Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 100 Rogue? Where Are The Hooligans? 【2/7】【Seventh Subscription】

Because Xieyue Town was his territory from the very beginning, he is naturally very clear about what kind of bird this place is in Xieyue!

The city wall, which is only five or six meters high, is still made of wood.

Various small houses made of low wood and stone are arranged in random order.

The population is no more than 2,000 people, and they are thin and numb.

There are muddy dirt roads, and excrement that can be seen everywhere on the street, both from livestock and people.

This is what Xie Er Town looked like at the very beginning!

But now, where can I see the appearance of the extremely poor and backward town before?!

The simple wooden city wall turned into a solid stone city wall eight meters high. There are countless watchtowers above the city wall, and there are elite soldiers patrolling back and forth at any time.

The low houses built with mixed wood and stone have become buildings that don't know what kind of stones are used to build them, but the surface looks smooth and flat, and they are also very tall buildings!

In an orderly manner, one building after another is arranged in the city like that, and it is just behind the city wall, very close to them!

The dirt road that was originally muddy and even had a lot of excrement piled up became the current one, which is extremely clean, paved with unknown types of stones, and is extremely flat and hard!

Wherever the line of sight passes, such roads are everywhere!

The people walking on the street looked very well dressed, full of energy and rosy complexion.

You can tell at a glance that they are living happily.

And looking into the distance, you can see a place with a lot of people, which seems to be a market.

Bergenrath felt a little unreal.

He pulled the second prince who was already a little dull, and said, "Second, Your Highness the Second Prince..."


It took a while for the second prince to react. He let out a long breath, and he stopped looking at the flat and hard road, and he stopped looking at the neatly arranged buildings. He looked at Bergen Russ.

"This, is this really... Slanting Moon Town?"

Bogenlas felt that his mouth was a little dry, he swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva forcefully, looked at the second prince and asked.

The second prince was also at a loss for words at the moment, and didn't know how to answer.

"Your Highness, this, we...haven't come to the wrong place?"

"Are you sure, haven't we traveled to the cities of the great gods depicted in some knight fantasy novels?"

Bergenlas was completely frightened, he spoke intermittently, and it seemed that he was about to have a heart attack.

This is not the Xieyue Town he imagined, the Xieyue Town he imagined should be the wooden city wall, the houses are low and messy, the population is sparse, and they are thin and numb, and feces can be seen everywhere on the street. Dirty, messy, poor town !

But why is the reality in front of me, everything, so different?

At this moment, Bergenrath has completely doubted his life. He even felt that there was something wrong with his head. Everything he saw was an illusion?

Or is he dreaming at this moment?!

And at this moment, a half-orc girl with cat ears walked past Bergenlas, and just gave him a strange look.

"Ah! Orcs."

Bergenras smiled gratifiedly.

He looked at the cat-eared girl in front of him, and then at the urban residents who were obviously humans on the other side.

"Sure enough, how could humans live with half-orcs?"

"What I saw was indeed a hallucination.

"This hallucination is so real."

As he spoke, Bogenrath stretched out his hand and pinched the ears on the cat-eared girl's head.

"There are hooligans!"

The cat-eared girl was taken aback for a moment, then screamed, and slapped Bogenlas on the face with a slap!


This slap was so hard that it completely blinded Bergenras.

The first prince, the second prince and others who were witnessing everything nearby were all dumbfounded looking at all this. A knight widened his eyes and pointed at the cat-eared girl in disbelief: "You, you barbarian pariah, you actually Dare to beat the Earl of the Empire!"

"Bergenrath, are you all right!"

The second prince immediately went to help Bogenras.

"It hurts so much, it's so real, Your Royal Highness, this is not a dream, and none of this is an illusion!"

There was an extremely bright red, very obvious slap print on Bergenrath's face, and it was so painful that he even felt his tinnitus and buzzing from being slapped.

...0 for flowers...

"All of this is true, why does Xieyue Town become Xieyue City, why does this city become like this.

"If I knew that Slanting Moon City would become like this, I would never be able to sell this place!"

Bogenlas felt that the impact of the oblique moon city on him was too great today. After he was slapped, he lost control of his emotions on the spot. He was supported by the second prince, crying and shouting.

Frequently attracted the attention of passers-by.

The first prince and the group quietly moved away from the second prince and Bogenlas, and at the same time looked at the scenery of the oblique moon city as if nothing had happened, and from time to time, a few words of emotion came out of their mouths.

A picture that I am not familiar with them, we do not know each other, we are not together.


What a shame!

The second prince also felt extremely ashamed.

"Pay attention to your image! You are an earl! You represent the image of the nobles of the empire! Get up!"

The second prince gritted his teeth, he hated Bogenras like crazy.

Among the high-ranking officials of the empire, who doesn't know that the second prince wants face the most?

Now the public is in full view, under the watchful eyes of all.

Bogenlas was supported by the second prince, and almost fell into his arms, crying and shouting on the street, going crazy.

The second prince wished he could draw his sword on the spot and kill him with one strike.

"Where!? Where are the hooligans?!"

And at this moment, suddenly a group of sergeants on the street, wearing armor completely different from that of Sergeant Common, hurried over.

They wore steel helmets similar to the German soldiers of World War II on their heads, but they were only silver in metal.

All of them were uniformly dressed in blue uniforms, and their chests were covered by a steel breastplate that seemed to be one piece.

The breastplate armor made of steel reflects the luster of metal under the sunlight of Sorata.

Arms and calves are worn with a layer of steel armor gloves and armor boots.

The full plate glove of their right hands holds the handle of the horizontal knife at their waists.

"Bang bang bang bang bang."

There were loud and loud footsteps when the steel armor boots stepped on the ground.

A large group of people walked like dragons and tigers, and they walked over directly!

They are newly established by Don Juan, under the Superintendent of Order of the Oblique Moon City!.

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