Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5502: big money

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The process of Lin Rui and others covering the evacuation went smoothly. After deciding to evacuate, Hammer did not hesitate, but quickly issued an evacuation order.

A large number of Autonomous Allied troops broke into pieces and fled. Only a small number of troops were left to resist and retreat under cover.

Lin Rui and others formed a small convoy of five cars and evacuated to the east.

Along the way, they issued warning requests. Aladdin's people guarded them along the way, and notified them as soon as there was any trace of the Orumi Federal Army.

Lin Rui and others changed their routes according to the warnings they received to effectively avoid them. So on the way, they were in a hurry.

Arrived at the designated pick-up point smoothly.

designated contact point. It is in a small town in the federal border region of Oromi. The neighbouring country is only a few kilometers away.

In most African countries, borders are almost optional. The locals don't care so much, they roam around in several countries at will, and no one can control them.

Because most African countries have nomads. They have continued this way of life long before these countries became independent from each other's colonies.

It is also difficult for African countries to ban them. Besides, most African countries have limited military strength, and it is impossible to station the entire border completely.

Therefore, in many cases, ordinary people near the border are almost free to travel. On the contrary, they are soldiers. Due to their limited status, they cannot enter the territory of other countries.

Otherwise, it will cause a lot of trouble. After all, when the armed forces enter the territory of other countries, the meaning is different.

This thing is placed on the common people, which is to respect traditions and communicate freely. Put it on a soldier, that's an armed invasion.

Therefore, the armed resistance groups in most African countries will choose to operate on the border.

As soon as the wind picked up, they ran to neighboring countries, and the government army could not do anything about them. It is impossible to pursue a cross-border pursuit, which is going to trigger an international dispute.

It was Aladdin's subordinate who was in charge of responding to Lin Rui and others.

This man does not look like a combat fighter no matter where he looks from it.

It's more like a businessman, a white, plump white man in his forties with a kind face.

"Mr. Rick, you finally arrived safely." The man smiled and greeted him. "I'm Mr. Aladdin's subordinate. You can call me George."

Lin Rui nodded to him, "Hello George, we have complied with the agreement and brought the hammer and most of his subordinates here.

But there were also some people who stayed to resist and did not retreat by the way. I'm afraid these people will never come back. "

"There is always a loss in war." George nodded. "This is Mr. Hammer, right? I have long admired the name."

Hammer shook hands with George. "Mr. Aladdin has helped us a lot before. I've always wanted to thank him."

"Of course, and you'll have a chance soon. Mr. Aladdin is my boss, ostensibly an arms dealer.

Of course, the illegal kind. But in reality, he's more of an angel investor.

Likes to spend a lot of money on people he values. Mr. Hammer is very appreciated by him, so I guess it won't be long before he will come to see you in person. "George smiled.

"Okay, even if the matter here is over, I will leave the person to you, and I will not care about the rest." Lin Rui looked at George and said, "I still have a lot of things to deal with."

"Oh, of course. I also forgot to congratulate Mr. Rick! He has successfully become the new president of the Mercenary Alliance.

Mr. Rick, you are a hot new star in the mercenary world, and you are a popular fried chicken.

You're bound to have a lot of work to do at this stage, but I think you'll definitely want to take a look at this one. "George took his mobile computer and turned the screen over to show Lin Rui.

"What is this?" Lin Rui frowned slightly.

"Transfer record. About the part of the stolen money that we shared equally with the secret society. In addition to what Mr. Rick deserved, Mr. Aladdin's share has also been transferred to your name." George nodded with a smile, "You can Take a look."

Lin Rui nodded, "If I didn't know, I thought you were a bank manager."

"I'm not talented, it's the bank manager." George smiled, "I specifically serve Mr. Aladdin.

Mr. Aladdin knew that after Mr. Rick became the president of the mercenary alliance, he would definitely show his strength recently.

There must be an urgent need for a large amount of money, so he entrusted me to transfer the money to you, Mr. Rick, in time.

In addition, he also asked me to convey a word to Mr. Rick, if there are any financial problems. Please be sure to inform him.

He will try to meet any request for funding or weaponry. "

"This is true. We are preparing to expand the scale in the next step. I am afraid there are still many places to trouble him." Lin Rui nodded.

"No, no, no need to trouble Aladdin at all. If Mr. Rick has any needs, you can contact me directly, and I will take care of it.

As we all know, I am very efficient. "George nodded with a smile.

"Aladdin's subordinates really have all kinds of talents." Kuima shook his head, "I think that guy is a very shrewd businessman. Whoever he thinks is valuable, he will invest in him.

This time he is completely optimistic about us. "

"Being favored by him and getting his help comes at a price." Lin Rui sighed, "Aladdin never gives favors in vain, but usually he will clearly tell you the price.

You get help from him and what kind of return he needs.

And the longer this reward is delayed, the more I am afraid to pay at that time.

He doesn't actually care about the hammer, but he is interested in the resistance organization founded by the hammer.

That's why he helped Hammer at all costs. Our situation is the same.

We and the Secret Society are on the same needs our assistance and to deal with the Secret Society. That's why he is so generous to us.

Well, things are almost done here, we should go. "

"I said how could Aladdin be so generous? Voluntarily gave up such a large sum of money. This is equivalent to the company's profit for several years." Sergey also nodded, "The boss got such a large sum of money, what are you going to do? what?"

"This is what we will do next." Lin Rui nodded, "Now that Trident is the chief company of the alliance, we have to be more like a chief company in terms of scale and other aspects.

So I decided to expand the scale and recruit more people.

Also I plan to use the money to build a temporary base. It's expensive, but I think it's necessary.

We want to build a site that can develop stably for a long time, like Hei Dao.

In other words, find a place for our brothers in Africa. "

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