Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 287: Target


"What happened to Ivan and the others, can their radios work?" Lin Rui frowned. ( )

"They are in the mine, and the signal is intermittent. But when we contacted them last time, they said that it went well." Qin Fen frowned, "Nothing should happen, right?"

When he was talking, Ivan had already come out with Peng Lefeng.

"It's finally out, why have you been doing it for so long?" Lin Rui said with a smile, "I thought you were lost in the mine."

"Don't mention it, the two of us have been busy for more than half an hour, placing explosives on all the support points. However, when I think about it, even if the wireless signal is not smooth, it is difficult to detonate remotely, and we can only arrange the fuze, relying on manual operation. It's detonated." Peng Lefeng shook his head and handed him the detonator in his hand.

It's an old-fashioned detonator with a rotating handle, with wires running through it, and an electric detonator to detonate the explosive charge. "This detonator really makes me feel a little bit back to the last century." Lin Rui smiled.

"Make it work, there really is no remote control and timing detonator." Ivan took out another detonator with a wry smile, looked at Lin Rui and said, "Are you ready? You or me first."

"Are you sure we don't have to retreat to a safe distance?" Lin Rui looked at the mine and said, "This thing won't collapse entirely, right?"

Ivan smiled, holding down the handle of the detonator and turning it suddenly. There was a series of muffled noises from the inside of the mine. Lin Rui also pressed the detonator in his hand. This time, all the effective support points in the mine were destroyed by explosives, which directly caused the collapse. Even if the center of the explosion was far away, everyone felt a violent vibration from the ground.

It seems that the internal collapse caused by the explosion is not small, and even the solid mountain has large cracks and loosening. The inner mines appear to be well buried. Coupled with all the miners running away, it is absolutely impossible for this place to resume production within half a year.

"Okay, everything is done." Lin Rui clapped his hands.

"I said, isn't this a gold mine? Should we look for gold everywhere?" Peng Lefeng asked.

Lin Rui smiled and said, "There is nothing wrong with this gold mine, but it is not responsible for smelting gold, but for mining gold ore. If you are interested, you can dig two stones and take them away."

"Oh, **** it. I'm going to get some gold ingots or something as extra money before I leave." Peng Lefeng looked frustrated.

"A warlord like General Demby cares about his immediate interests, and he is too lazy to spend time smelting gold mines. Like diamonds, gold mines here are sold to international buyers as mined raw ore. These buyers are sold at low prices from Dumby got gold and diamonds here, but General Dumby used these ill-gotten gains for arms and weapons. Both get what they need. This is how many warlords in Africa make money." Vitak nodded.

"However they make money, we have to run away. Even the deaf will be shaken by such a loud explosion, and the rebels of the Free Liberation Alliance are not deaf." Ivan waved, "Let's go, let's. "

Kishi nodded, "Ivan is right, we really should go. I suggest that we follow the original plan and go south along Route 7 to attack our next target."

"I can't wait." Lin Rui got into the driveway, "Qin Fen is driving, the actuary will talk about your plan."

The two Humvees flew out of the mining area, the small gold mine behind them was empty, and a large amount of dust from the blasted mine was scattered in the air. Half an hour later, a group of rebels arrived here. Looking at the empty labor camp and the completely collapsed mine, they asked in disbelief, "What's wrong here, is there a labor riot?"

A black man in this camouflage uniform came over, shook his head and said, "This is not a labor riot. If you can check the death status of the guards at the door, you can tell that this is a group of masters who are proficient in special operations. Several people at the door Everyone was killed by one hand, and judging from the shape of the wound, it was a cold weapon such as a knife."

"Colonel." The rebels saluted immediately.

The one who came is none other than Akka, the fourth character of the Free Liberation Alliance. At the same time, he is also the brother-in-law of General Dunby. Although this person is called a colonel, he is mainly responsible for the economic and trade of the rebel organization. The last time his diamond trade in Perata was disrupted by the UFO team. So he was very impressed with this squad.

Akka said coldly, "This is not the method of the Harold government army, it is more like a mercenary. Moreover, the soldiers on the two watchtowers were killed, and they did not even make any calls for help or response. This shows that the other side There is a super sniper in the team. And these melee marks at the door show that they are still proficient in melee combat. They were able to release all the laborers and blow up the mine in such a short time. This is by no means ordinary people can did it."

"The colonel means that this is from the Morningstar Company?" a rebel frowned. "But I heard that the African branch of the Morningstar Company has been disbanded? And all the employees have been expelled."

"Maybe they didn't go. And judging by their tactics, it's likely the elite squad I've encountered. If that's the case, they won't be content with this little gold mine." Akka thought.

"But there is really just such a gold mine here, and there are no important military facilities. Sending such an elite team to blow up a gold mine? What are these people thinking?" The rebels asked with some doubts.

"They are smarter than you think, and they know how to deal with our weaknesses. It was because of them last time that we lost almost all the sources of arms. It will not be an accident that they blow up this gold mine this time, there must be more Other schemes." Akka frowned, "Bring the map here."

"Yes Colonel." A rebel hurriedly took out the map and placed it in front of Akka.

Akka looked at the map and tapped the map with his fingers, "This is where we are, and it's Route 7 outside. Going south on Route 7, is there anything else important? The goal?"

"There are several small cities, and we all have a certain number of garrisoned troops and military fortresses. If this is also an important target." The rebels pointed to the location on the map.

"I'm not referring to military targets, but economic targets." Akka slammed his fist on the table. "There is another medium-sized gold mine near Route 7, the Kenya mining area. Damn, they are important to us. Economic targets. If several of our key resource mines shut down, it would be a fatal blow to our economy.”

"You mean that they mainly attack mines or something? It doesn't sound like a serious matter." The rebels said in amazement.

"You don't understand, this is the most serious incident! The impact of this is far more serious than a direct attack on our military targets. Damn, contact the general immediately, I will report this situation directly to General Dumby! "Aka suddenly turned around and shouted.

...battlefield contract workers


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