Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6156: Negotiation place

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Negotiation location

The official negotiating place for the Anmore and Oromi federations is in Chania, a city on the ceasefire line between the two sides. This is a negotiating place acceptable to both sides under the mediation of the African Union, not far from the garrison of both sides. Moreover, according to the temporary ceasefire agreement, this area is currently a vacuum zone where neither side has garrisoned troops. Only the UN peacekeeping force is on duty here to maintain regional security.

It is also home to the United Nations Federal Mission in Oromi.

Due to the mixed situation of the two ethnic groups in this city, when General Kassan's motorcade entered the city, they were treated in two extremely different ways. The Anmor people greeted each other and celebrated. The local Oromi people shouted Confederate traitors and murderers, swearing at each other and spitting on the motorcade. On the day of entering the city, there were many riots in the city. All over the city, there were no less than a dozen times of collective fighting and **** clashes between Anmor and Orumi.

Lin Rui calmly watched the crowd of people surging outside the convoy. While notifying the convoy ahead to step up their vigilance and reporting all suspicious situations along the convoy's route, he carefully observed the surroundings.

"Chania, I've been here before." General Kasan looked out of the car. "It was much stronger then than it is now."

"A war is enough to set back the development of a region for decades. This is not an alarmist." Lin Rui said slowly, "The funds originally used for development and construction were used as military expenses, and a large number of young and middle-aged laborers were sent to the battlefield. The destruction of various industries and infrastructure by China is enough to make a prosperous city decline. Especially under the repressive rule of the ultra-nationalism of the Oromi Federation, which deliberately incites ethnic hatred, this situation will be more serious.”

"This is only one aspect. What I didn't expect was that the originally stable race relations would come to this point." Kassan sighed.

"It's inevitable." The actuary said slowly.

Lin Rui's communicator suddenly rang, and the convoy in front reported that a group of Oromi federations broke through the cordon set up by the peacekeeping force, blocked the road, armed with sticks and sharp weapons, and smashed the convoy ahead.

"How many people are there?" Lin Rui asked immediately.

"Hundreds of people are trying to block the convoy. And there may be more and more. The road ahead is blocked, and the rioters set the rubber tires on fire in the middle of the road, blocking the traffic." The mercenary of the convoy ahead Reports.

"Clean up immediately, I'll give you five minutes. After five minutes, I'll make sure that the convoy can pass normally." Lin Rui replied.

"But there are many rioters." Mercenary Hui reported. "Can we open fire?"

"Unless it is necessary to endanger the safety of the team members, it is not allowed to open fire." Kassan said calmly, "This is a sensitive period. Once a **** conflict breaks out, it will escalate the situation."

Lin Rui nodded, holding the communicator and said, "You heard the order. You can use any means other than fire. I need to drive away the crowd quickly."

After he finished speaking, he switched communications and spoke with the commander of the peacekeeping force. "We are the Anmore negotiating delegation, and we were blocked on our way into the city. I need to resume traffic immediately, otherwise the situation may accelerate and deteriorate."

"We are driving away the crowd, and two teams are coming. Please exercise restraint." The chief of the peacekeeping force was also devastated. After all, the peacekeeping force is different from a real army. It has no battlefield and no enemies. It is a political and diplomatic force. The United Nations peacekeeping force shall not use force without authorization, except in self-defense. Neutrality must be strictly observed and no party involved in the conflict should be involved.

So they have clear limits on the use of force.

"Relying on these blue helmets, I'm afraid it won't be of much use." Kassan whispered. "These so-called civilian rioters are obviously organized behind the scenes, and the Orumi Federation is going to give us a slap in the face."

"Such a small scene is nothing to worry about, I'm more worried about other things." Lin Rui looked outside the car. "Once the convoy stops. A lot of things can happen."

Before he could finish his words, someone in the crowd started throwing Molotov cocktails at the team. This puts the safety of the fleet at risk.

"Speed ​​up! Don't worry about civilian casualties." Lin Rui ordered decisively.

After receiving the order, the convoy accelerated and rushed. The rioting crowd had never seen such a formation, and they all retreated and fled, and a few who did not have time to escape were hit by the roadside. Subsequent vehicles did not care at all and continued to gallop forward.

"Rick, can this be done? They are just civilians." Cassan asked in a low voice, looking at the injured on the side of the road.

"In this way, the situation can be kept to a minimum. The longer we delay here, the more injuries will occur." Lin Rui looked outside the car and shook his head, "If we continue to tolerate them, once they approach the team, we will What to do? We have no choice but to fire, and that's enough to justify hatred among the Oromi. When you're sitting at the negotiating table, the public opinion of firing on civilians can also get you down. I'm trying to keep things from changing worse."

The actuary nodded Kishi, "Rick is right. Some injuries are unavoidable, but they must be controlled within a reasonable range. As long as we don't open fire and hit a few mobs who are trying to cause a riot, there's nothing wrong with it."

At this time, the armored vehicles of the peacekeeping force had also intervened. Several white armored vehicles with the word "un" blocked the attempts of the rioters to pursue and quickly brought the situation under control.

Although the rioters scolded and smashed the vehicles of these peacekeepers, they covered the vehicles of the Anmore delegation after all, allowing Lin Rui and others to move forward smoothly.

"Just in time." Lin Rui turned to look at the vehicles behind him. "Looks like we owe these blue helmets a favor. If these rioters catch up and attack again, I'm afraid we really have no choice."

Not only that, the peacekeepers also deliberately separated some people and escorted them into the city along the way.

"Thank you for the escort." Lin Rui thanked the commander of the peacekeeping force in the communication channel.

"You're welcome, we just don't want a bigger riot. Also I have to warn you, the situation in this area is very tense at the moment. Lots of places are in extreme chaos, and in just this week, we've had three people killed, more than People are injured. If the situation continues to deteriorate, the headquarters will order us to evacuate at any time." The commander of the peacekeeping force replied, "Good luck to you."

The convoy entered a heavily fortified estate, which was guarded by peacekeepers before they entered. But when the Anmore delegation entered, the peacekeepers withdrew. All the guards were replaced by Anmor's soldiers.

After Lin Rui arrived, he immediately brought people to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment, arranged defenses, and set up a warning area. The guards received strict orders to kill any armed intruder.

In the residence of this manor, Cassan was lying on the sofa and said wearily, "Damn it. I didn't expect that we were greeted so grandly when we just arrived here."

"This is just the beginning. This negotiation starts tomorrow, and the negotiation process will take at least two weeks. In these two weeks, God knows what will happen." Lin Rui shrugged. "And it's very close to the Oromi Federation Army's station, and it's within the coverage of their missiles."

"Missile." Kassan was startled and immediately jumped up from the sofa, "Is there any cover here?"

"We deliberately chose this place. This manor has a good basement. Although the Oromi Federation Army has some outdated missiles, it should not have ground-penetrating missiles or other weapons. A solid and reliable basement is a very good underground. Bunker." Actuary Kishi replied.

"That's great, I'll arrange it right away. My room and temporary office are set in the basement. It doesn't matter how simple it is, the priority is safety." Cassan breathed a sigh of relief.

"We've already considered these things, so you don't need to worry about it. Besides, you hired us to do this." Lin Rui smiled, took a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet beside him, and poured Cassan a glass. " Come over with a glass of wine. I'm sure we'll be pleasantly surprised for some time to come."

"Damn, this is more exciting than fighting, isn't it?" Cassan reluctantly took the glass, but put it down worriedly. "Isn't there a problem with this wine?"

"Excellent single malt whisky. Of course, except drinking too much is harmful to health." Lin Rui smiled, "Don't worry, we found this place. The guards outside have all been replaced by our people, food and Drinking water has special testing, and we can at least guarantee that it is still safe within this range."

Cassan let out a long breath and drank the whisky in the glass. "It sounds like this is really safe."

"Don't underestimate these inconspicuous jobs. Poisoning accounts for a high proportion of assassinations. There are some deadly drugs that are far more dangerous than bullets." Lin Rui replied. "Besides that, there are bombings and sniping. The Secret Society has a unit dedicated to assassinations, and those are their specialties. We have to be careful."

"It feels like I'm on the front line." Cassan smiled wryly.

"This is the front line, and the negotiating table is the battlefield. You have to understand this. There are no rules on the battlefield, and killing the enemy and saving yourself are the biggest rules." Actuary Masaki also smiled.

Then Franco came in from outside, and the white-haired guard was as silent as ever. Standing beside Kassan without saying a word.

"How is the situation outside?" Lin Rui looked at him and asked.

"No problem. But I suggest turning off the extra lights in the manor at night. Although there is no obvious commanding heights nearby, today's weather and wind speed are conducive to long-range sniping. In addition, I think the warning range should be expanded, and the number of places facing the street should be expanded. Set up a dark post at each intersection. This can expand our warning range, and if something goes wrong, it can leave us more time to respond." Franco replied, "I have asked my team to do these things."

"Very good." Lin Rui nodded, Franco was a security expert trained by Duncan. There is no weakness in the insight into details.

"The security work at night is handed over to General Kassan's escort. You and your people better follow the general. Do you understand what I mean?" Lin Rui looked at him and said.

"Of course." Franco nodded.

"Let's go, General, let's go see your residence." Lin Rui gestured to General Kassan.

They walked down the aisle and came to the basement of the manor. The basement is located at a concealed entrance in the wing of the building, with a total of two escape routes. The basement is huge and has multiple rooms. It was originally supposed to be a wine cellar in the colonial period, but it has been transformed into today's pattern. The four walls are made of huge and solid stones, and there is also a floor of stone piles below.

Lin Rui patted the wall, "Although it's a bit old, it's still very strong. Ordinary bombs can't threaten this place. And there are two escape exits here, we can send people to guard them. With panoramic camera surveillance, even a mouse can’t escape the surveillance. It should be safe enough here.”

"Looks good." Cassan nodded.

"There's an air filtration system here, independent power. Your room is inside, this is the office. This central hall is where the guards are, and we've made arrangements. They can be there in seconds if needed. In your room." the actuary explained Kishi. "The guards are divided into 12 people in four-hour shifts, taking turns resting in the hall. This is to ensure that they have enough energy and concentration."

Cassan approached the office to take a look, and then took a look around his bedroom. "Not bad, better than I expected. But what about the rest of the delegates?"

"They live and to hide from the public, we have arranged a room for you upstairs, but it is occupied by our people. No one knows about you except us and the core members of the guard. In fact, it is here. In this case, even if they encounter a possible assassination, their target will be upstairs, and this basement is always safe." Lin Rui replied.

"But what if members of the delegation come to me?" Kassan frowned. "Or there are other urgent matters, what should I do?"

"Network office, General. We are in the information age." Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder, "There is a complete network system in this office, where you can receive any information and issue any orders. Of course, your adjutant and The secretary still works upstairs. In this sensitive period, we can only do this for the time being."

"Well, luckily we don't have much to prepare. No?" Kassan nodded.

"Yes, the delegation will provide you with enough information according to the negotiation agenda and prepare all the necessary speeches for you. Of course, these will be submitted to you in advance for your review, and if there are any task issues, they can be revised in time. Wait until the time of negotiation. , you can speak according to our plan. Generally, there will be no mistakes. If you encounter a problem that is difficult to solve, we still have a team of experts. They specialize in solving troubles and are very good at creating trouble for each other." Lin Rui smiled. .

(End of this chapter)

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