In addition to Fengshen Automobile, the factory building of Fengshen mobile phone and Fengshen battery has also been put into use.

The three companies have more than 100,000 employees, bringing vitality to this new city.

This is still the beginning, it is not yet full, and new employees are joining every day.

Employees live in employee dormitories, and the living area is currently limited to the vicinity of the company, and the surrounding business has not yet developed.

However, there are already savvy businessmen who have come to inquire about buying stores in the surrounding business district.

Businessmen are not profitable early, they are so active, of course, optimistic about the spending power of Fengshen employees.

Under the urgent call of businessmen, the Chucheng Marketing Center was finally officially opened to the public.

“Chucheng has been fully launched for pre-sale since tomorrow, and some existing houses are on sale.”

A mobile phone push message, through the Fengshen live APP, was transmitted to the hands of all Fengshen mobile phone users.

This is the advantage of having your own platform, doing things without much effort, you can let the people of the whole country know.

Through the internal mailbox of Fengshen Investment, all employees received an email from Chairman Chu Feng.

All employees of Fengshen Investment can enjoy the huge discount of buying a house in Chucheng.

No down payment, 1.2% off the house price, this is the welfare of Chu Feng to all employees.

Of course, there are also restrictions, Chu Feng does not want employees to participate in speculation.

He simply believes that the house is the house, which should be reflected in its residential function, not the investment function.

Therefore, employees can only be based on families, and each family is limited to one set.

Moreover, within five years, if an employee leaves the Fengshen Investment Group or resells the house, the difference must be made up.

Chu Feng’s original intention to give employees benefits is to let every employee have a house to live in, not to give them a profit.

Restricting the purchase of one set as a family unit is not only for the welfare of employees, but also for all home buyers.

Chu Feng does not want speculators to come to Chu City to speculate in houses, the house price is too high, there is no benefit to the development of a city.

For him, it makes more sense to build a prosperous Chu City than to push up house prices and sell houses to make more money.

He has transcended the realm of profit first, money is not the most important thing, what is important is his influence.

Chu City was an indelible mark he had left in this world, and he hoped that the more perfect it was, the better.

“It is a conscientious developer, and the house price of hardcover houses is as low as 8,000.”

“The employee benefits of Fengshen Investment are too good, I want to join Fengshen Investment before buying a house.”

“Optimistic about Fengshen investment, optimistic about Chucheng, with the support of many industries, the future of Chucheng will be unlimited.”

“It’s a pity that each family can only buy one set, otherwise I have to buy a community.”


The news of the opening of Chucheng was spread throughout the country through various network communication methods.

Simply enough, it reached the level of household name, and Fengshen Investment did not even send a penny for advertising.

This is the huge benefit of having influence, and it is absolutely impossible to reach this level if it is an ordinary developer.

All the news about Fengshen Investment, as long as it is spread online, will spread rapidly.

On the opening day, the Chucheng Marketing Center fluttered, the gongs and drums were noisy and lively.

There are no fancy marketing methods, or even just a day in advance through the Fengshen live broadcast to release the news, but the scene is still crowded.

Early in the morning, before the marketing center was open, it was crowded with thousands of home buyers.

Fortunately, Mu Fei had foreseen this and organized hundreds of security guards to maintain order at the scene in advance.

Today is not the weekend, Fengshen employees need to go to work, can not come to the scene to buy a house.

If it is a weekend, with an army of employees joining, the scale of the scene will be even more frightening.

When the door of the marketing center is opened, the mood of the buyers is instantly high to the extreme.

Buying is earning, very appropriate here, is the real idea of every home buyer’s heart.

Everyone believes that the housing prices in Chucheng will skyrocket in the future.

Whether a city has prospects or not is largely reflected in the employment opportunities in the city.

Chucheng has a large number of industrial support invested by Fengshen, as well as supporting industries that are about to enter, which is definitely a bright future.

“Husband, there are too many people!” Mu Fei secretly stammered, “So many people can’t finish receiving them in a day, not to mention that there are still people coming.” ”

When Kyushu real estate was at its most beautiful, there was no grand situation of this scale in front of us.

Sometimes for the needs of marketing, it will create a grand situation of queuing up overnight to grab a house, but most of it is delayed and cannot be counted.

Like now, don’t say To, even marketing propaganda has not been done, there are so many real customers.

“It doesn’t matter, today’s reception can be received tomorrow, and we are not in a hurry to sell the house in one day.”

Chu Feng was not in a hurry, how much he could receive was how much, and what was there to be anxious about.

He really doesn’t understand that these people buy houses like they don’t have the same mentality of grabbing a house without money.

Of course, one of the reasons is also because the current people do not have any investment channels, and buying a house has become the best channel for value preservation and appreciation.

Chu Feng had no intention of changing anything, and he was happy to see it happen.

He is now selling houses, buying more people, and of course it is more beneficial for him.

The media present was so excited that it was another excellent eye-catching gimmick.

They were all uninvited, and Chu Feng didn’t even invite them, because he didn’t think he needed to.

Doing the media is nothing more than traffic, and they are willing to report on things that have traffic, and they will come to the door.

Again, this is the biggest benefit of being influential, no matter what you do, the media is like a shark that smells of blood, swarming in.

“In the hot sales of Chucheng, thousands of buyers flocked to grab houses.”

“Super cost-effective, just a few numbers, the real reason why Chucheng was snapped up.”

“Merchants are optimistic, Chucheng business opportunities are unlimited, half a day to sell thousands of stores.”


Under the publicity of the media, the buyers of the next day directly reached the scale of tens of thousands of people.

Mu Fei was sad and happy, although she had mobilized thousands of sales brothers and sales sisters, but so many people, still far beyond the reception capacity.

Chu Feng and Josie, who had originally planned to leave, also had to postpone the trip and stay.

So many people, if there is a stampede or something, the good things become the bad things, they have to be cautious.

In order to maintain order and avoid disorderly events, Chu Feng transferred most of the security forces of the three major companies to the marketing center support.

At the same time, the official platform of Chucheng Marketing Center opened a purchase appointment channel, and only the people who got the reservation number could come to buy a house.

A limited number of 5,000 reservation numbers are issued per day, 500 per hour, and in this way, the diversion is forced.

The order of the house sale was guaranteed, and Chu Feng and Josie could finally leave with confidence.

“Mr. Chu, maybe next year I will be able to enter the top 100 of the rich list.”

Josie said that for Chu Feng, she was 100 trusts and believed that he would not blackmail her shares.

Chu Feng smiled, “Listen, no matter how rich you are, you are destined to be my woman.” ”

Josie rolled her eyes: “I’ve said many times that I don’t like men. ”

Chu Feng looked at her with ill will and did not speak.

Just kidding, she said no, no? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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