Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 109 The Second Prince Will Come To Save Me【5/7】【Subscription】

When the second prince stood in front of this shop in the oblique moon city, many people had already gathered here.

Everyone is queuing up to buy something.

And there was a person standing at the door of the store, shouting loudly: "Clearance has been processed! Wholesale price, loss-making business, two pieces for one silver coin! Pick whatever you want!"

The shopkeeper was holding a piece of clothing in his hand.

The second prince's eyes widened immediately.

Because what the half-orc shopkeeper is holding is exactly the same clothes as the precious clothes in his arms!!

Even the size, style, color, everything, seems to be carved out of a mold!

exactly the same!

The second prince immediately felt as if the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and he was going to be unable to stand up.

The knight next to him had sharp eyes and quick hands, and helped the second prince again.

"Quick, help me in, I want to see if it's true."

At this moment, the second prince still didn't give up, he said to the knight.

The knight immediately helped the second prince to the front of the queue.

"You, don't jump in line!"

Seeing this, the half-orc shopkeeper immediately stepped forward to pull the second prince away.

"Do you know who this is, this is His Royal Highness the Second Prince!

The knight immediately yelled at them.

The knight was extremely tired at the moment, because he felt that this was the only sentence he said the most today. 360

And after saying it in the past, the effect is extraordinary, and the civilians will kneel on the ground in fear, but why is no one afraid of him here?!

The citizens of Xieyue City who were queuing up also shouted angrily: "Whoever you are, let alone the second prince, even if the emperor is here, you have to line up here for me!"

"Be obedient and line up at the back!"

The knight was furious and wanted to explode immediately, but when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, a group of patrolling sergeants passed by the street, and he immediately panicked.

Then obediently brought the second prince to the end of the line, and went in line.

After finally reaching them, the second prince looked up at the counter feebly.

Like a pile of garbage, there is a pile of clothes that are exactly the same as the "treasure clothes" in his arms, but with different colors.

And there are some more exquisite and beautiful designs hanging on the wall next to it! It looks better than the one in his hand!


The second prince's eyes widened immediately, and his whole body trembled.

He only felt a tightness in his chest and a sweetness in his throat. Unable to bear the stimulation, he immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then the sky became dark and he fainted to the ground.

"Ah! Your Highness! Your Highness?!"

This frightened the knight.

Superintendent of Oblique Moon City, detention room.

Bergenrath was clamoring at the moment.

He has returned to normal, and when he knew that he was arrested, he asked Lati to wait with an arrogant face.

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince will personally put pressure on Don Juan and issue an order to release me!"

"I am the Earl of the Empire! How dare you, a little superintendent of you, arrest an Earl of the Empire like me?! Wait for your death!"

Bergenrath yelled at the police officer who was drinking tea over there.

"Bergenrath, get up, move your seat, you have company."

At this time, a dark moon police officer wearing a light police plate armor suit came in and said to him.

Bergenras was taken aback.

"Bring him in."

The policeman waved his hand, and then Bergenlas saw five people walk in.

One of them was carried in by two police officers, and the other was escorted in by a police officer.

Seeing these two people, Bogenrath widened his eyes in shock and shouted: "Your Highness! What's wrong with you, Your Highness?!"

"And Knight Ned! How come you were arrested!"

"Knight Ned, what's wrong, Your Highness?!"

he yelled.

"Hey! Don't make any noise!"

The handle of a horizontal knife in the hand of a police officer knocked on the railing of the detention room.


The door opens, then closes.

Bergenrath stared blankly at the imprisoned (daab) Ned Knight who had no love in his life and His Royal Highness the second prince who was unconscious on the ground.

"Knight Ned, what's wrong! Why were you and His Highness imprisoned here?!"

"Oh... don't ask the count, it's too embarrassing..."

Knight Ned glanced at Bergenrath and sighed.

"We received a report from the masses that these two people were holding a piece of worn-out clothes on the street and intending to defraud them. The amount of deception was as high as hundreds of gold coins. .

A police officer said to Bergenras at this time.

"What!? Are you kidding, this is the second prince of the empire, how could he be defrauded!?"

Bergenlas looked shocked and angry.

"Hmph, I don't care about this anyway. As for whether he was wronged or not, I'll talk about it later, but after he failed to cheat, he went to a store and spat out a mouthful of blood. He soiled more than a dozen pieces of clothing, causing the store's losses to reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thousands of silver coins.

"Destroying other people's property shall be punished by ten times the fine and five-day detention."

The police officer said, and then said: "We will find a way to notify your family members to pay the fine."

Then he left.

"It's over, it's over now, I'm really going to be imprisoned for a long time.

Bergenras slumped on the ground.

"His Royal Highness is still outside.

At this moment, Knight Ned said suddenly.

"That's right, Your Royal Highness, come quickly! Come and save us!"

Burgenrath suddenly had hope again.

Although the eldest prince and the second prince do not deal with each other, they are still brothers after all.

Now I can only place my hope on the First Prince.

On the other side, the First Prince had just brought his men to find Ragnar.

Ragnar has just completed the task of leading a team to clear the monster lair on my world map at this moment. He got a half-day vacation and is currently taking a bath in the bathhouse of Oblique Moon City.

And at this time, the first prince who paid the money brought his knights into the bathhouse with a complicated expression on his face.

The First Prince didn't know what this place was, but when he heard that this was a bathhouse, a place to take a bath, the First Prince rejected it with a face.

As a Templar who strictly abides by the church's philosophy and is registered in the church, the eldest prince only takes a bath once a year, and he refuses to take a bath.

But, Ragnar was inside again.

So, the eldest prince gritted his teeth, God, forgive me, for the sake of the future of believers, please forgive me for taking a bath this time!

So the eldest prince took off his clothes and entered the bathhouse with the knights.

"Ah~! Cool~"

The eldest prince got off the steaming pool of the bathhouse, feeling the warmth and heat, and shouted with a refreshed face. .

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