Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5838: Bloody Red Tide

Bloody Red Tide

In front of the road, about three kilometers away, there is a team sneaking forward to investigate. There are about 30 people. They all look extremely brave, their faces are cold, and there is a cruel **** murder in their eyes.

The combat uniforms they wore were unmarked, but each had a red armband. There is a very striking mark on it - a red wave pattern mark!

The pattern of the red tide is marked in the secret society organization, and it represents a force that is cruel and skilled in assassination - the red tide!

At this time, more than a dozen Crimson Tide members who acted as scouts were sneaking forward cautiously. They received information that the mercenaries who were protecting Kassan might abscond in this direction. Their task was to intercept and escape. destroy them.

The professor mobilized their secret organization for the purpose of besieging Cassan's convoy in this Jedi canyon, so as to besiege and annihilate.

About ten or twenty minutes later.

Lin Rui's wireless communication headset heard a call from the reconnaissance team ahead: "Boss, I found the enemy's Red Tide scouts, located at 1 o'clock, sneaking forward in a fan-shaped formation."

"Is it 1 o'clock? It seems that they have noticed. Wait, we will set up an ambush on the spot and wait for them to enter the ambush circle!" Lin Rui responded.

Afterwards, Lin Rui made a few gestures towards the trident mercenary brothers beside him. Several mercenary units immediately dispersed and used the surrounding terrain to hide. They restrained their breath and the weapons in their hands were quietly stretched forward. , the eyes in the eyes are sharp, waiting patiently for the enemy to slowly walk into their ambush circle.

One minute, two minutes passed slowly.

While Lin Rui and the others were waiting in ambush, the surroundings were dead silent, except for the sound of the howling wind, there was no other sound.

On the right, on a hilly highland, Yelena and Eric are ambushing at two positions. As top snipers, they naturally know how to find the best ambush location to ambush.

Yelena is holding an m200 sniper rifle, which is the sniper rifle with the longest range, and can complete accurate sniping within two kilometers. Her eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the crosshair, and she had completely locked on the Crimson Tide armed warrior who jumped into his sight in front of the crosshair.

Eric on the other side is also in a state of waiting. Eric is holding a Barrett sniper rifle. This sniper rifle has no magazine and has a single bullet. This means that after one bullet is sniped out, the second bullet needs to be filled manually.

This will undoubtedly affect the continuity of the sniper's rapid sniping, but the biggest feature of this weapon is its ultra-high accuracy and great power.

For top snipers like Eric and Yelena, the speed of filling their warheads is already very fast, and the bolt-action rifle will not affect the continuous sniping on the battlefield.

Gradually, the Scarlet Tide Force's 5 investigators were getting closer to their ambush area. Lin Rui narrowed his eyes, and he also saw the figures who were moving cautiously from a distance.

A murderous intent emerged from Lin Rui's eyes, and he said to the headset, "Attack!"

boom! ! boom! !

As soon as Lin Rui's order fell, the sound of two loud gunshots resounded. It was Eric and Yelena. The two shot at almost the same time, sniping at the locked enemy reconnaissance soldiers.

Ahead, in the team of reconnaissance soldiers of the Crimson Tide Force, the heads of two soldiers who were about to sneak forward suddenly exploded. The scene was like a watermelon being blown up, blood mixed with white brains splashing up , and then poured down from the air.

"There are enemies!" The armed men who immediately had a red tide shouted loudly.

Da da da da! !

boom! boom! boom! !

Before the remaining Crimson Tide team members could counterattack, the deafening gunshots resounded, and the dense rain of bullets formed a large net that enveloped the reconnaissance soldiers of these Crimson Tide troops.

Behind these Red Tide troops, there are at least fifty or sixty soldiers of the Red Tide Armed Forces led by the professor. For this assassination, the professor has put everything on the line.

At this time, the head professor who led the Crimson Tide unit in this operation had already received a warning and an urgent call for help from the reconnaissance unit in front.

Behind the professor's glasses, his eyes covered with red threads sank, and he shouted: "The target is right in front, and his guards raided our scout soldiers. Everyone obeyed the order, rushed over, and killed Satan. Legion!"

Immediately afterwards, the Crimson Tide team members who were attacked in front also immediately contacted the professor and told the professor where the convoy was located, so that the Crimson Tide soldiers who were chasing from behind could quickly encircle them.

At the same time, Crimson Tide also has a broken army. The militants responsible for this team are also leading more than 100 Crimson Tide team members to sneak in the Jedi Canyon. They are tracing the direction where the Cassan convoy fled.

At this moment, a member of the Red Tide team received a communication from the professor. He immediately answered: "Hey, professor, is there any situation on your side?"

"The forward troops found the enemy. They were in the south direction. They had already attacked and wanted to break through and escape. It was confirmed that Kassan was in the car."

"Understood, remember, don't fight against those mercenaries against the charge. You choose a stronghold to defend and counterattack, try to delay it as much as possible. Wait for us to encircle, understand?"

"Okay, I see!" the soldier replied.

"Hold on, hold on to their convoy, and we will raid from their backs." The commander of the Red Tide Support Force also said that, and then he hung up the phone.

"Gather all the soldiers and march to the south! Cass's convoy wants to break through and escape from the south. It has already exchanged fire with our reconnaissance unit. We rushed over and attacked from the back of these mercenaries. When the time comes, they will be killed by the enemy. !"

The professor spoke with excitement.

"Then act quickly!" The eyes of the Red Tide militants sank, and a fierce murderous intent filled the air.

Soon, this Red Tide force began to march rapidly towards the south.

Bang bang bang! ! call out! call out! call out!

Yelena, Eric and others are still carrying out precise sniping. They often shoot out with one shot, which means a living life.

The fast horses led the team to rush forward. They held weapons and used a powerful firepower net to cover the suppression. The dozen or so Crimson Tide militants immediately encountered a devastating blow.

Bang bang bang! !

The militants of the Crimson Tide Force also fired back, but their counterattacks did not pose a substantial threat to the Trident mercenaries.

In terms of positional and jungle combat capabilities, the mercenaries of the Trident are not at the same level as the militants of these Crimson Tide troops.

"Pfft, puff-"

One after another, blood flowers shot out from the bodies of the members of the Crimson Tide Force, and the bullets shot accurately penetrated their bodies.

Soon, all the scouts of this Red Tide force were wiped out.

Kuaima also gathered the mercenary soldiers around him, and behind them, the other trident mercenary soldiers led by Sausage and others had already rushed over.

"Boss, the enemy's scouts have all been wiped out." Kuaima opened his mouth to report, and then continued, "However, the enemy in ambush ahead knew that the battle was breaking out, but they still did not come to support."

"They want to defend!" Lin Rui said, his eyebrows raised, and he said in a deep voice, "Whether they are defending or attacking, in a word, if we want to protect Kassan, we need to kill a **** path and break out of the encirclement! All People obey the orders, prepare the weapons in your hands, and rush out with me! Start the assault!"

Following Lin Rui's order, the trident's mercenary soldiers took action one after another. They each performed their duties and charged forward.

Most of these fighters are o2 people. They have been fighting together for several years, so their cooperation has been extremely tacit, everyone knows their position on the battlefield, and everyone knows their responsibilities .

Therefore, when the action was launched, their speed was very fast, and they had already formed a formation, sneaking forward rapidly.

Several mercenaries such as Kuaima and Khan followed behind. They were responsible for escorting the wounded soldiers, because the enemy they faced was not only the enemy in ambush in front, but also the enemy that might appear behind!

In front, is a dense forest with hilly landforms.

On that hill, members of the Crimson Tide troop were scattered like stars. Their eyes were cold, and their eyes were flickering with crazy murderous intent.

As the most uncompromising and most brutal and murderous Red Tide troops in the secret society organization, they are notoriously cruel and crazy. It can be said that they are mercenaries composed of a group of extremists.

But they remained calm.

This time, the person in charge, the professor, is in the middle of it. The professor is a tall and tall white man, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He is staring straight ahead, and he knows that the mercenaries of the Trident are heading towards the place where he is stationed. The direction rushed over.

When the battle broke out just now, he had planned to lead the army to support him, but after talking to them, he changed his mind and stayed where he was.

The task given to him by the Red Baron was to kill Kassan, and he did not want to fight with these mercenaries. He would never allow Kasan, an important target, to break through the line of defense and abscond.

"Brothers, cheer up! Those mercenaries who have changed their lives are coming soon! This time, the baron has ordered that we must successfully annihilate our target."

The professor shouted through the headset that he was inspiring the soldiers of the Red Tide under his command.

"Boss, we are here, they can't rush!"

A Red Tide militant responded.

As soon as I finished speaking, all of a sudden - bang!

A sniper warhead slammed into the air, and the head of a firefighter on the right of the professor was like a shattered watermelon. down, very startling.

"Enemy attack! They're here! Fight me back!"

"Where's the sniper? The sniper finds their location for me and snipes hard!"

"Hold the flank, suppress me with firepower, and never let the opponent rush over!"

The professor's roar resounded.

Da Da Da Da! !

boom! boom! boom! !

In an instant, on the hilly area where the Red Tide troops were ambushed and stationed, the sound of gunfire resounded like rain, and the violent firepower swept forward.

The machine gunners and assaulters in the Crimson Tide Force all swept across with guns, and the four snipers in the field also occupied different high places to snipe.

The warriors of the trident mercenaries in front were indeed rushing towards them. They were as imposing as dragons, and each of them had an aura of iron-blooded slaughter rising into the sky, converging together. Although their number was not large, their might was earth-shattering, as if they were attacking an army of thousands of horses.

On the right, the burly and tall Khan took the lead. He held a light machine gun, and after occupying a bunker stronghold, while shooting for cover, he shouted cursingly: "Damn it, he really knows where to ambush! !"

Da da da da!

In the anger, Khan was already frantically pulling the trigger, and the muzzle of the machine gun immediately spewed out a stream of fire, and the violent bullets covered it and swept towards the stronghold where the Red Tide troops were stationed.

Around Khan, the rest of the Trident mercenary soldiers also opened fire to cover, forming an extremely violent fire strike for a while.

On the left side, there is a fast horse leading the team. He is also responsible for the firepower. He is also holding a machine gun, but the difference is that they are covered by a vehicle, and the large-caliber Browning m2 heavy machine gun is carried The ejected bullets became even more violent, slamming into the enemy's stronghold in front.

The other assault fighters also chose their strongholds and swept away with guns.

In an instant, the firepower formed by the warriors on the Trident side was overwhelming, covering the warriors of this Crimson Tide force in an all-round way.

"Eric, Yelena Viper, we need cover. You two are in charge of targeting enemy snipers! Kill them!"

Kuaima shouted loudly into the headset.

Because he saw that there were snipers on the other side, and he was constantly shooting at the mercenary soldiers.



Yelena and Eric both responded.

In the rear, the trident mercenary soldiers led by Sausage are marching fast, rushing all the way to the south.

Soon, the faint bursts of gunfire passed through, and also passed into their ears.

"There are gunshots!" a Crimson Tide militant said in surprise, "Over there!!"

"On the flank! It seems that the mercenaries over there have exchanged fire with the people on our flank! Hold the position, charge their convoy, encircle them and destroy them!

Our goal is in the fleet! ! "The professor shouted loudly, his mood fluctuated and he seemed extremely excited.

(End of this chapter)

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