Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 755: Chaldea

 February 2017, a parallel world.

There is no Quarter Star here, and the Holy Grail was not contaminated in the Third Holy Grail War. History has reached another turning point since the invention of the phenomenon-recording computer familiar Laplace in 1950.

  In the Holy Grail War in 2004, Marisbili borrowed the power of King Solomon to easily win. He made a wish for wealth on the Holy Grail, and received the money to expand the "Phineas Chaldea", which was already planned to be established.

Chaldea is a magic workshop that can protect secret locations without interference from any country. It is also an observatory that can overlook all the secrets of the earth from the void.

This is also a secret service organization jointly established by various countries to prevent human extinction. It does not distinguish between magic and science. It is a research institute that gathers researchers from various fields to observe a world where magic alone cannot see the whole picture and science alone cannot measure the whole world.

In the middle of 2016, a vicious disaster called "Humanism Incineration" occurred in this world. Humanism refers to the concept of the origin, existence, and development of human beings in this world. Once burned, the human species will be destroyed. Earth becomes extinct.

Fortunately, with the efforts of Fujimaru Ritsuka, the last master in this world, and Mash Kirilet, a sub-server created by Chaldea that was fused with a heroic spirit, and with the help of all other members, they repaired the eight singularities. , the tipping point of human nature, and finally defeated Goetia, the first beast demon king who led all this to happen.

 Solved the disaster of human incineration.

During this journey, they gained a lot and lost a lot. Even though more than a month has passed, their hearts still fluctuate every time they think about the ups and downs of the journey.

Standing in front of the three-layer cold-proof glass window, looking at the heavy snow outside the window, Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly sighed softly and imperceptibly.

 This was keenly noticed by the girl next to her, and she asked softly: "Are you homesick? Senior."

"Ah...ah?" Fujimaru Ritsuka turned his head unexpectedly: "Why do you ask that? Mashu."

“I remember’s called ‘Winter Night’ in the country of our predecessors. It’s a day of reunion, right?” Matthew asked.

"...Yes, winter night!" Fujimaru Ritsuka clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It wasn't for Mashu's reminder, but I didn't even think of it. It snows heavily here in Chaldea every day. But I don't feel homesick. , and winter night..."

 “Fujimaru! Mashu!”

In the middle of the conversation, they were suddenly interrupted by a hurried shout, and an intellectual girl with silky black hair was running towards them quickly.

 “Leonardo da Vinci-san?”

"What happened?"

This is exactly Leonardo da Vinci, one of the three masters of the Renaissance. Because she pursued beauty, and the Mona Lisa was the most beautiful in her heart, she used some means to respond to the call and became like this.

  Running close to the two of them, she took two deep breaths and said excitedly: "Just now when I was cleaning up Romani's room, I found a video that I had never seen before. Maybe..."

 Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu's expressions changed, they understood immediately, and ran away with Leonardo da Vinci.

Romani Ajman, who previously served as a doctor in Chaldea and acted as the director for half a year after the death of the director, is one of the companions they trust and will never forget.

His true identity is Solomon!

  After winning the Holy Grail War, King Solomon of this world made a wish to the Holy Grail like Marisbili, and his wish was to ‘become a human being’.

He possesses human joy, anger, sorrow, and all emotions. He has worked diligently in Chaldea for 11 years, but just over a month ago, in order to defeat Goetia, the beast of mercy that was born from his corpse, , Romani Ajman was still in the sky, but he has completely disappeared.

Even King Solomon no longer exists on the Throne of Heroes, and it is no longer possible to summon him in any parallel world. He transcended through another method like an awakened person.

 All that is left to my friends is naturally my thoughts.

Unexpectedly, more than a month later, there are new discoveries among his belongings that have been cleaned several times, even a video? What will be in there? ...last words?

 “Didn’t Leonardo da Vinci-san look first?”

“No, I’ll go find you two as soon as I find the video.”

 Leonardo Da Vinci shook his head slightly, and the three of them stood nervously in front of a screen.

As the video was being read, there was a sound of sand, and the screen appeared. A gentle young man wearing a white coat and beige hair hanging down appeared on TV. It was Romani Ajman!

"Doctor..." Seeing that gentle smile again, Matthew's eyes turned red.

 Fujimaru Ritsuka also felt sad, but was seriously waiting for Romani's message.

"Fujimaru, Mashu, and Leonardo da Vinci, are you all here?" The young man on the TV seemed to be able to see outside and said, "If there are other people present, can you step away for a while? Ah, no, no I trust everyone, but what I’m going to say next is some ‘private matter’, hahaha, I still don’t want too many people to know.”

After a ten-second pause, he continued: "When you see this video, I should have been gone for a while, right? I'm really sorry. I may have left you with a big trouble after my death. .”

 Fujimaru Ritsuka and the three of them looked at each other. Isn’t this a private matter? What's the trouble?

"Before leaving this video, I actually hesitated for a long time, and wanted to destroy it several times, but in the end... I still couldn't completely ignore the 'mistakes'. In my hands, a world once went to destruction. "

The world... is destroyed? !

"It was a parallel world that was very different from Chaldea's world. The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City evolved into a 7vs7 Holy Grail War. I was also summoned by Marisbili as a Servant, but in essence, the real It was the restraining Alaya who summoned me."

“The purpose is to fight against the alien **** Ji Xing who somehow locked onto the world over there and sent clones to invade twice.”

 Alien God? Inhibition...confrontation?

This important news made the three people who had experienced the human body incineration disaster feel nervous. Just listening to this part, they knew that the situation over there was very serious.

 Next, from the mouth of Romani Ajman, they learned about the development of another world, until King Solomon judged the world and brought that parallel world to destruction!

The topic of the demise of a world and billions of living beings is always heavy. All parallel worlds share a Heroic Soul Seat, which is independent of the timeline. Unexpectedly, Solomon had experienced such a thing before, and the atmosphere among the three people became somewhat silent.

 “There’s nothing we can do about it…”

Just like here, if they fail to defeat the Demon King Goetia, wouldn't they also be devastated?

What is even more cruel is that the human beings there are going to die step by step. There is no way to think of and no one can be saved.

"Alien gods... Ji Xing..." In the picture, Romani Ajman's expression also darkened: "The judgment of restraint is correct, and it is a choice based on the safety of the entire world. As the Magic King Solomon, Nor do I regret judging the world.

 But as a human Romani Akiman, this matter has always been stuck in my heart. I even hope that a miracle will happen by then, like the miracles created by Fujimaru and Mashu. "

"Of course, it's too late to say anything now. After the world is cut off, it is irreversible, and the timeline is separated, making it impossible to go back to the past. It must have been more than ten years since it was cut off and entered the end of the world... .”

"What I want to say next is the key point." He became solemn: "During my tenure as Acting Director, I secretly made an assessment. Using Chaldea's equipment, I have the opportunity to go there, but the risks are higher. Far beyond the past singularity.

 The risk when the spirit son is transferred, facing unknown risks. I don't know what happened there after I cut the world, whether the alien god's clone continues to be entrenched there, and I have no idea about the development there in the past ten years or so.

That may have already become a doomsday filled with chaotic killings. Human beings who know that they are coming to the end are unleashing their desires wantonly, or they may be completely reduced to scorched earth in the war between countries.

There is no point in going there, and you may even be targeted by alien gods, who will discover the coordinates of Chaldea and bring disaster. "

 Ma Xiu and the other three looked at each other solemnly.

Romani Ajman put his hand on his forehead and let out a long sigh: "With so many shortcomings, why on earth would I leave this video? Really, apart from restraint, I am probably the only one who knows the coordinates of the world, as the judge of the world. Now, I should take it into a long sleep..."

 Long silence.

The three of them, Fujimaru Ritsuka, all have the answer, because you are...a kind doctor and a human being.

After a moment, Romani Ajman seemed to have given up thinking, and solemnly said again: "You can probably find reasons. For example, the origin of the alien **** was not confirmed in the end, and his special clone can easily defeat the summons. With countless heroic spirits, my terror is far greater than that of God Tiamat and the Demon King, and it is incalculable.

  We were not able to confirm his purpose. Until he found out that I planned to judge the world, there was no anger or surprise, which made it difficult for people to feel at ease.

 But most of them are selfish. I'm sorry, Fujimaru, Mashu, and Leonardo da Vinci, I've left you in big trouble for no reason.

 Leaving it up to you to decide is very irresponsible, haha, I don’t know if I’m being pretentious, but after I say this, I’m afraid you will definitely go there once.

So...if you decide to go, be careful, don't force it, and return quickly after you go. You can no longer stop the destruction of that world. Just take a look, or give a little help if you can... Thank you, I'm sorry. "

 Indeed, when it came to this, Fujimaru Ritsuka and the other three had no hesitation at all. They saw that this was the last regret in the doctor's heart, a past that he could never let go of.

Even if it was just a visit, just helping one person there, just doing a small thing... it was barely comforting to the doctors and to them who heard about this past.

Next, they carefully recorded the transfer coordinates of the spirit son left by the doctor, recording the abandoned world that no more people could know about and that had been swallowed up by imaginary numbers.

“And’s great to meet you, Fujimaru, Mashu, Leonardo da Vinci, and everyone else. Thank you for your company.”

 “Ah, don’t forget to destroy the video.”

 A formal farewell brought about a surge of sadness. The three of them looked at each other, and Fujimaru Ritsuka gently patted Mashu on the shoulder.

 “I’m fine, senior…”

"You really have left us with a big trouble. In the parallel world of doomsday, there is an alien **** with unknown power. No wonder he hid the video so secretly. He obviously wanted to be found but..." Leonardo took a deep breath and changed the atmosphere. , complained about Romani a few words, and then looked at the other two people.

"Are you two really planning to go? Human history has abandoned that place, and Fujimaru may not be able to get any help from heroic spirits..."

"It also means that there are no mythical characters or heroes except for the alien gods who need to be careful." Fujimaru Ritsuka said: "With Mashu here, we can ensure our own safety!"

 Ma Xiu nodded solemnly: "Yes, I will definitely protect my senior!"

“Fufu~” The cute animal that looked like a ferret or a rabbit jumped on Mashu’s shoulder and called out to the three of them to emphasize its presence.

 “Haha, Fufu is still here.”

 The current acting director, Leonardo da Vinci, shook his head and said: "Then...get ready!"

After more than a month, Chaldea once again made preparations for the transfer of souls. The other staff who were unaware only thought that there was another 'sub-singularity' formed by chance. The three of them silently said sorry to them in their hearts. .

Compared with the previous singular point movement, this time to go to the parallel world, an "imaginary number observation machine" was also used to cross the phase by diving into the imaginary number space and floating up at the destination.

This is the first attempt at imaginary number movement, and it is exactly what Romani calls the ‘risk’.

But in front of the genius Leonardo da Vinci, this was not a problem. After seeing the video in the morning, they completed all preparations in the afternoon.

Before entering the transfer cabin again, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu, who had experienced ups and downs at the Singularity, smiled and encouraged each other, and Leonardo da Vinci also gave them a look that said nothing.

 “Reverse summoning program, operation begins!”

 “Countdown to spirit transfer…”

 “Three! Two! One!”

 The instrument was activated, and Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and Fufu transformed into spirit children again in the light.

 Destination, a cut-off parallel world!

  3k8, one more chapter at 12 o'clock!

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