Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5675: key strategy

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After waiting for a few hours, Eric sent the information.

"Bluefin has received an order from General Albayt to hand over all intelligence information about this large-scale military operation to the Somali Youth Army.

The information has already arrived in the hands of Bluefin, but it has not been sent out so far.

According to the previous agreement, he informed us in advance. What are we going to do next? "Eric looked at Lin Rui.

Lin Rui nodded, "So Bluefin has kept its promise. After receiving the order of General Albert, let us know as soon as possible."

"This intelligence is quite deadly, and General Albayt disclosed our operational deployment to the Somali Youth Army.

And also developed a corresponding countermeasure plan for them. The plan mentioned how to focus on attacking us.

This time, they used far more than 4,000 troops, but a full 7,000.

In addition, in addition to Somalia, the youth armed forces in the south. They also plan to recall part of the youth army that was originally on the Nigerian border.

This is almost tens of thousands of troops. What's more, this unit also has heavy weapons. "Eric Hui reported.

"The Somali youth army has heavy weapons? This was not mentioned in the previous report." Lin Rui was a little strange.

"It also starts with Eritrea, a small country that split from Ethiopia in 1993.

From 1998 to 2000, the two sides also fought a war over a border dispute. Out of the need to fight against Ethiopia, Ecuador provided a lot of weapons and funds to the Somali Youth Army at that time.

Therefore, the Somali Youth Army has never been a simple terrorist militia. Unlike those petty terrorists, they are armed with heavy weapons. "

Lin Rui nodded, "If we are really an anti-terrorist force, this is a major threat to us.

It's a pity that Albert also underestimated us. We are not some counterterrorism force. We are a group of war eaters. "

"This Albert has worked hard to deal with us. He needs more than 4,000 troops as bait to attack us.

In addition, more than 6,000 people were arranged to launch a side attack on us from another direction. This unit also has rocket artillery and other offensive weapons.

If we really follow his plan, we will inevitably suffer a big loss even if we have been prepared. "The actuary looked Kishi at the information sent by Eric.

Eric nodded, "Now Bluefin is waiting for our news, and he will reply as we need him to.

Maybe we can use this to trick the Somali youth army. "

"I think it's okay. If Bluefin wants to change this plan and use a fake plan to deceive the Somali youth army, there is a certain risk. It is also easy to be detected by Albert.

So what I mean is, let Bluefin do what Albert wants. Now that we've figured out, Albayt is really setting us up.

With that, I know what to do. You go back and tell Bluefin to do exactly what Albert wants.

We'll take care of other things ourselves. "Lin Rui nodded.

Eric agreed and turned to contact Bluefin.

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Kuaima asked while looking at Lin Rui.

"We are working for the Yankees now. There are some tricky things, why do we need to do it ourselves?" Lin Rui smiled.

He walked to the desk and picked up the electronic map. "This is an approximate battlefield situation, and according to Albert's plan, he will deploy us here.

Let us organize our defenses here to stop the main force of the Somali youth army.

Then, he deliberately delayed the advance of the Somali National Army on both flanks. Put all the pressure of the Somali Al-Shabaab on our line.

At the same time, he will let another Somali al-Shabaab force flank us from this position. And use heavy weapons to bombard our defenses.

If this is the case, their artillery units will most likely be deployed within this area. "

Lin Rui drew a circle on the electronic map with his hand, "Considering the range of the rocket launcher, it should be this range."

The actuary nodded Kishi, "It should be, it won't be much worse."

"Actually, it's not difficult to deal with. Although we lack heavy weapons, we still have an ace. What do you think?" Lin Rui looked at everyone.

"What?" Khan asked.

"Yankee. There are drones in the American military bases in Djibouti. How long do you think the Somali Youth Army's positions will be exposed to drone fire?" Lin Rui smiled.

"That's a good idea. But the Yankees may not listen to us, right? Do we let them send drones and they will be obedient?" Sausage couldn't help asking.

"It's not the same. The Americans have already paid a lot to deal with the Somali youth army. This time if we give them the coordinates of the Somali youth army artillery positions.

The Yankees are going to go find them and blow them up. As long as we give them information and coordinates. Yankees don't give up. "Lin Rui winked at him.

"That means they have heavy weapons, but we have air support." Sergey nodded.

"That's right, and in Albert's mind, we're just going to stay here. Because that's the defensive line he gave us.

But in fact, I want him to know what it is, will be outside, and Jun Ling will not accept it.

I will not stick to the rules and stay here. In the beginning, of course, we would put on a pretense and make a stubborn posture.

But in fact, we didn't wait for the fight to start, so we completely emptied this and then led the team to ambush here. Focus on attacking the flanks.

In conjunction with the drone bombing of the Yankees, it directly hit the Somali youth army on the flank. "Lin Rui nodded.

"You mean we give up the defense line and fully move to this position?" Sergey was looking at the map.

"That's right. That way we'll be able to completely disrupt all the deployments of the Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

Originally they were going north, but they were actually going to concentrate on destroying us.

What do you think they would do if they found out we weren't there? "

"Under normal circumstances, they would continue to push north. But their purpose is obviously not here. Their purpose is to cause a lot of damage to us, not to siege the city.

I think they should keep looking for us. "Sergey looked at the map.

"That's right. Now you are talking about the key." Lin Rui stood up and smiled, "This is the key to our battle."

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