The interlaced black and white keys give birth to magical music, and Yi Zichen on the performance stage gently touches a set of chords, and the strings vibrate a beautiful and pleasant sound.

As the rhythm unfolded, she was already immersed in the cheerful rhythm of the sonata and tried to play a beautiful and moving story with her own jumping fingers.

Gradually, entering the high (tide) stage, the original cheerful tune suddenly turned to excitement, and she gracefully closed her eyes and listened to her music.

People have a consensus on beautiful things, even if Chu Feng does not understand the piano, but by intuition, he also knows that this is a very successful performance.

The same is true for most of the spectators who come to see the performance, for whom the advanced skill of the performance is not important, what is important is that the tune played is comfortable to listen to.

Just like dancing, the average person has little research on dance, and whether the dancer dances well or not, the audience’s criterion is the visual effect they see.

Finally, when the performance was over, the scene was silent for a moment, the applause was thunderous, and Yi Zichen stood up and thanked the audience, appearing idyllic and calm.

She has been practicing piano since she was 6 years old, and she has won many international piano competitions with outstanding talent in elementary school.

She was like a proud white swan standing on the stage, enjoying the praise of the crowd, and at this moment, Chu Feng’s idea of including her in the harem was even stronger.

That’s right, that’s what he wants for this kind of good woman, and the better the woman, the more excited he is.

Ordinary men will shy away from women who are too good to be too good to look up.

And Chu Feng is different, he has enough self-confidence, and no matter how good a woman is, she is also a weak person in front of him.

When the audience finished, Chu Feng and Josie waited at the exit for Yi Zichen, who had arrived from Tingting.

She whispered a few words to her entourage, and then walked over to Josie alone, puffing her cheeks and not saying a word.

Josie took her hand and said sincerely, “Zi Chen, although it makes no sense to say sorry, I still have to apologize to you.” ”

“Since you know it’s sorry for me, why do you want to do it?” Yi Zichen threw away her hand and asked coldly.

“I can’t help myself.” Josie smiled bitterly and said, “Zi Chen, I don’t want to lie to you, frankly, I can’t leave him anymore.” ”

“Are you done?” If you just want to repeat these words, you can go, goodbye, oh no, never see! ”

After angrily speaking, Yi Zichen turned around and left, at this time she was not a piano goddess, but a little girl who hated because of love.

Josie rushed up and pulled her aside: “Zi Chen, you are deflated, I have boiled the Buddha to jump the wall for you, your favorite drink.” ”

“I don’t drink.” Yi Zichen was obviously still angry and threw away Josie’s hand again.

“You don’t drink from me, Josie didn’t go to work at work in order to boil this soup.”

Chu Feng smiled and said, “I smell a fragrant incense, I want to drink a bowl, but Joe won’t let me.” ”

His words successfully diverted Yi Zichen’s target of hatred, and she said with hatred: “I hate you, you are not allowed to speak.” ”

“Well, I don’t talk.” Naturally, he would not bother with a lovelorn little girl.

In other words, it is still he who robbed her boyfriend, and it is right to be hated by her, and it is strange that she is indifferent.

Emmmm… He thought about it, since he robbed her boyfriend, then it would be better to give her a boyfriend.

“You’re not allowed to go to Josie’s house, and I won’t go if you go.” Yi Zichen made another request.

On and off the stage as if two people, the stage is so elegant, but the stage is a little spicy.

“Okay, I’ll go back to my house.” Chu Feng didn’t think anything of it, what was he planning with the little girl?

Just robbed her boyfriend, let her vent the negative emotions is nothing, just make up for her.

Besides, if you want to take it, you must give it first, and then press her against the wall and rub it on that day.

Josie was a little embarrassed and apologized, “She has this temper, don’t be angry.” ”

“It doesn’t matter.” Chu Feng gave her a comforting hug, “I’m not so stingy, let’s go first.” ”

“You’re not allowed to hold her.” Yi Zichen jumped to his feet angrily, “You let me go of Josie.” ”

This man went too far, robbed her boyfriend of nothing, and showed love in front of her!

“I’ll go first, baby.” Chu Feng let go of Josie, and then hugged Yi Zichen with his hand.

“What are you doing, let go of me.” Yi Zichen was caught off guard by him and screamed.

“Your little pepper is very interesting, and when you eat hot pot another day, you must have a taste.”

Chu Feng smiled, let go of Yi Zichen, squeezed her little face with his hand, and walked away.

The piano genius goddess on the stage, the spicy and brutal hot girl on the stage, a bit interesting, really not to be missed.

“You…” Yi Zichen jumped to his feet angrily, “Josie, how did you find a boyfriend like this?” ”

“What makes other people nice is just a little immodest.” Josie was a little helpless, “His name is Chu Feng. ”

“He’s your boss?” Yi Zichen said angrily, “Is he trying to sneak up on you?” Ignore him, it’s a big deal! ”

“There are no unspoken rules.” Josie didn’t know how to explain it, and smiled bitterly, “Let’s get in the car first, and then we’ll talk about it on the road.” ”

“You’ve changed, didn’t you hate men before?” Yi Zichen tried to redeem, “Aren’t we very good? ”

“I have changed, and I now understand that it makes sense that the Creator created men and women.”

“But I don’t understand, we are obviously fine, you say you don’t want me if you don’t want me, what should I do?”

Yi Zichen was very aggrieved, she hugged Josie tightly, “Is it okay to leave him?” I forgive you for cheating. ”

Josie patted her back, looking embarrassed: “I’m sorry, Zi Chen, I can’t do without him.” ”

“However, I can’t do without you, and when I performed just now, I almost went wrong.”

Yi Zichen turned into a pitiful expression, “I am used to your kindness to me, please.” ”

“You can rest assured, I will still be good to you in the future, just like my sister.”

“You know, what I need is not a sister. You promised me that in the future we would find a country where we could get married. ”

“I’m sorry for you for living up to my promise. Zi Chen, we women, still have to associate with men to be appropriate. Or should I introduce you to a boy and you try to get in touch with it? ”

Speaking of this, Josie suddenly thought of Chu Feng’s thoughts on Yi Zichen, maybe there was nothing wrong with it?

As long as Yi Zichen can also accept him, the two can continue to be together in the future, wouldn’t it be better than breaking up like this now?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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