Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 139 There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch...What! Free? ! 【7/7】【Seventh Subscription】

Although he didn't know why Don Juan didn't care about the church, Baslin was still infected by Don Juan's self-confidence.

"My lord, even if there is a war with the church in the future, I will stand firmly on your side, on the side of the oblique moon city."

"Although I was the Priest of the church before, since the church exiled me, I have already given up on the church."

"By the way, my lord, may I ask how much the tuition fee for school admission will be?"

"I have a friend who is also in Xieyue City. The child in his family is just ten years old. Let me ask him first."

"If it's more expensive, it's okay for me to pay the money for him."

Baslin asked Don Juan before leaving.

At this moment, Baslin felt a little uneasy, he was more afraid that Don Juan would say a huge number.

After all, Baslin knew that knowledge, a precious thing, cannot be passed on to the Common people for free.

There is no free lunch in this world.

But Don Juan's next words made Baslim stunned.

"Charge? Why charge?"

"Let the children learn and educate the children, all the expenses are borne by the government of the oblique moon city, and no fees will be charged."

Don Juan was taken aback for a moment, and then replied.

"What!? Free!?"

Baslin's eyes widened, and he couldn't control his shocked heart, he screamed.


"It's free."

Don Juan picked his ears, he was a little startled by the sharp tone.

"It turned out to be free."

Baslin was in a daze.

And when he saw Don Juan's expression that he wasn't joking.

After realizing Don Juan's determination, Baslin suddenly had a premonition in his heart.

Yes, the world needs a new leader to lead.

And this leader will no longer be the church.

Perhaps, the man in front of him can really lead the world!

After getting his own answer, Baslin left Don Juan's office and continued to report to the school.

From then on, his identity is a glorious teacher.

Spread knowledge to Common people.

When Baslin reported at the school and confirmed his position, he ran all the way to his friend's house.

It was almost afternoon at this time, Baslin’s friend Johnny, who was a Common farmer before, his wife died young, and he was struggling to pull his son alone.

And this evil disaster ruined everything for him, but he was luckier than anyone else.

Because he managed to bring his son with him, and arrived at Xieyue City alive.

And resettled here in Xieyue City, and started a new life.

Johnny's current job is a worker on a construction site.

Commonly known as moving bricks.

Although it was hard work, the salary was not low. With his own work, Johnny could allow himself and his son to live a very prosperous life in Slanted Moon City.

In fact, everyone in Oblique Moon City lived a very prosperous life.

And all of this now is something that Johnny, who was not full and warm in the past, dared not even think about.

Just yesterday, Johnny just finished a construction project, and he got three days off, so he can have a good rest.

Coincidentally, the building that Johnny worked in before was the primary school in Slanting Moon City.

Johnny has also known for a long time that the lord wants to build a primary school, so that the children of the oblique moon city can go to school.

Therefore, Johnny had a thought in his heart.

He wants his ten-year-old son to go to primary school.

In the past two months, he worked and worked in the oblique moon city, and he also accumulated a few silver coins.

Johnny thought, taking advantage of this opportunity, even if he borrowed some money from outsiders, he had to raise enough tuition fees so that his son could go to school and learn the precious knowledge that belonged only to nobles before!

"The school opened by the lord should not charge a small fee to teach us common people's children knowledge."

"Johnny, my son died while fleeing famine, (dacj) and this period of time, I have always regarded your son as my son, you take these three silver coins

"You are not allowed to return the future that was given to the child at this time! If you dare to pay back the money, then we will break off our friendship, and I don't have a friend like you!"

"The lord is willing to take us in, give us jobs, and give us a rich life. I am already very grateful to the lord in my heart."

"But now I never thought that the lord would still be willing to spread knowledge to us common people's children, I, I..."

At Johnny's house, he looked at his few friends who donated money to him without hesitation, and Johnny was sobbing at the moment.

The voice was full of gratitude.

"Okay, I don't know if the twenty silver coins we collected for you are enough for your tuition."

A friend tapped Johnny on the shoulder.

"Although the lord is very kind, if there is no charge for opening a school, it will be a money-losing business."

"I think that no one would do business that loses money, so it is normal for the lord to collect money. I also support the lord to collect tuition fees."

At this time, Johnny held the money bag in his hand and said, the others also nodded.

Obviously, they all think so.

Schools charge tuition fees, and they are very supportive.

Because they don't want the lord to lose money for them.

"Johnny! Johnny!!"

At this moment, Baslin's panting voice came from outside the door.

"It's Baslin."

Johnny's family lives on the seventh floor of a building, which is the top floor.

And Baslin had run all the way from school, so he was going up seven floors at the moment, so he was exhausted.

"What's the matter, Baslin?"

Johnny wiped his tears and asked.

Baslin walked into the room, sat on a solid wooden chair, picked up the glass cup on the table, drank the tea in it, took a rest, and then said: "I have a piece of great news. , I want to tell you that it was the lord who said it himself about the tuition fee."

"About the tuition fees?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone's attention was attracted.

Johnny also pricked up his ears and listened nervously.

"This is what the lord himself said!"

"About school fees."

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened.

"Everyone, medical bills!"

Baslin said very solemnly.

"What?! Free?!"

Hearing these two words, Johnny immediately screamed.

The degree of shock was exactly the same as that of Baslin who had just heard the news from Don Juan. .

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