Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5232: under the dunes

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Lin Rui thought about it for a while and asked, "How far is that place? If you gather troops now, when will you be able to arrive at the soonest?"

"It's close to the border, and it's got to go through a huge desert. We've got to have vehicle crews and satellite positioning.

And if those terrorists have found a hidden arsenal, they are likely to deploy left-behind personnel there.

I don't think we have enough people, but if there are too many people, we need more preparations to cross the desert with a large group of people. ' replied General Hassan.

"I have the crew of the convoy, but I need you to give me another company. Plus a few guides who are familiar with the local terrain." Lin Rui nodded.

"Okay, I'm afraid one company is not enough, I'll give you two companies." Hassan nodded.

"Two companies?" Lin Rui frowned.

"In case there are too many supplies and arms over there..." Hassan chuckled. "If we don't take it, we can't cheap those terrorists."

Lin Rui smiled, "I said why are you so active? Have you ever thought about what if the warehouse over there has been emptied?"

"Didn't I say that there is more than one warehouse? The secret society has been preparing for so many years. Didn't it mean that several warehouses have been established. If we find these places in advance..." Hassan's mouth couldn't help but grin again.

"Then we have to find it." Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder. "If you really find it, don't try to swallow it alone. You can't have too much appetite."

"That's that, everyone has a share, I am a very fair person, everyone has a share." General Hassan nodded.

At noon, they set off in formation.

According to the previous analysis, the location of this secret warehouse should be near an abandoned small village.

In fact, this kind of village is the site of a nomadic camp. Nomads in the desert rely on herding camels for a living. The vegetation in the desert is sparse, and they can only migrate frequently.

When people stay, this is a small village. But when no one is there, it's a ruined ruin

There are many places like this in the desert. But most of the surrounding area should have water sources. Because it is impossible to survive without water in the desert.

Batansay is such a place. The place name, in the local language, means, a desert weed.

When Lin Rui and others arrived, it was already completely dark. It is not possible to start a search in this state. They had no choice but to camp in Batansay. After dawn, carefully search every location in this area.

Luckily in the desert, it gets dark quickly, but usually the dawn comes too quickly. After a night's rest, the soldiers were full of energy.

Lin Rui asked them to group them. A small group rides a car and conducts a group search.

About an hour later, one of the search teams found anomalies at a location less than five kilometers away from the abandoned village.

Lin Rui and others rushed over immediately.

"What did you find?" Lin Rui walked over and asked.

When one of the soldiers saw Lin Rui coming, he immediately came over to report. "Sir, we found this while patrolling." He pointed to a dilapidated earthen building.

Strictly speaking, it can no longer be regarded as a building, just a building ruin. The roof has collapsed, several broken earth walls are still standing stubbornly on the ground, and the outer wall has been submerged in half by yellow sand.

"Looking at the degree of weathering of the wall, it's at least ten years old. And it looks like it's not an ordinary dwelling at all." Lin Rui touched the outer wall with his hand. "Have you found anything else?"

"Some broken barbed wire was also found over there, all of which have been severely corroded." The soldier nodded.

"The color of this soil wall is the same as the color of the sand here, as if it was made deliberately. With the barbed wire outside, this should be the site where those militants from the secret society pretended to be the oil exploration team." Lin Rui nodded. "Look carefully, the entrance should be nearby. And remember, the entrance should be large."

The mercenaries scattered to search, and after about half an hour, one of the mercenaries found the entrance.

This entrance is a semi-hidden underground hole, because the entire entrance of the hole is hidden under the desert, and there is only one ramp that goes straight up.

It's hard to spot if you're not careful. Because of the sand dunes in desert areas, it is normal to have high and low slopes.

Sergey squatted down and checked, "It should be here, someone has been here recently. There are traces of tire brakes on the ground. It is obvious that someone has opened the door of the bunker. And drove the car in to carry supplies.

These black marks should be left by the brakes when going uphill, which means that there is more than one car.

Because under normal circumstances, the normal uphill will not brake halfway. Unless there is a car ahead, to avoid rear-end collisions, the brakes will be applied on the way uphill. The short brake marks left behind can be wiped off with just a few months of wind and sand.

The brake marks that can still be seen clearly must have been visited within a month. It looks like it should be here. "

In the morning, Lin Rui patted the closed door with his hand, "Can you open it?"

"It's pretty normal. Give me two minutes to finish it." Sergey put the lockpicking kit in front of him, and began to pick the lock carefully.

Sergey is a true lockpicking expert, he is skilled and efficient at unlocking.

And when he concentrates on unlocking, it becomes very quiet, leaving only ten dancing fingers and a few tools that move between the fingers.

Lin Rui learned most of his lock-picking skills from him, and he usually likes to watch him unlock locks.

In normal times Sergey is a little thief who complains all day long but only when it comes to unlocking. The guy didn't say a word, but his movements were an artist's, his fingers were almost dancing.

Soon, with a "click", the door opened.

Sergey put away the tools in his hand, turned to look at Lin Rui and said, "Who is advanced?"

"You go first." Lin Rui made a gesture, "Be careful, watch out for traps."

Sergey nodded, "You all follow me, don't walk around. The situation inside may be complicated, terrorists have come here.

They are known to be the best at setting roadside bombs. We have to be careful, maybe they set a trap down below. "

After speaking, Sergey picked up the gun and slowly opened the door.

He was very alert, the door was only halfway open, and he randomly reached out to test the back of the door.

Terrorists are very good at these simple traps with simple tripwires and grenades. In the Middle East, there are many reckless American soldiers who have used this routine and lost their arms and legs.

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