Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5508: no surprise

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That night, Narza and his men left with Black Pearl Betty.

Lin Rui and others returned to downtown Cairo and continued to stay at the hotel.

Just when they just returned to the hotel room, someone came to visit soon.

There was a knock on Lin Rui's door. When he walked over to open the door, he found a middle-aged white man in his fifties standing outside the door. He was a short, fat middle-aged white man with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.

It looks like the kind of ordinary person who can't be found when thrown in the crowd.

But Lin Rui knew that this person was by no means ordinary.

The man with glasses nodded to Lin Rui, "Mr. Rick?"

"I think you've got the wrong person." Lin Rui shook his head.

"Oh, by the way, the name on your passport is now Felton." The middle-aged man smiled, "But I don't think we need to play such tricks. I know who you are, and you don't need to be admit."

Lin Rui looked at him, "Well, what if you know my true identity?"

"Not so good. With all due respect, Mr. Rick, you're in a pretty bad situation right now." The man with glasses glanced at him. "Don't you want to invite me in? Maybe we should have a good chat."

"I don't think I have anything to talk about with you." Lin Rui shook his head.

"Don't be impatient. Mr. Rick, I came to see you in person just to avoid trouble.

I can go the other way if you want. Let the Egyptian police come and take you away, and we'll find a place to talk.

But I don't think it's necessary, Mr. Rick is a smart guy who has seen the world. You should know, I'm not kidding. ' The man with glasses nodded and held out his hand to him.

Lin Rui shook hands with him as a friendly gesture. "Okay, yes, I'm Rick. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Lin Rui looked at the other party. "Maybe you should introduce yourself."

"Almost forgot to introduce myself, Angus Klimans. The head of the French intelligence service in Egypt." The man with glasses nodded with a smile.

Coming to the room, the two sat down with each other. Chrisman looked at Lin Rui, "Mr. Rick is just as rumored, young, promising, and very courageous."

"But I haven't heard any rumors about you." Lin Rui looked at the other party calmly.

Chrisman smiled, "People like us live out of the public eye. Unlike Mr. Rick, you are a real person."

"It makes sense, then tell me, what do you need me to do? Since you know my identity, you should understand, what do I do?

Although I don't cooperate very much with the intelligence services, as long as you can afford the money, there is nothing wrong with it. "Lin Rui poured a cup of coffee and handed it to the other party.

Chrisman took the coffee and nodded politely. "Mr. Rick, I'm afraid you've gotten into a lot of trouble.

I don't know if you're pretending you don't know, or you're pretending and don't care. But I can tell you it's a big hassle.

About eight hours ago, a batch of nuclear materials entrusted by the International Atomic Energy Agency was robbed in broad daylight.

Several UN officials and French military personnel were killed and wounded. This matter has been classified as a terrorist attack. Does Mr. Rick know about this? "

Lin Rui nodded, "I've heard some, it seems that it's on the news, and it's a big mess."

"But some details were not disclosed in the news." Chrisman stared at Lin Rui, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Oh, what are the details?" Lin Rui's expression remained unchanged.

"The process of handover and transportation of nuclear materials is highly confidential and cannot be accessed by ordinary people at all. A French official disappeared mysteriously before the accident, and when we found him, he was already dead.

And this person is one of the few people who hold this secret. We didn't reveal this in the news.

And more importantly, the man's wife is currently also in Cairo. The hotel she stayed in was exactly this hotel, and it was on this floor.

As far as I know, when the official's wife checked into the hotel, you happened to be on the same floor of the hotel.

I wonder, is this a coincidence? In other words, it was all premeditated. Chrisman looked at Lin Rui and said slowly.

Lin Rui was not surprised at all, "It's not surprising that this hotel is very popular. It receives many tourists from abroad every day."

Chrisman smiled, "And according to our investigation, the official's wife is a journalist by profession.

After she returned to the hotel, she disappeared mysteriously. During this time, you and your companions have left the hotel.

According to the memory of the waiter at the time, you and your companions left with a lot of luggage, including a large suitcase large enough to hold people.

Don't you have anything to explain about this? "

"It seems that you have already doubted me. Since you have already doubted, will you still believe me if I explain it again?" Lin Rui smiled.

"It's hard to say. What does Mr. Rick do? We know very well. And we know that Mr. Rick is a tough character.

Also, regarding your company's reputation, it's not very good. "Chrisman smiled.

"All private military companies don't have a good reputation. In fact, we exist to give our customers a good reputation.

Under such circumstances, we certainly cannot have a good reputation.

Mr. Krisman, what are you trying to say, you might as well just say it. "Lin Rui nodded.

"Then I'll tell the truth. I suspect that you participated in the kidnapping of that lady, and that it has a direct relationship with this nuclear material robbery incident." Chrisman stared at Lin Rui and said.

"This is a bit ridiculous." Lin Rui shook his You said just now that you characterized this incident as a terrorist attack. And everyone knows that our Trident company has a good reputation in Africa.

I have personally participated in the African Anti-Terrorism Coalition and have assisted the operations of the six-nation Anti-Terrorism Coalition.

Recently we have received unanimous praise in the Western Sahara War on Terrorism. The King of Morocco even honored me for it.

And the terrorist organization in Africa, in order to kill me, offered a high reward.

Now you suspect that I have a connection with the terrorists who helped them rob the nuclear material entrusted by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Does it seem a little too absurd to be connected? "

Chrisman sighed, "It does seem contradictory to connect everything.

But as far as I know, you private military companies are not loyal to anyone. among you in your contract.

So you can eliminate terrorists for money, and you can also help these terrorists for money. "

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