Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 136 Safe Losataya And The Completed School 【4/7】【Seventh Subscription】

"What happened to Losataya, was she attacked by the people of the Devil's Disaster Legion?"

"The Health Points are so low, with 16% of the Health Points, it is infinitely close to being seriously injured and dying."

Seeing this, Don Juan frowned deeply.

To be honest, although he didn't know Losataya for a long time, Don Juan didn't want that blood girl who usually seemed heartless and especially liked to eat to die.

For the next two days, Don Juan kept paying attention to the changes in Losataya's Health Points in the army list.

Sometimes Losataya's Health Points would suddenly recover to 50%, but before Don Juan could calm down, the Health Points that had just recovered suddenly dropped to 2%!

And in the past two days, when Losataya was at her most dangerous time, her Health Points had dropped from "180" to 11%!

But fortunately, Losataya seemed to be out of danger later, and her Health Points were fixed at about 30% throughout the day.

"What happened to Losataya, is she being hunted down?"

Don Juan frowned deeply, thinking.

If Losataya was hunted down, she would definitely run in the direction of the oblique moon city in order to survive.

However, not necessarily.

There is a great possibility that Losataya is completely unwilling to be dragged down by her in the oblique moon city, so she will run away in the opposite direction of the oblique moon city.

If this is the case, then Don Juan probably couldn't find Losataya's body until Losataya died.

"Losataya, I hope you can escape towards the direction of the oblique moon city, and don't worry that the oblique moon city will be dragged down by you.

"Xianyue City is not weak. Although our population is sparse, we are very strong."

Don Juan said secretly in his heart.

And during these two days, Don Juan also continued to increase the number of cavalry troops sent to patrol the outside world.

Generally speaking, the cavalry unit patrolling around the oblique moon city is usually around 300 people.

But now Don Juan has added two hundred more.

There are currently 700 armored knights in Xieyue City, and only 200 people are left in Xieyue City.

The armored knight troop of 500 people is an extremely powerful combat force. They are constantly patrolling and exploring around the oblique moon city.

Don Juan hoped that Losataya could escape towards Slanting Moon City. If so, the knight troops who had been patrolling and exploring around Slanting Moon City would definitely meet Losataya.

Thus keeping her out of danger.

However, five days passed.

The cavaliers found nothing.

During these five days, Don Juan's heart also calmed down a little.

Because the system army list shows that Losataya's Health Points have stabilized to more than 70%.

And it is slowly increasing.

It can be seen from this that Losataya is basically out of danger.

This result gave Don Juan a little peace of mind, and he could finally free up his hands to deal with other matters.

Just today, Don Juan received Harlaus' report.

The first primary school in the town has been established successfully.

The two-month-long school was finally successfully established after the non-stop hard work of the workers in the oblique moon city.

And Tang Juan temporarily let go of his worries about Losataya, and went to work on school affairs.

After gathering refugees during this period, some literate documents were recruited among the refugees.

Including the more than 100 clerks last time, the number of clerks has reached 167 now.

One hundred and sixty-seven clerks, Don Juan calculated carefully.

In addition to the various financial calculations, military equipment calculations, daily supply calculations, and various building data statistics, planning, population and people's livelihood statistics, etc. in the twin buildings of the oblique moon city. Now there are about twenty-three clerks that can be vacant in Oblique Moon City.

Twenty-three clerks can just go to serve as teachers for the children in Xieyue City.

Teach them words, teach them knowledge.

Originally, Don Juan wanted Anvimiya to invite scholars with higher knowledge from the outside empire.

But no matter how much Don Juan asks Anvi Miya to ask for a price, no one is willing to come, and now they can only choose from the existing oblique moon city documents.

However, the children's clerks have a quota of 23 people, and these 23 people cannot be chosen casually.

You have to choose some people who are very good in moral character, personality, etc... 0

Don Juan put aside the matter of Losataya on his mind for the time being, and began to choose the instruments for educating the children with peace of mind.

"Baslin, who used to be the Priest of the church, but angered the church by preaching the idea that humans and orcs should coexist in peace."

"Expelled by the church, came to the wilderness."

"This Baslin used to be the Priest of the church, but he was expelled by the church because of his different ideas."

"This person is good, and the knowledge content should be the highest."

Don Juan first drew a circle on the name of Baslin on the list, indicating that this person was available.

Baslin was the Priest who entered the City of Crescent Moon when the first batch of Don Juan recruited documents from the refugees.

After looking it over, Don Juan picked almost 20 people in total.

These twenty clerks can also serve as teachers for the current children in Oblique Moon City.

Now the population of Xieyue City is 23,000.

Among them, the number of children under the age of fifteen is very small. After statistics, there are only 531 children.

In a town with a normal population of more than 20,000, it is certainly impossible for the number of children to be so small.

But the key point is that most of the population of Oblique Moon City are refugees who escaped from the wilderness.

Among the more than 20,000 people in Xieyue City, the number of young and middle-aged men accounts for more than 70%. 5.2 They are the mainstay of the oblique moon city today, serving as the army, construction workers and other industries.

Because only young and strong men can survive the difficult escape journey to the Great Slanting Moon City.

Let me tell you a very uncomfortable thing. The children, wives, and family members of these people basically died at the hands of the orcs, or died in the process of fleeing last winter, starved to death, or frozen to death.

The number of women and children who can reach the oblique moon city intact is very small.

And Don Juan also knows that the next generation is the hope of the future.

That's why he started the education system as early as possible.

And for the education of those children, everything is free.

All are borne by Don Juan's Oblique Moon City government.

And just after Don Juan confirmed the list of teachers, the system's prompt sounded at this time. .

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