Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 119 Entering Hell【1/7】【Seventh Subscription】

Don Juan held a lighter made of flint in his hand, and started to light a corner of the portal to hell.

"Crack. Crack!"

A flame immediately rose from the lighter.

The next moment, after the flames touched the main body of the Hell Portal Gate, there was a sound of "Wow!", and a purple brilliance suddenly appeared in the empty center of the Hell Portal Gate.

This purple brilliance formed a slowly rotating vortex, which began to rotate between the portals of hell.

After about a moment, Purple's vortex stabilized, and finally formed a barrier with faint light in the portal of the portal of hell.

From the outside, this barrier looks like a large Purple jelly, which is still shaking.

"This is the portal, it looks really amazing."

Hu Zun's eyes widened, and he looked up and down the hell portal carefully.

He rubbed his head, but couldn't figure it out, why was it empty just now, just a shelf-like portal built by a few black purple stones, why did it suddenly glow after it came into contact with the flame?

"What is the principle?"

Hu Zun was a little puzzled. ,

The other sergeants also stared wide-eyed, looking at the opened hell portal in surprise.

"It's finally opened, and the trip to the lower realms will begin soon."

Don Juan breathed a sigh of relief looking at the portal to hell that had been successfully opened.

Fortunately, it succeeded. If the function of entering hell is not included in this map of my world, then he is just too embarrassing.

And if you can't enter hell, you basically can't get blaze rods, and you can't refine the brewing stand.

The magic potion, a magical thing, is about to leave Don Juan.

"Hu Zun, Hatch, follow me in to investigate the situation, this portal is still too small, only three people can enter at a time."

"The rest of you, stand by and wait for Hatch to teleport over again later, informing you of the start of entry."

Don Juan said to Hu Zun and Hatch.

Standing in front of the gate of hell, Don Juan was wearing a full set of black diamond thin plate armor inside, and a set of heavy-duty armor mounted on the outside of the thin plate armor.

The armor parts composed of black iron armor pieces are draped on the black diamond full plate armor. These armor parts are connected together, which is very powerful and strict.

The defensive power of this armor can be described as extremely powerful.

Basically, it is called triple armor.

Because there is a set of chain mail in the innermost part.

Perhaps because the black diamond plate armor was not thick and was very close to the body, the three-layer armor did not look bloated on Don Juan's body, it just made his original figure more burly.

Not to mention that Don Juan still wears a [magic protection] magic ring on his finger.

It can be said that the defense power has been raised to the peak.

Don Juan carried two weapons. The first weapon is the long halberd and three-pointed spear that Don Juan is holding now, and the other is the Xuanming Sword.

The current Don Juan has switched to a long weapon, which is an invincible weapon that can be opened and closed on the battlefield.

He took a deep breath, held his mind, closed his eyes covered by Black's ferocious iron mask for a while, and then opened them, the sound of breathing was covered by the iron mask, making it look muffled.

Looking at the hell portal in front of him, Don Juan said brazenly: "Let's go!"

In the next moment, take a step forward.

The black diamond plate armor boots stepped directly on the threshold of the portal to hell.

Hu Zun and Hatch followed closely behind.

The three of them stood together on the threshold of the portal of hell, their bodies were enveloped by that purple brilliance.

The next moment, Purple's light gate began to twist wildly.

A large amount of Purple light was released, covering the bodies of the three of Don Juan.


There was a loud bang, and the Purple light screen of the portal twisted crazily at this moment.

Following a dazzling light, the three of Don Juan disappeared.

"Lord Don Juan, Commander Hu Zun and General Ha Qibai were sent away by dadh."

Seeing the disappearance of the three, the remaining elite soldiers also looked at each other in blank amazement.


The tone of the map in my world seems to be dark red forever.

The sky does not exist, looking up, you can see the entire sky made up of dark red hell rocks, as if they are really in the underground world.

Here, there is no real ground.

There are dark red peaks everywhere.

And among these dark red peaks, occasionally there are one or two peaks that are different in color from other peaks that are completely composed of hell rocks.

That should be the mountain made up of Nether Stone.

Through the black iron mask, Don Juan looked far away at the White mountain peak with some spots in the wink, thinking.

"The environment here has a strange smell in the air. Is this smell the smell of sulfur?"

Don Juan frowned and glanced at the magma waterfall not far away that was flowing downward, exuding huge heat, and illuminating the surroundings.

This magma waterfall flows down from a mountain composed of hell rocks, and then reaches the ground of hell rocks below, forming a magma river.

Then the magma river flowed all the way, converging into a large magma lake in the distance.

"Damn it, why is this bird place so hot."

Hu Zun was already sweating from the heat.

He took out a towel from a small backpack on his back, then took off the iron apron on his head, wiped the sweat from his head, and then put on the iron apron again.

"The front is full of magma."

Hatch glanced at the magma lake in the distance, he opened his mouth, sweating with his tongue sticking out, and talking.

"Confirm the surrounding situation and see if it is safe."

Don Juan waved his hand.


At this time, suddenly there was a crying sound from the sky, this sound was very short and not pleasant to hear.

"This voice is a ghost!"

Don Juan was startled.

"call out!"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Don Juan Black's ferocious lower eyes opened, and the Black halberd and tri-pointed spear in his hand instantly swung out.

The whole person turned around, and the black armor skirt fixed at the waist also rotated instantly in the air, dancing with the rotation of Don Juan's body.

With a wave of the arm, the huge force formed by the twisting of the waist was instantly guided out along the Black halberd and tri-pointed spear!

In the sky behind, a rapid fireball hit instantly, and the weapon in Don Juan's hand was extremely precise, hitting the fireball!

"Go back to me!"

The huge force of the long halberd and three-pointed spear was drawn suddenly, and the volleying fireball was shot back in an instant.

This is bounce back!.

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