Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 222 The Gate Of Hell Has Been Occupied? ! 【4/7】

Blaze Rod, Nether Wart, Soul Sand.

Nether Wart is a crop that only grows in the Underworld.

In Don Juan's impression, hell warts can only be found in the fortress of hell.

As for soul sand, nether wart will only grow on soul sand.

Therefore, if Don Juan wants to artificially plant hell warts, he can only find a large amount of soul sand.

If you want to refine magic potion, hell wart is an indispensable material.

Because it is impossible to use common water to refine magic potions, only after adding hell warts to the water, can we use this to use various other materials to refine various magic potions.

What Don Juan wants most now is not strength potions, damage potions, etc. that can enhance the combat effectiveness of the human body, but healing potions that can heal!

In this era, the level of medicine and its bottom.

Even the oblique moon city, which has a map of my world, has not left this era in terms of medical treatment.

The same medical level is not high.

30 If you are injured or sick, you really can only simply go through some natural medicine treatment, and then resign yourself to fate.

The action of clearing monster lairs in my world map was not without casualties.

Although everything is guaranteed, accidents still happen.

Generally, when the monster lair is cleared, a large group of people will carry out group operations together.

Zombies, skeleton shooters, and spiders, it is impossible for such monsters to cause casualties to the Crescent Moon City army fighting in groups.

The accident happened not long ago, in the creeper's lair.

First use the long-range crossbow to shoot and clean up, don't get close to any creepers, and the creeper's lair will be cleared up quickly.

But one creeper was overlooked because it was hiding above the lair, in a dark corner of the wall.

It fell next to the two sergeants and exploded suddenly.

Two sergeants were killed and the other seriously injured at the scene.

Another sergeant who was seriously injured died of his injuries due to limited medical skills.

This was also the first death incident in Don Juan's army.

And that accidental casualty incident also gave Don Juan a sense of urgency for the healing potion that can heal the human body.

That's why after having enough obsidian, Don Juan entered hell so anxiously, looking for hell fortress, obtaining blaze rods and hell warts.

Only with these things can there be a basis for making healing potions.

In the future, this kind of serious injury and death can also be prevented.

Can help more people in the oblique moon city and save their own people.

Therefore, the exploration of the current world map of Minecraft will be weakened by Don Juan in the future. Correspondingly, there will be more manpower and more troops, and they will enter the hell that is more dangerous than the current world map for exploration.

In this way, more nether warts and soul sand can be obtained, making artificial breeding of nether warts possible.

Only healing potions are the real needs!

The synthesis of healing potions is also very simple.

It starts with glass bottles, water, hell warts.

After this thirty percent, it becomes a crude potion without any effect.

And this crude potion is the prerequisite for refining some magic potions.

Of course, there are other basic potions that have no effect, such as ordinary potions that use spider eyes, magma cream, rabbit feet, sugar, ghast tears [flickering watermelon refining market.

As well as cloudy potions made with glowstone dust and crude potions with extended effects made with redstone dust.

However, compared with the crude potion made with nether wart, the ordinary potion and the extended version of the crude potion can only be refined into the potion of weakness and the extended version of the potion of weakness.

Only crude potions made from hell warts can be made to make all other potions.

The refining items for healing potions are very simple.

It's always, the flashing watermelon.

Glittering watermelons are crafted at a crafting table using watermelons and gold nuggets.

It is a key item for refining healing potions.

After using the fluorite powder in the healing potion, the effect of the healing potion can be enhanced and become the healing potion II.

And when the fermented spider eyes are added to the healing potion, it can become a poisonous potion! Harmful potion!

Therefore, the two poisons are one thing, and they are not separated.

In the current oblique moon city, a large number of gold mines have been mined, and a large number of watermelons have been planted.

In other words, as long as the key 640 items such as hell wart can keep up, the oblique moon city can refine a large number of healing potions!

There is no shortage of things like fluorite in hell, and they can be found at any time, and it is not far away to refine a large number of healing potions with stronger effects.

As long as the purpose of artificially cultivating hell warts can be achieved, there will be no more wounded or sick people in Slanting Moon City.

Only then can Tang Juan truly sit back and relax, no longer worrying about the illnesses of the residents of Oblique Moon City.

After leaving the Hell Fortress where there was nothing left, Don Juan led a team to collect some fluorite and Nether Stone to study it, and then prepared to return to the area where the portal was located.

Just when the royal guards and warriors returned to the place where they first came up, and were about to climb down again through the hook rope, suddenly a goshawk Divine Archer looked down and stopped everyone.

"There is a situation below! The portal is occupied!"

The pupils of his eyes became cylindrical, and he carefully looked at the situation below.


Hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked.

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