Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6607: block before

6284 - There is an interception before

On the third day, Lin Rui stopped suddenly because he felt a strong sense of crisis, as if a monster was coveting them in front of him. This feeling was very strong and very bad. He had to stopped.

He closed his eyes and felt it. The left and right sides also seemed unsafe. When they got here, they seemed to have reached a place surrounded by three sides. It might be difficult to rush over.

The Tuaregs did not know how to set up a line of defense here, completely blocking their retreat route to the north, and seemed to have set up an ambush in front of them.

In fact, at this time, as long as the Tuareg commander is not an idiot, it is easy to see through the encounters between the Tuareg and Lin Rui in the past two days that they are trying to move northward. They retreated, so the Tuaregs took advantage of their strength and sent a company of troops to go around in front of Lin Rui and the others day and night, and set up an interception line along a stream.

Lin Rui's premonition was indeed very accurate. If they walked two kilometers forward, they would just hit the interception line temporarily set up by the Tuaregs.

Moreover, the frontline commander personally sits at the outpost. According to the situation reported from the front, he circled the approximate location of Lin Rui and his party on the map, and then ordered the Tuaregs in this area to start towards Lin Rui from the east and west sides. Squeeze the area where Rui and his party are located.

In this way, Lin Rui and his group were in a situation where they were attacked from three sides.

If it weren't for Lin Rui's extraordinary ability to foresee danger, if they went forward today, it would be tantamount to bumping into the net of the Tuaregs.

Seeing that Lin Rui stopped, all the subordinates following him also stopped. The Mali officer and others surrounded him and asked Lin Rui why he stopped.

"We can't go any further! I have a very bad feeling that the Tuaregs are right in front of us, and there are large groups of Tuaregs pressing towards us on the left and right sides!

If we move forward, I am afraid we will be completely surrounded! Lin Rui knelt on the ground on one knee, explaining, feeling the premonition in his heart carefully, and now the feeling of uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger.

When everyone heard this, they no longer had any doubts about his premonition, because they had already experienced the effectiveness of Lin Rui's premonition. Lin Rui had detected the Tuaregs several times before and let them avoid it. Two waves of Tuareg raids were launched, and the other two also seized the opportunity. Once contacted, the two groups of Tuareg were defeated, and they had almost no losses.

So now, including the Mali officer, almost no one dared to doubt Lin Rui's strange premonition, so they immediately became nervous when they heard it.

"Something's wrong, we can't delay here any longer! Let's go back!" Lin Rui's premonition of danger became stronger and stronger. He stood up suddenly, picked up his assault rifle, and ordered to everyone.

As soon as everyone heard this, they picked up the guys and started to retreat without hesitation. Just as they left, there was a characteristic AK47 gunshot in the jungle on their left.

A bullet whizzed towards him, and before everyone heard the gunshot, a flower of blood burst out on a soldier's body.

The soldier screamed and fell to the ground at once. The rest of the soldiers immediately spread out to take cover and raised their guns in the direction where the gunshots sounded.

Immediately after the gunshot, the screams of the Tuareg people rang out in the jungle, and the gunshots immediately joined together, and the bullets swished towards Lin Rui and his group. come over.

No wonder Lin Rui felt something was wrong just now. It turned out that a group of Tuaregs had long been lurking in this area, less than 300 meters away from them, which made Lin Rui feel a serious sense of crisis.

It can be said that Lin Rui and his group have run out of luck today, but in fact, these Tuaregs did not deliberately lurk in this area.

This group of Tuaregs actually arrived here yesterday, but the Tuareg officer who led the team had a bad stomach yesterday, and he has been suffering from diarrhea since he woke up early this morning, so he followed his group of Tuaregs. The Allegers were also happy to be lazy, so the chief who took care of them in name stayed here for half a day.

As a result, Lin Rui and his men happened to pass by here. At the beginning, the group of Tuaregs hadn't spotted Lin Rui and the others, but a Tuareg guard accidentally saw some figures shaking in the distance, and stared wide-eyed. After observing with his eyes, he confirmed that this was the group of enemies who attacked the camp.

So the Tuareg immediately reported his findings to the officer who was about to have prolapsed anus, and the Tuareg officer who had diarrhea and couldn't stand up jumped up without wiping his butt. Instruct your men to enter the combat state.

After one of their first-class shooters fired the first shot, the group of Tuaregs attacked Lin Rui and the others. Although they didn't have many troops, they caught Lin Rui and the others by surprise, and they suppressed them in the jungle for a while.

Lin Rui saw that one of his mercenaries was shot and injured, so he was dragged behind a tree, and began to direct the counterattack while observing the enemy's situation.

When he saw that the opponent didn't seem to have many troops, Lin Rui heaved a sigh of relief, but at this time he didn't want to entangle with this group of Tuaregs here, because with the sound of gunfire, the surrounding Tuaregs They will immediately surround them, as long as they are dragged, then I am afraid they will not be able to escape today.

So while he was shooting and blocking the Tuaregs rushing over, he yelled at Sergey: "Russians! Take people to block them, don't love to fight! I'll take people to go first!"

Lin Rui has now corrected his position. If it were the same as before, he would definitely stay to block the enemy, and let others retreat first.

But now he is still the front-line commander of the entire operation, not to mention he has several crew members with him, no one knows how to break out in the jungle better than him.

Therefore, such things as the Queen of the Palace can only be handed over to other people, and Sergey is in this role. When Sergey heard this, he immediately nodded in agreement, took his two fire teams, and began to use the cover of the woods to confront the group of Tuaregs who rushed over.

Once they reacted, this group of Tuaregs would have a hard time. You must know that these mercenaries have fierce firepower. Three or four people can suppress the firepower of a squad of Tuaregs. The Tuareg can be easily suppressed without any problem, even the Tuareg light machine gun can be suppressed.

What's more, the firepower of one of their squads can easily crush the firepower of two Tuareg teams. As long as they are good at giving full play to their superiority in firepower, then these Tuaregs can't get any cheap in front of their group, so the group of Tuaregs who were so happy just now were slapped in the face He was beaten, and immediately fell to the ground, unable to lift his head from the beating.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Rui led the others, carried the wounded, carried Lieutenant James, and began to retreat towards the jungle on the east side.

At this time, Lin Rui found that there was a faint explosion sound about a kilometer or two behind them. It must have been a Tuareg who accidentally stepped on a landmine they planted, so now they turned around and walked away. Also hit the Tuareg immediately.

So he had only one way left, which was to break through the siege eastward. Although he felt that there were Tuaregs in the east, compared to the other directions, this place seemed to be the least threatening.

It is very difficult to walk in the jungle. There are criss-crossed trees and vines everywhere, and many vines hang down from the trees, which seriously hinders people's activities in the jungle. There was no way to go here, so they could only send a few men with machetes to forcibly cut a passage. Although this would leave traces of their breakout, they couldn't care too much at the moment.

In order to speed up the breakout, Lin Rui didn't care about conserving his energy, so he rushed to the front of the team with his dog-leg knife. Incomparable, after being swung away, it is simply a human flesh harvester in the jungle.

All kinds of vines that blocked their way were chopped off by him, and some vines as thick as wrists couldn't survive under his knife, so they were chopped off in a row.

With his human harvester opening the way ahead, their speed of breaking through the siege was much faster. Dozens of people followed closely behind him, panting and rushing towards the east.

After Sergey led his men to shoot at the Tuaregs for a while, he received a signal from Lin Rui in the distance, so he emptied the magazine of the carbine in his hand, and took him with him His men also began to retreat.

As soon as they withdrew from the blocking position, the grenade launchers of the Tuaregs on the opposite side began to fire, but it was not wise for the Tuaregs to use grenade launchers in this dense forest environment.

The forest is full of big trees and vines, which constitute a serious obstacle to the firing range of the grenade launcher. Although the Tuareg resorted to the grenade launcher, a magic weapon to defeat the enemy, they couldn't use it here. What a difference.

After the grenade is launched, it is easy to hit the branches and vines in the woods, and it will be knocked crooked. It is difficult to hit the target accurately, so the Tuaregs fired several grenades, but failed to hit them.

It wasn't until Sergey and the others jumped up and retreated that a grenade hit the position where they were just now, and the branches and leaves were blown up.

The Tuareg officer heard that the enemy's gunshots stopped after the explosion, and thought that the grenade had played a role and killed many enemies, so they became more excited and quarreled, ordering the grenade launcher to continue Fire grenades.

However, the grenade launcher's luck was exhausted this time, and he fired another grenade with a thud, and it just hit a branch of a big tree in front of him, and the grenade bounced back immediately. Coming back, it landed right between the Tuaregs at the front of the line.

The few Tuaregs all saw the bounced grenade, and immediately let out a sound of exclamation, but at this moment they shouted loudly, but they couldn't escape being forced by the grenade.

There was only a bang, and several Tuaregs screamed after being bombed. The Tuareg officer was so angry that he almost ran away. He just wanted to draw his gun and kill the grenade launcher pistol on the spot.

The grenade launcher turned pale with fright, and quickly explained: "There are too many obstacles ahead, so we can't use the grenade launcher anymore! It's too dangerous!"

The group of Tuaregs lay down in the forest and fired forward for a while. After a while, they realized that the enemy had stopped moving. No matter how stupid they were, they guessed that the enemy had moved.

So the Tuareg officer's legs were trembling, and he asked his subordinates to help him, struggling to stand up, brandishing his gun, and giving orders to pursue.

When they ran to the position where the enemy was just now, they found that the enemy had already run away, so they could only continue to chase after them.

But it was not an easy task for them to catch up with the enemy. They were actually driven into the northern jungle a few days ago to hunt down the enemy.

They have been active in the jungle for a few days, and they didn't bring much food. They had already consumed it a few days ago, and they were already hungry in the jungle. They thought they could go back to rest and eat well A full meal.

But what was waiting for them was their regimental commander's direct order, ordering them not to return, but to drive directly to this area and continue to search and arrest the enemy.

These Tuaregs had no food in the first place. Although they received a small amount of food supplies when they received the order, the amount of food provided by the frontline commanders was not even enough for a day.

Originally, they were already hungry enough in the first few days, but now they only got such a small amount of food supplies, and the soldiers were already full of complaints, but this order was issued directly by the regiment leader, and they dared not disobey, so they They could only drive in this direction with such a small amount of poor food.

And the officer who led the Tuaregs knew that the hunt would last for a few days, so he ordered to strictly control the consumption of food and try to collect edible things in the As a substitute to fill the stomach.

For the past three days, each of them can only eat less than 200 grams of food and a hard biscuit a day. There is no canned meat in the regulations, only a few pickled plums. Such a daily amount is not as good as normal One-fifth of the prescribed rations made these Tuaregs starve like wolves, and their eyeballs turned green.

So when they traveled this way, they said they were searching for enemies, but most of the time, they were looking for all kinds of edible things along the way. Snakes, lizards and the like are delicious meals. The grasshoppers ate them all.

In addition, once they encounter a bamboo forest in the jungle, they will run to dig bamboo shoots, and when they encounter a banana forest, they will run to cut banana trees and dig banana roots, but they will find all the edible things they know along the way. They reached their bottomless pit-like stomachs, but even so, they were still starving to death.

The bigger problem is that they do not have access to clean drinking water. Much of the water on the ground in the jungle contains a huge amount of bacteria or microorganisms and cannot be easily drunk at all. Even if they try to filter it, they cannot easily drink it.

However, they did not receive any supplies of disinfectant tablets. When they were active in such a sweltering jungle, a large amount of water would evaporate from their bodies at any time. If they did not drink water, they would suffer from heat stroke, so they could only take the risk of drinking some water that looked relatively clean.

(end of this chapter)

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