boss."

"Boss!" Cobain exclaimed.

"Okay, let's go back. Thank you for saving them. But I have to think about how to clean up the mess you left behind." Silver Wolf smiled wryly.

"Yes, boss, I knew you were a good person." Cobain nodded and turned away.

Silver Wolf sat on the chair and watched Cobain leave. After a long silence, he sighed in a low voice, "Good people don't live long, how can I be a good person if I can live to this day."

Angel walked in from the outside, looked at Silver Wolf and said, "Have you heard what happened yesterday?"

"Cobain just left. This nerd, came to tell me that he is willing to take responsibility. Can he bear this responsibility?" Silver Wolf shook his head.

Angel whispered, "This is a major event, and no one has ever dared to do this. The Americans will never let it go. They invaded the U.S. military headquarters, pretended to be the commander to send instructions, and mobilized drones to attack. God , I don’t even dare to think about these things. The Pentagon will never allow such a thing to happen.”

"Forty-eight hours." Silver Wolf whispered.

"What?" Angel frowned.

"Within forty-eight hours, the Americans will come here and talk to me. Of course, this is still a conservative estimate." Silver Wolf said slowly.

Angel frowned, "Then what are you going to do?"

"What else can we do, hand over Cobain to them? Do you think it will be useful to hand over Cobain?" Yinlang shook his head and said, "The American side will catch a lot of people who are dissatisfied with us. We have this opportunity. , they will punish us to death."

"You mean, they will cancel our contract and revoke our military contractor qualifications?" Angel frowned.

"It would be great if it were like this. What I worry about is that it will never be so simple." Silver Wolf said in a low voice. "This time the matter is too big, they will definitely take advantage of it. I am afraid that this time Cobain saved Lin Rui and the others, but he killed everyone in the entire company."

"It won't be so serious, will it?" Angel frowned.

"Hopefully not." Silver Wolf walked to the window and whispered while looking at the seascape outside. "By the way, why did you come to find me?"

"The boys from o2 can't sit still. Lin Rui and the actuary have been away for the past few days. They almost quarreled. They flipped the table in the bar on the island just now. I originally wanted you to clean up. Clean them up. Now it seems that your troubles are much bigger than mine." Angel whispered.

"Yeah, Lin Rui is not here, these guys are simply lawless." Silver Wolf gave a wry You go and tell them that I will compensate for the loss from today's fight. In addition, Lin Rui will be back in a few days. They will be honest. "

Angel nodded, "How about Black Panther Gulei?"

"Fighting on multiple fronts, we are exhausted. This time, the secret society has hit us hard. And it was obviously planned after a long period of time. All preparations were fully prepared, and it was out of control." Silver Wolf said in a low voice, "At present, Anmore's war has ended in failure, I just want Lin Rui and the others to be able to withdraw smoothly.

Black Panther Gulei has also been exhausted in the serious conflicts in several other countries. The situation will never be optimistic, and I'm afraid we are going to fail completely this time. "

"Since the defeat is set, are we not..." Angel whispered.

"I know what you want to say, but no, we are bound by a contract. We have to do things when we receive money. The secret society is also aware of us, so we do this. If we let Black Panther Gulei withdraw If we can save the strength of the troops, then our reputation will be discredited. Who else would believe if the employers were left behind by the military companies that fled for their lives? Who else would dare to hire such people?" Yinlang turned around and said, "The circle of military companies is not large. , for us, credibility is life. Mercenaries can lose their lives, but they can't lose their trust."

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