Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5268: Dangerous desert island

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"There are only a dozen people, how dare they board the American warship to rescue the hostages?" Yelena shook her head. "This is impossible."

"Because it's just an outpost, they've set up an outpost here. Everyone here is to control Cobain and his team of hackers.

And leveraged Cobain and his team to provide technical assistance throughout the operation. Invade the U.S. military system and disarm the warning. They are not directly involved in the rescue, but provide maximum assistance to the rescue force. "Lin Rui whispered.

"It makes sense, they are a support team here. Because it is too slow for the operational team members involved in the terrorist rescue to launch an attack from here.

It is very likely that a seaplane is used to fly at an ultra-low altitude close to the sea level, and land on the sea surface at a safe distance from the base to avoid the base radar.

A dozen people is definitely not enough. I estimate that at least three teams are needed, and the number of commandos is more than 20 to 30 people.

The secret society members here are actually just technical support teams. They should have established a permanent camp somewhere on the island. It is used to provide communication information technology technical support for this rescue mission. That's why they need Cobain. ' Sergey nodded.

"So, we have to go deep into the jungle and find them." Lin Rui said in a low voice.

"I have to get into the woods again. What I fear most in my life is the tropical jungle." Sergey couldn't help shaking his head. "Giant mosquitoes, blood-sucking leeches, and poisonous snakes and bullet ants, but I can't get rid of them all the time."

"Then shut up and don't make any noise." Lin Rui turned his head and said. "The enemy is hiding in the dark, we are in the light. If you don't want to die, just turn off your voice."

Sergey closed his mouth angrily, picked up his weapon and walked ahead with Lin Rui.

Solomon Atoll has been deserted since the local residents evacuated, and it was reclassified as a nature reserve in the 1980s.

Due to being far from the mainland, inaccessible to people, and with the right climate, the entire island has almost been wrapped in vegetation.

However, this also gave Lin Rui and the others the best chance to track them. If the Militants of the Secret Society have come to this island, they will definitely leave their mark on the way forward.

Lin Rui is very good at tracking, because his jungle tracking skills are learned from Quentin, who is a master in wilderness survival and stealth tracking.

Soon Lin Rui stopped at a certain jungle location.

"Why didn't you leave?" Sergey turned to him and asked.

"It's not this way, you should go the other side." Lin Rui waved to him. "Come and see this."

Lin Rui picked up a piece of vine plant from the ground and pointed to the incision above, "This is the mark of cutting with a sharp weapon, a very sharp jungle knife. Because these plants are almost the size of a thumb, from the incision, it is cut with a single knife. of.

Except for jungle machetes and some heavier knives, ordinary pocket knives will not have this effect. "

"The jungle machete is used to open the way, but there doesn't seem to be any road they have traveled around. There is no trace at all." Sergey was a little strange.

"Come and see these..." Lin Rui pulled a handful of surrounding shrubs and vines with his hands, and even pulled out a few small trees from the soil, and put them under his nose to smell them.

"The plants here are obviously not passive. Is there anything unusual?" Sergey was a little strange.

"Urban terrain, you are a good player. But in the jungle, you are far behind." Lin Rui raised the plant in his hand that he had just pulled up to him.

"Look carefully at the rhizome of the plant." Lin Rui whispered, "Although the roots have grown, it is easy to see the incision below.

This is a very easy-to-live tropical plant, and there are many similar species in Africa. Just cut off a section and insert it in the soil, and it will take root in two or three days, and their vines will grow. It will quickly entangle the surrounding plants.

This creates the illusion that the road has never been walked, but look closely, these slightly dry cuts.

I estimate that such an incision will not take more than a week, and it may only be a few days.

Someone passed from here and doesn't want others to know. So I cut down some of these plants and inserted them in the dirt nearby.

In just a few days, the vines will tangle the surrounding shrubs into a ball that looks like it's never been trampled on. "

"These guys are really cunning." Sergey said in surprise. "I almost got scammed by them."

"The old trick of the guerrillas in the tropical jungle, let alone you. Many government troops have suffered this way. If you go down the same path as you just now, it is very likely to trigger the mines they laid." Lin Ruiyao shook his head.

"Mine?" Sergey was taken aback.

"It's probably not a powerful mine, but a small infantry anti-personnel mine. But as long as a mine is triggered, it is equivalent to triggering an alarm." Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder. "Come on, we still have a lot of work to do."

Lin Rui led the team members to follow the footsteps on the newly discovered path.

But soon he stopped again, made a stop gesture, and squatted on the ground to observe.

"What's the matter? There won't be any landmines, right? I'll bring the sausage guy here." Sergey said nervously.

"No, no need. This is the passage they reserved. It leads directly to the ship by the sea. It should be suitable for emergency evacuation. Therefore, there can be no landmines on this road. It is necessary to prevent their own people from making mistakes in the panic. Touch." Lin Rui shook his head.

"So what happened?" Sergey asked curiously.

Lin Rui held him down and said in a low voice, "Don't look up. Have you noticed that the plants in front of you are relatively and not very high."

"It seems to be a bit." Sergey whispered.

"If it were me, I would definitely arrange a guard post at a certain commanding height in front to monitor this area.

Because the surrounding trees seem to have been consciously cleaned, the height is reduced. If we go straight over like this, at that angle over there, just have a sniper with a gun. We pass through this area and become his target.

So what we need now is not sausage, but Yelena or Eric. "Lin Rui whispered.

"Damn, I almost fell for it again." Sergey cursed and called the snipers in the team through the radio.

Eric was behind, so Yelena arrived after hearing the news.

She bent down and moved quickly to Lin Rui's side. As a sniper, she is quite sensitive to the surrounding conditions. As soon as she enters this area, she immediately lowers her body.

"What's the situation?" Yelena looked at Lin Rui and asked in a low voice.

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