Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 128 The Tragic Second Prince 【3/7】【Seventh Subscription】

[ps: The cement-reinforced concrete building has an attic of the Huaxia Feng building on the top floor, and the buildings in Xieyue City are almost in this mix-and-match style. 】

"When you are able to make pastries well, it means that you have completed a small goal and can continue to pursue the big goal."


Don Juan spoke softly.


Minalia's emerald eyes lit up, she nodded vigorously, and then trotted away.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Making cakes and being a knight are two things that have nothing to do with each other, but you have connected them so bluntly. It's not convincing at all, okay?

"Fortunately, that little girl still looks convinced."

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded from behind, Don Juan turned his head, and saw Anvimiya standing behind him, leaning against the wall and looking at him.

"I don't want to either."

Don Juan shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Aren't you asleep?"

"When I was sleeping, I felt that there was someone looking at me with lewd eyes all the time, how could I still sleep?"

Anwei Miya clasped her hands on her chest, raised her heroic eyebrows slightly.

The clean, beautiful, watery black eyes just looked at Don Juan with some teasing.

"Did you discover it? I didn't look at you lewdly."

Don Juan spread his hands, feeling helpless.

"Okay... I heard you say before, what happened to my two imperial brothers?"

Anvi Miya yawned, raised a slender palm around her chest slightly, bowed, and asked.

"They, you may not believe it."

When Tang Juan mentioned this, he was almost amused, and he said with a bit of helplessness in his tone: "Now I am locked up in the city of the oblique moon.

"Is locked in the oblique moon city?"

Anvi Miya felt no sleepiness at all at the moment, and the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a sinister smile.

"Your Highness, how long will we be imprisoned...`||."

Superintendent of Oblique Moon City, cell in the detention room. Earl Bergenlas sat in the corner with a look of lovelessness, looking up at the ceiling at a forty-five-degree angle.

"I do not know either."

His Royal Highness the Second Prince sat next to Earl Bergenlas with a blank expression on his face.

The eldest prince waved his hands, and said to the second prince indifferently: "Second brother, don't worry, Tang Juan won't imprison us forever."

"I have this confidence."

he said.

"Even if we're not imprisoned for the rest of our lives, we can't take it if we're imprisoned for ten or eight years!"

The second prince suddenly yelled.

Then he looked sad again: "Before I heard those Dark Moon chatterers chatting, Grand Duke Wilhelm, who was the first to enter the wilderness, has already retreated.

"The army of 25,000 people was defeated by the evil disaster within two months after entering the wilderness, and there are at least tens of thousands of soldiers of Earl Yordle in the wilderness. Duke Wilhelm was defeated so quickly. down."

"Although I don't know the specific strength of the regiment, but judging by the time when Duke Wilhelm retreated, the number of the Devil's Disaster Legion must be more than ten thousand last time!

"Maybe, there are 200,000 people in the Devil's Disaster Legion! Otherwise, Grand Duke Wilhelm couldn't have been defeated so quickly!"

Speaking of this, the second prince had a look of fear on his face, and muttered in the air: "Maybe, maybe now the Demon Disaster Legion has wiped out Earl Yordle and the Kingdom of Wade, and the troops of the Duke of Marcus and the Duke of Tangji are now Heading towards the City of Oblique Ears!"

"It is very likely that the legion of more than 200,000 people, the oblique moon city is so big, how could it be able to stop it!"

"At that time, we will all have to be buried with Xieyue City!"

The second prince screamed.

"Hey! Be quiet! What's the noise? We'll have dinner later!"

The two Dark Moon police officers who were drinking tea and chatting reprimanded them.

The eldest prince's eyes lit up: "It's time to eat later, that's right, it's noon.

These days when they were imprisoned here, that is, the time for eating every day, was the time they were looking forward to.

"Xianyue City actually gave us prisoners three meals a day, which is really extravagant."

Up to now, the eldest prince is still speaking in disbelief.

The civilians in Common only eat two meals a day, and the poorer ones eat one meal a day, and some even have nothing to eat.

Now in Xieyue City, these prisoners are given three meals a day, and they are all good things that they have never eaten in the outside world.

The eldest prince felt that this was a courtesy given to them by Don Juan.

After all, even if he is a prisoner, he is also a noble prisoner. The eldest prince is very satisfied with these treatments.

In fact, he didn't know that this was just the daily standard quota of prisoners stipulated by Don Juan. Even, the food that the eldest prince, the prince of the empire, was not as good as those hard-working orc miners in the underground mines of my world.

Regarding whether he will be imprisoned for a long time, the eldest prince is not in a panic, because he knows that his knights have been released, and they, "definitely go back and call someone.

It is only a matter of time before I come out, and there are still many human armies on the wilderness resisting the evil disaster. Although the situation is not optimistic, the First Prince feels that Grand Duke Wilhelm was the first to enter the wilderness and contact the evil disaster first. For half a month.

As for the remaining Earl of Yodel, the Kingdom of Wade, the Duchy of Tangji, and the Duchy of Marcus, whatever they are doing, and the power of the Quartet, no matter what, they will be able to withstand it for half a year.

With this time, he believed that he would definitely be able to escape from the oblique moon city.

Having said that, he is doing quite well in the prison in the oblique moon city.

It's also thanks to the fact that the first prince has a single-minded head, he doesn't think as much as the second prince, so at this moment he can enjoy his life behind bars with peace of mind.

(Nuoma Zhao) "々`Wow."

At this moment, the door of the detention room opened.

Attracted everyone's attention.

"Do you want to eat?"

The eldest prince's eyes lit up.

The second prince and Bogenras also looked over, each swallowing their saliva.

There is nothing to do here, and eating every day is what they look forward to.

But the next moment, the people who walked in made all of them change their faces.

Anwei Miya had a heroic, beautiful face with an unknown smile at the moment, and walked in with a pair of long legs.

"Three...Third sister? Yi!"

The eldest prince swallowed unconsciously, it was a guilty conscience.

"What do you want to do?"

The second prince looked at Anwei Miya who walked in very vigilantly.

At this moment, his heart was even more desperate. It was over, and the third sister came over, so it was even more impossible for them to leave. .

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