Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 586: fake order

"Do you really want them to withdraw?" Jason looked at Lin Rui with some puzzlement, "They managed to sneak in. It's too dangerous for them to enter and exit under the enemy's eyes. Why don't they just wait for a chance?"

"No, if they wear it for another minute, they will be in danger for another minute. Once they are exposed, the entire operation will fail." Lin Rui whispered, "Keep an eye on the door. If they are exposed, the whole operation will fail." Really exposed, we have to contain the fire and get them out."

For the next twenty minutes, Lin Rui was almost extremely nervous. He knew that once the team members had problems evacuating, not only would all previous efforts be in vain, but it would be even more difficult to carry out similar actions in the future.

However, their luck was good. Jiang An and the rest of the team skillfully avoided the searchlights and patrols, and successfully withdrew from the enemy's garrison.

He sank the shore like water, shook his head to Lin Rui and said, "We failed."

"It's not a complete failure, at least they didn't find you. And through this infiltration, we already have a certain understanding of the enemy's defense loopholes. In short, let's evacuate here first." Lin Rui lowered his head and avoided the distant sweep. The searchlight came, lowered his voice and said, "It's too unsafe here, let's retreat into the woods first."

Back in the jungle, all the players were silent. They all knew that today was their best chance, and they had done it flawlessly in preparation for infiltration and attack. It is a pity that the main goal was missed, making this operation only unsuccessful. It's like a punch with all your strength, but it didn't hit the opponent, but it hit the air. How can this feeling not be frustrating?

"Don't be so bored, we still have something to gain today. At least you went in smoothly and found out the inside of the enemy's headquarters." Lin Rui smiled and said, "The most important thing is that we didn't expose, they still Didn't know we were here. So we still have a chance."

"But there aren't many opportunities left for Surya and the others." Jiangan said in a low voice.

"I understand, I am as anxious as you are. But the more we are at this time, the more we can't be chaotic and panic. We can't think about other things now, and we must concentrate all our energy on the current action." Lin Rui Shen He said, "All of you, tell me why our operation failed this time."

Wang Haoze shook his head and said, "This is an accidental situation. Who would have thought that several important people are not at the headquarters. It can only be said that our luck is too bad."

"It's not bad luck." Jiangishi took a deep breath and said, "It seems that bad luck is an accident, but it actually exposed the problem of our lack of intelligence. If we knew in advance about the white scorpion and several other major military officers, When and where will it appear, the action will not be as blind as it is now. At least we will not have a situation like this in vain.”

"In combat operations, it is unreasonable to not know the location of the mission target. But we have nothing to do now, and there are no people in the government army, how can we know when the white scorpion will appear in Where? So the failure of this mission doesn't mean anything." Yelena shook her head.

Lin Rui shook his head, "No, this just shows the problem. The problem is the lack of intelligence, which prevents our operations from getting effective intelligence support. But I have a new idea that may be useful."

"What do you think?" Jiangishi asked with interest.

"Since we can't grasp the dynamics of the enemy, why can't we take the initiative to guide their dynamics?" Lin Rui said slowly.

Jason was puzzled and said, "Guide the enemy's dynamics? You mean, we guide the White Scorpion and other key officers?"

"Yes." Lin Rui nodded.

"This is too difficult, how could he be guided by us. Besides, how to guide them? We are only six people, do we still take the initiative to show up to attract their attention?" Park Dong-sang frowned.

"Of course not. White Scorpion will not be guided by us, but he will not refuse to accept the leadership of President McGlen." Lin Rui said calmly, "I have carefully studied the information provided to us by Cobain, which mentioned White Scorpion is likely to have served in the Russian army. And this person is very cautious, pays attention to details, and does many things very detailed. This can also be seen from the defensive layout of his garrison."

"Rick, what are you trying to say. Or do you already have a plan?" Jason looked at Lin Rui and said.

Lin Rui nodded, "I think so. As a military advisor, White Scorpion is employed by President McGlen. If he receives an order from the government military, he will definitely execute it. If we give him Issue a fake order."

Jiangan was slightly startled, and frowned, "You mean to lure the enemy with false orders and make him give up attacking the front line of the railway bridge? Use this method to reduce the pressure on the National Liberation Organization on the other side of the railway bridge."

"No, because this is the general strategy they have already set. If the order is really like this, he will definitely be suspicious, and he will definitely try to verify it. He may even ignore the order and take down the railway bridge." Lin Rui said slowly, "The fake order we gave him must be realistic. Let him have no doubts."

"How?" Jason asked with interest.

"Their military communications are no different from other African backward are mainly wired and wireless telephone communications. If we can infiltrate their quarters again, with a little trick, we can easily invade them The communication system." Lin Rui said slowly, "Then we issued false orders through their internal communication."

"What kind of order?" Masaki frowned.

"Let's just say that the black panther Gu Lei has already led his troops to advance from the east, trying to cut off his troops in the middle. Let him call out the shrinking troops and strengthen the defense on the east side." Lin Rui looked at the map and pondered, "This way If so, he can't be suspicious at all."

Looking at the map, Kishi nodded and said, "There is indeed such a possibility. If the Black Panther Gulei and Dekal's troops are diverted and outflanked from the east to the middle, it can indeed reduce the defensive pressure of the middle railway bridge. However, corresponding to In this action, White Scorpion may have two reactions. One is to speed up the breakthrough in the middle and take the railway bridge before the black panther Gulei arrives. The second is to increase troops to defend the east side to avoid the black panther Gulei's attack plan on his middle. have influence on."

"Yes, and for these two options, he has to do one thing." Lin Rui said slowly, "Re-deploy the troops. With Bai Scorpion's cautious habit, he will definitely hold a military meeting in person. Arrange all the details. I This is what I want."


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