Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 67: give him a ride


87_87165 Evya is very angry and helpless. Because for a whole day, his people were still unable to attack the main base building on the sinking island, and instead added a lot of casualties.

The base building on the island was almost a fortified bunker, and his people used everything. Even sent a small team of pirates to raid with bazookas, hoping to blow up a **** path. However, this assault team was far beyond the range of the rocket launcher and was killed one by one. The other party seems to have a super-class sniper master, there seems to be more than one.

However, two pirates who were not afraid of death rushed up and fired a 40mm rocket, and the accuracy was not too bad. It's just that the bombardment on the solid concrete building only exploded a piece of concrete debris, and the whole building did not move at all. This is simply a large turtle shell.

It looks like the only way to blow up this place is to use a lot of explosives. But this kind of professional blasting technology, let alone the pirates can't, even if they can, who can rush up in the hail of bullets? The people who looked up were barely alive. The pirates have been beaten a little bit to their knees.

If it hadn't been for Everam to act decisively, he personally shot and killed several pirates who were trying to escape, and quelled the situation. I am afraid that this group of rabble has long since dispersed as birds and beasts.

Even so, Evya still has a hard time expecting them to organize a charge. Evya's face became more and more ugly, and this time, it was he who approached a dead end. A strong attack would not be able to be defeated at all, and there would be casualties; retreating would be equivalent to declaring his defeat, and his reputation among these bandits would be reduced to the lowest point, which he could not endure. So Evya is still stubbornly surrounding the Shendao base.

"Dozens of people, there are only a few dozen of them!" Evya shouted furiously, grabbing the collar of one of his subordinates, "but he was able to resist our offensive for two days and two nights! How is this possible?"

"That's what the intelligence said. And, judging from the sound of their gunfire, it seems to be the case." The pirate was sweating and said nervously, "People from other organizations have already started talking, and they seem to want to retreat. already."

Evya took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said solemnly, "Tell them, whoever dares to withdraw from Shendao is the enemy of me Evya!"

"I said so, but..." the pirate hesitated.

"But what?" Evya snapped, "Is what I said useless?"

"General, that's not the case. But they all seem to have received warnings from the military to withdraw from the fight."

Evya frowned, "Military?"

"Yes, the military and officials of several provinces seem to be paying attention here. We are now somewhat isolated." The pirate whispered. "There were several calls just now, asking us to evacuate immediately. Many of them were forces that had a good relationship with us, but now it seems that their attitude is very tough. Some people even threatened to cut off the Mogadishu port from our base. transportation supply.”

Evya's face changed, and he said solemnly, "Is the news true?"

At this time, an armed pirate came in and said to Eviya, "General, there is another phone call."

"Didn't I tell you? No one is answering! You help me deal with it!" Evya said angrily.

"But this time..." The pirate whispered a few words in Evya's ear with some fear. Evya took a deep breath and said, "Okay, take me with me." Evya followed the pirate out, and when he came back ten minutes later, Evya was already pale. The call was from a certain powerful warlord, who not only reprimanded him harshly, but even threatened to use force against him unless he withdraws immediately. "

After Evya came back, surprisingly, he did not get angry, but sat there in a daze. After a while of silence, he said wearily, "Notify everyone, let's withdraw."

In the Shendao base, he walked to the team members and said solemnly, "I received an order from Silver Wolf just now. Under the pressure of many parties, Evya has agreed to evacuate, and we are completely safe."

Everyone didn't speak, just stood there calmly, without the expected cheers and excitement of being saved, only silence.

Lin Rui stood up, put the gun behind him without saying a word, and walked out of the base.

"Stop! Where are you going?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"I'll give him a ride." Lin Rui said calmly.

"Can't go!" Zhao Jianfei shook his head and said, "Silver Wolf has a phone call, at least you should listen to him." Lin Rui stopped.

The base personnel in charge of communications connected Silver Wolf's phone. His voice was still flat and magnetic, "I have received your report of this battle and casualties. I am sorry for Fernandez. He is a good man. I can also think of your feelings at this time. Foya has no practical significance. This sea power of Foya is necessary for some people to exist. For some reason, we can't move him for the time being."

"What's the need for him to exist?" Lin Rui asked rhetorically.

"He has an intricate relationship with the local warlords, which makes his role very delicate. Many of the local warlords were our clients, and many of these people did not want to see him die." Michelle sighed He sighed and said, "I'm sorry about this. I'm already in Mogadishu, and I'll come over as soon as possible to meet you. We'll talk about the specific situation when we meet. Everyone, it's hard work."

Lin Rui took off the communicator on his head, put it aside, turned around and walked out without saying a word.

"Lin Rui!" Zhao Jianfei grabbed his looked at him and shook his head, "Don't go."

"Either let me go or come with me." Lin Rui smiled.

Zhao Jianfei looked at him, sighed, and let go of his hand.

Lin Rui nodded, "Thank you."

When Lin Rui arrived at the beach, the pirates had completely evacuated. Looking at the armed fleet on the sea, Lin Rui took out the remote control detonator from his pocket. On Evya's ship, from bow to stern, he had previously placed double c4 charges. And now, the remote detonator is in his hands.

Lin Rui stood by the beach and looked at the fleet of ships that were leaving. Behind him, including Zhao Jianfei and Jiangan, and other team members came with him. Lin Rui pressed the remote detonator expressionlessly. A dazzling fire erupted from the sea in the distance, and thick smoke billowed.

"This is for Fernandez and Sand, and for the other deceased." Lin Rui dropped the remote control detonator in his hand and turned around. "Tit for an eye, I don't think anything is wrong." Zhao Jianfei patted his shoulder and nodded. Said, "I understand.".


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