Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 597: the meaning of family

? Lin Rui and Jiangan returned to his hometown, an ordinary small town. Like most counties in winter, it is withered and cold. There are many high-rise buildings and beautiful cars on the streets, but the streets of the old city are run down and have no dignity. The people here come across as frank and slouchy, self-defeating like a block.

Lin Rui found his grandfather in the nursing home, but he could only watch from a distance. Because Lin Rui didn't know what kind of identity he should use to meet him. In a high-standard nursing home, the system is very strict. In addition to relatives, visitors need to register their identity. And Lin Rui didn't even have a way to prove his kinship, and he didn't want to leave any traces that would attract attention.

So, he just walked into his grandfather's room alone and left Kishi outside.

The old man on the bed was so thin that his heart ached. His grandfather was still confused, repeating these broken words that had no connection with each other. He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the old man's wrinkled face again. But it was stretched halfway, and it was retracted, just to help grandpa to cover the quilt.

He stood in the ward for more than an hour at a time. When he came out, he seemed lost.

Kishi supported him and whispered, "How is it?"

Lin Rui shook his head, "He is still in a coma, I want to go to the doctor to ask about the situation."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Jiangan nodded.

Lin Rui pushed open the door of the office and found the doctor in charge. Ask him directly about his grandfather.

"You are talking about Mr. Lin, who are you?" The doctor looked at the two young people strangely.

"Family." Lin Rui whispered, "How is his current condition?"

"To be honest, it's not optimistic." The doctor sighed. "Mr. Lin's health is very poor. During the physical examination, he was found to have cancer, coupled with a variety of chronic diseases of the elderly. We have thought of many ways. Due to our limited strength, we even transferred him to a hospital for treatment. But the situation is not the case. It's ideal. As a family member, I'm afraid it's hard to accept. But I can only say that his time is running out, and I'm sorry."

"Is there no other way?" Lin Rui whispered.

"Tomorrow he will be transferred to the hospital again for chemotherapy. We really tried our best. Even if it is conservatively estimated, his time will not exceed two weeks." The doctor shook his head regretfully. "Maybe you should accompany him more and try to let him finish his last days."

Lin Rui's heart gradually sank. Although he had been prepared before, hearing the news with his own ears still made him a little unbearable. Jiangan saw that his mood was wrong, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Lin Rui, let's go out first."

Lin Ruiqiang said goodbye to the doctor calmly, then walked outside and took a deep breath.

Jiangan looked at him and said, "Don't be sad, at least you are still by his side now."

"You won't understand." Lin Rui shook his head, "You may not know it yet, I decided to follow the silver wolf in order to give him a better life. From the freezing cold West Siberia to the Hot black Africa, no matter how difficult the situation I encounter, I always feel that there is something supporting me to live. But now, I suddenly feel that this spiritual support is suddenly about to collapse. I don't know what to do what to do?"

"Lin Rui, you need to calm down. Our family members will leave us at the end. This is a process, and we should learn to adapt. It may not be used at the beginning, but it will gradually adapt over time." Jiang Shore is helpless.

"You won't understand. You have been abroad since you were a child. Except for your skin color and hair, you are fundamentally an American." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "You don't understand China, and you won't understand the Chinese people's heart. No. I will understand the Chinese understanding of family."

"I understand, Lin Rui. Chinese people are an obsession in the hearts of overseas Chinese. No matter where we are or what nationality passports we have in our arms, we still think we are Chinese. There is no one in the world. We value the meaning of family more than we do. But we have no way to keep anyone. Children will leave home when they grow up, and old people will gradually die. Life and death are not mourning, but normal." Jiangan shook his head and said, "It depends on how we Just treat."

"You know? I was standing in front of my grandfather's bed just now, and I couldn't even reach out and touch him, because I always felt like I was covered in blood and gunpowder. I don't think he would like this, he probably wouldn't like me using Touch him with a **** hand. Maybe I shouldn't have left two years ago." Lin Rui muttered.

"But you still left. You left for him, and now you are back for him. Even if your hands are bloody, you are still his grandson. Never betray each other, this is the meaning of family." He patted him and said, "Let's go, soon those who are following will find us. I don't think you are willing to lead them here. As for your grandfather, we can come back tomorrow."

Lin Rui nodded, turned and walked out of the nursing home.

In mss's office, Qin Chuan frowned after receiving the phone call, "What? Those two people disappeared for two hours, and they came back to your sight just now? Are you all eating dry food? Didn't he stay here? Have you got your phone number, haven't you tracked it?"

"Qin team, we were misled. Today they took a taxi out of the hotel, and then dropped their mobile phone into the taxi. We tracked the mobile phone for half a circle in the city and found out. When we came back, they were actually in the hotel. Call the taxi company and retrieve the mobile phone." The person sent to monitor said helplessly.

"You were discovered again?" Qin Chuan frowned and said This time we are far away, so there should be no. They may go to the city hospital tomorrow, though. "The Watcher whispered," heard one of our team members walking past them. "

"Hospital?" Qin Chuan frowned, "Are they sick? Or are they going to visit a certain patient? Go check that hospital immediately."

"An investigation is already underway. But it is a large hospital, and it may be difficult to systematically investigate without attracting attention."

Qin Chuan sneered, "Do you want me to teach you how to do it? Before the afternoon, I want you to get all the information of all the inpatients, and check them one by one to see if there is any connection between them and Lin Rui.

I asked you to monitor, but you didn't do well in monitoring. This time I asked you to check the data, you won't even be able to check the data, will you? If you can't do something that an ordinary household registration policeman from the countryside would do, then leave as soon as possible and leave the ninth bureau. I don't care for idlers here. "

He dropped the phone hard, frowning. "What the **** are these two boys doing?"


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