Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 152: Poacher trail

After the UFO team drove out for a long time, the gunfire behind them gradually became thinner.しIt is obvious that the rebels have been thrown away, but everyone knows that this is only temporary. Their whereabouts have been exposed, and how far they can go in this land full of rebels is still unknown.

Vitalk said helplessly, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Sorry, is it useful? We were almost killed because of your **** friend." Yelena said with a cold face, "How do you think I should kill you?"

"Forget it, it's not his fault, it's our carelessness. You must know that in this area occupied by the rebels, no one can be trusted." Zhao Jianfei glanced at Vitalk and said, "However, It’s best to remember that there is no next time."

Vitalk's face changed, and he nodded quickly, "Yes, no, there will be no next time."

Jiang An took out the map and looked at it, "We seem to have left the highway. Qin Fen, where are you driving?"

"Of course we left the road. If we drive along the road, we still have to face the rebels. I don't know where we are going now. I think it should be heading south." Qin Fen turned around. I was too anxious to run away just now and didn't bother to look at it. You help me see, where is our current position?"

Jian Jian shook his head, looked at the map with the GPS locator, and nodded, "Deviated from the planned route, but the direction is correct. In the current situation, even if we walk through the wilderness, it is safer than passing through the town. This time the matter has gotten bigger, and the rebels must now be looking for us all over the world. Maybe, the news has already reached Cantor City."

Zhao Jianfei nodded, his expression grim, "Now we really have no way out, and there must be layers of fortifications in front of us. It is probably not easy to get to Cantor safely."

Lin Rui thought for a while and said, "However, we haven't completely revealed our identity. Because we didn't leave a living at the checkpoint, and the rebels who arrived later didn't know who we were at all. In other words, they might guess. We came from the opposite side when we arrived, but we didn't necessarily know that we were there for the vx poison."

Jiang An nodded and said, "It is true, if they know that it is related to the vx potion. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to get close to Cantor City. This mission is equivalent to an early failure."

Vitalk quickly said, "As long as they haven't discovered our true intentions, I can bring you into Cantor City. Listen, I have an idea..."

Ivan said angrily, "Do you have any ideas? Your so-called friend Josh, isn't enough trouble for us?"

"Don't worry, Ivan. Listen to what he says." Zhao Jianfei stopped Ivan.

Vitalk whispered, "There will be no problems this time, and I will never have problems again."

"What the **** is there? Let me tell you. But if something goes wrong, even I won't be able to save you." Zhao Jianfei shrugged, "Ivan has a bad temper. Sometimes, even I order Can't stop him."

Ivan hurriedly said, "This time it is absolutely safe, I can guarantee. I know a road, it is very hidden and no one knows. And it can avoid all the rebels occupying towns and checkpoints along the way."

Zhao Jianfei frowned, "Is there such a way?"

"Yes, that road is the road used by poachers in the past. Precious animal furs and ivory are all transported out of the border through this road, and then directly to the sea mouth of the territorial country." Ivan whispered.

"Poaching?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes, there are fewer and fewer wild animals these years, and they are becoming more valuable. Mainly rhino horns and ivory. Poachers’ customers are mainly Far Eastern countries. Some Asian countries believe that rhino horns can cure cancer and other diseases. The rich also regard it as a symbol of wealth. One kilogram of rhino horn can be ground for $80,000 on the Chinese black market. In Vietnam, the price per kilogram of rhino horn exceeds $100,000. In 2006, a single Rhinoceros horn is only worth $760. The rumors that rhino horn cures cancer have intensified, causing its price to skyrocket more than a hundred times. There is also ivory, which is simply a huge profit in this poor country." Ivan whispered.

"I have heard of these things. It is said that not only Santujak, but a large number of wild animals are hunted in Africa every year." Jiang An nodded, "but now it seems that many countries have begun to legislate to protect them."

"Yes, it's the same here, but where there is profit space, some people are willing to take risks. It mainly depends on whether the profit space is large. Such kind of poaching that can make huge profits is still carried out in an organized manner every year, even Some warlord leaders also organize their own troops to hunt wild elephants and rhinos. Who can manage? The law is just about ordinary people." Vitalk sighed, "The road I'm talking about is poachers. Trail."

"Poacher Trail?" Zhao Jianfei looked at Jiang An who was holding a map. Jiangan shrugged, saying that he had never heard of it.

"This route was originally opened by poachers to avoid government inspections along the way. It is very hidden and can lead directly to the three major cities in the south. It was originally used for smuggling ivory and rhino horn underground, because These three southern cities were once the most prosperous black market transactions." Vitalk slowly said, "Cantor City is one of these three cities."

"So the Poacher Trail allows us to avoid the main highway and all the checkpoints of the rebels. Make sure we go straight to Cantor City?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"Yes. We can go to the southeast of Cantor City through the Poacher Trail. It is a trading area, and there are many people coming and going, and most of them are thugs with local armed background. So the security is very poor, almost every day Someone shot in the street. Even after they killed someone, they swayed away. No one dared to control at all. Because of this, the rebels have weak control over there. We can enter from the trade zone of Cantor City instead of Under investigation."

"Don't even the rebels check there?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"That place is simply a land of no owner. All armed men are making money from the black market trade. It turns out that even the government forces can't control the place. Why should General Dengby control? Besides, General Dengby is not a fool. That ruined place to offend other armed warlords. In order to fight Harlot, he even has to buy those people." Vitalk whispered, "So there is a completely lawless place, and dragons and snakes are mixed, who Both."


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