Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 112 Enchanting Magic Protection Again【1/7】【Seventh Watch For Subscription】

"Damn, there are not enough detention rooms, why did you arrest three hundred people for me in one breath.

Lati touched the silver helmet on her head, and said to Ragnar very depressed.

"I don't want to either. Whoever asked him to bribe him wants to dig a corner."

Ragnar said very innocently.

"What should they do? Is it closed like this?"

Lati didn't know what to do.

One or two people were okay, but Ragnar unexpectedly caught more than 300 people in for him in one breath.

What do you want him to do?

The Superintendent of Oblique Moon City has just been established, and the location of the detention room is simply not enough.

Right now, there are more than 200 people crouching outside with their heads covered, being guarded by sergeants.

You can't just let them go like this, can you?

"I don't know what to do either, go and ask Lord Don Juan for instructions to see what to do.

Ragnar waved his hand and said.

"That's the only way to go now."

"It's just too messy. They even arrested more than 300 people for us directly. It's very difficult for us to do this."

Ratty sighed, he is a 30 superintendent who is not easy to do.

And when their report was submitted to Don Juan's desk, Don Juan picked up the report and looked at it, his eyes widened.

"What? How did you arrest the First Prince and Second Prince?"

"And, more than three hundred people were arrested in one breath?"

"Have everyone in the First Prince's team been arrested?"

Don Juan looked at Ragnar, and he said helplessly.

"Master Don Juan, but they have indeed violated some of our new laws."

Ragnar said to Don Juan.

"Is Anvimiya back?"

Don Juan looked at Ragnar and asked.

"No, but we received a letter before, saying that in half a month, Lord Anvimiya will be here. The letter said that Lord Anvimiya's harvest this time is not good.

Ragnar shook his head, and said to Don Juan.

"Then what can we do, let's do this first, lock up the first prince, the second prince, and Bogenras, these three are Anvimiya's political opponents, and the three of them will wait for Anvimiya to come back. "

"Others asked them to pay some bail, let's release them. There are more than 300 people, and there are not enough places in the detention room, but they are not allowed to enter Xieyue Town again."

"The old cells are being demolished and new ones are being built. There is not enough room to hold them.'

Don Juan had a headache and waved his hands.

"Yes, Monsieur Don Juan."

Ragnar nodded, and was about to turn around and leave when Don Juan stopped him.

"Wait, I just read the report, there are many horses?"

The corners of Don Juan's mouth curled up in a cunning arc.

"Three hundred and twenty-one horses."

Ragnar replied.

"Since those horses have been impounded, let's take them all and return the original equipment of those knights, but the chain mail and chain mail shirts they brought are all rubbish, but if they are returned It's hard to say."

"After all, those are bribes, which are directly confiscated to the military."

"More than three hundred war horses, that's not a small gift."

Don Juan lay calmly on the recliner and stretched himself.

"I see."

Ragnar hooked the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile.

After Ragnar left, Don Juan let out a long breath, feeling a little excited. An unexpected harvest, more than 300 war horses.

You know, in my world map, Don Juan has never found a horse.

Even if they are found, there are only two or three wild horses.

Not enough at all.

There is a shortage of horses in Xieyue City, but now, more than 300 horses came directly in one go, and all of them are horses equipped by knights.

The war horses that the Great Prince of the Empire equips his subordinates should all be good stuff.

"Master Don Juan."

At this moment, Pendragon walked in and said to Don Juan, "My lord, lapis lazuli has been mined from the underground mine again."

Pendragon and Hatch have always been on duty for the supervision of the underground mine.

As for the clearing of the monster lairs in my world map, Ragnar and Hu Zun have always led the team in turn to clear the work.

"Oh? Lapis lazuli has been mined again?"

Don Juan was taken aback for a moment, followed by joy.

Really good things come in pairs.

I just ate more than 300 war horses, and now the underground mine has produced lapis lazuli.

"very good."

Don Juan nodded.

Putting down the work at hand, Don Juan came to my world map, and brought the newly mined lapis lazuli to his own private workshop.

Looking at the enchanting table in front of him, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Then let me see what enchanted book I will get."

Looking at the twenty-one lapis lazuli stones visited in the belongings space of his system, the corners of Don Juan's mouth curled up slightly.

After visiting all the books and lapis lazuli on the enchanting table, Don Juan consumed his own experience again and started enchanting.

After the flash of the same Purple light as last time, the book was blown by the rotating Purple light on the enchanting table, flipping the blank pages frantically.

A large number of spell characters whose meanings are unknown appeared on the blank pages 903 of the book.

The next moment, the entire book was filled with spell words.

[Successfully synthesized enchanted book, obtained magic protection II]

"Magic protection?"

Don Juan was taken aback, he didn't remember that there was such an enchantment attribute in the original game.

Did he forget? Or is it different from the original game?

Although puzzled, Don Juan still took down the enchanted book.

【Magic Protection II】

[It can be enchanted on any object. After enchanting, the holder of the magic item will automatically get a layer of magic protection shield, which can resist powerful attacks. 】

[Magic Protection I is twice as strong as Magic Protection I]

"this is not bad."

Don Juan was overjoyed.

This is a nice property.

Receive this magic-protected enchanted book into the system's belongings space, and then start enchanting again.

[Successfully synthesized enchanted book, obtained magic protection I]

"Or magical protection?"

Don Juan continues to enchant.

After Tang Juan used all the lapis lazuli, Tang Juan looked at the twenty consecutive [Magic Protection] enchanted books in the system's belongings space, and he fell silent.

"Could it be that the last time I enchanted the Frost Walker, I was lucky?"

Don Juan couldn't help thinking. .

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