Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 626: Infiltrate reconnaissance


"I just want to know how should we get in?" Lin Rui looked at Sergey and said. [With _ dream]..

"It's easy to get in, as long as you go to visit. But everything is under surveillance, you don't even think about doing anything." Sergey said slowly, "And you spent so much energy, what you are looking for should not be Ordinary people. If they are not ordinary people, they should not be locked in ordinary cells. Therefore, it is impossible to go through the path of visiting, so we can only use infiltration."

"We can dive into there, but we need further intelligence support." Lin Rui nodded.

"You are wrong, the silver wolf asked you to come to me, not for me to provide information, but for me to bring you in to help you complete this mission." Sergey said, "So before you come, I will The situation there has been inquired."

"You? But you were as drunk as a dead pig last night." Yelena sneered.

"It was after work. Work is work, life is life, and I don't drink a drop of alcohol when I work." Sergey picked up a thick folder from the ammunition box on the side and put it on the table superior. "Here's all the information I've found about that place."

After Lin Rui opened it, he found that there were indeed a lot of things collected, including photos and some documents, maps, and even a shopping list and some messy documents. Lin Rui picked out one of them and frowned, "The receipt from the pet store in Baihu District? There are also broken plastic bags, what do you mean?"

"I collected their garbage." Sergey shrugged, "Don't be surprised, the garbage can collect the information we want. For example, this bag, which is a plastic bag of dog food. And through this waste paper The same receipt, we can tell. There are dogs there, and you can figure out how many dogs they have by the receipts for the dog food they ordered.”

"Not only do you know where they buy it, but also the brand of their dog food, what do you want to do?" Kishi said, shaking the bag, "Poison those puppies watching prisoners?"

"Certainly not poison, just some kind of chronic drug that numbs nerves. Make sure they eat this dog food before they go, and the drug usually lasts for a few days. These dogs will become unresponsive and less bark. Yes. Our infiltration is good." Sergey shrugged.

"Also, what does this person mean?" Lin Rui frowned and looked at a photo.

"This guy sells diving equipment. He's the only one in the entire White Lake area who can get real military-grade frogman gear without registration.

You know that there are two ways to get in and out of Petak Prison, by walking across two rickety wooden bridges, and by boats provided by the prison. Obviously we can't do either, so the rest is just diving. ' Sergey shrugged.

"It seems that you already have a plan." Jiangan looked at Sergey and said. "Looking at this map, you even have all the preparations for entry and exit."

"The plan is not as fast as the change. I don't know who you are looking for, so I can only roughly deduce the process." Sergey said lightly.

"I know now why they let an underage drunk into the Lucifer team. Well, welcome to join." Lin Rui stretched out his hand to Sergey, "but you may not know what we're looking for. Who is the man."

"This person is from the Russian Alpha Special Forces, Second Lieutenant Andrei Minorovich." Lin Rui slowly handed a photo to Sergey.

"I'm not familiar with him, but I know that as a secret detainee, he must be kept in a relatively secret place. It may take a lot of effort for us to find this person." Sergey said slowly.

"That's what worries me too. We can't wait until we've infiltrated and run the risk of being discovered at any time to find someone. It's too risky because once we're in, there won't be much time left. So we have to have a definite target before we start the action." Lin Rui said helplessly.

Sergey was silent for a while and said, "I have a way. However, I have to get in."

"Making in?" Lin Rui frowned.

"How sure are you that you can break into the prison's computer network? It's better to change their internal data." Sergey frowned.

"Not sure, but we have the best technicians. For Cobain, hacking into a prison's database is not a big problem." Lin Rui frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"I want you to help me get a fake file, arrange a fake transfer, and get me into Petak. I'll be in charge of digging in there, but you'd better come and visit me in a few days. I Find a way to get the news out." Sergey whispered.

"You're going to disguise yourself as a prisoner and put yourself in that prison?" Lin Rui frowned.

"This is the only way to investigate at close range. Some insider information can only be obtained inside, and it may not be clear even after a few years of observation outside." Sergey said calmly.

"But if things come to light, you will be throwing yourself into the net." Jiangan shook his head and said, "This idea is a bit crazy."

"Trust my judgment, during the Lucifer team, I have carried out more than 20 hostage rescue missions, and none of them have failed. And I can always find a way out in the most dangerous places." Sergey said indifferently.

"Even as you said you successfully infiltrated. But if you can't get out after entering, we can't contact you through visiting. What if this happens?" Lin Rui frowned.

"This is in Petak. If you spend some money to bribe the guards, you will find a way." Sergey said slowly.

"No, it's still too dangerous. Once the whole plan is revealed, it will be over." Jiangan shook his head.

Sergey asked back, "So how can you find out what's going on inside?"

Kishi was silent for a while, "I haven't thought of it yet."

"Then do as I say." Sergey said solemnly.

"I'll go in with you." Lin Rui thought for a while.

"You?" Jiangan frowned slightly, "What are you kidding, you're not even Russian."

Sergey looked at Lin Rui and shook his head and said, "This is not a big problem, I will find a way to solve it. In fact, there are not no Asians in this prison. In recent years, the power of Asian gangs is not even among the Russians. Come on, they also have a lot of power in Petak. I can take you in, but I can't do it now, I have to take you to a place to process your image."

"Image?" Lin Rui frowned.

"You look like a standard mercenary, that's not okay. You have to be like a pearl, first of all. And you have to look like a complete villain." Sergey shrugged, "Because you are going to be with a big Deal with the bad guys. And get some intelligence out of their mouths."

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