Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 145 The Slanted Moon City Besieged 【7/7】【Seventh Subscription】

And twenty miles away from the Crescent Moon City before the Teluk Legion, the cavalry patrol team led by Pendragon had already discovered them.

"Cross big span big span big!"

The sound of horseshoes sounded outside the oblique moon city!

Pendragon led the patrol team of 20 armored knights back to Slanted Moon City.

Armored knights with men and horses charged directly into the city, and Pendragon roared angrily when he approached the city gate: "Quickly close the city gate!"

"The Devil's Disaster Legion is already twenty miles away from Slanting Moon City!"

Hearing this roar, the sergeants guarding the gate of the city were all shocked.

"Hurry up, close the city gate!"

With the joint efforts of more than ten sergeants, the huge and heavy winch was turned.

And the huge iron city gate, which was completely made of steel and covered with a layer of wooden boards as a cover, made a harsh sound and slowly closed. "Nine Four Three"

"Hurry up, go and inform the lord heaven!"

Shouts sounded.

"No, I already know."

As soon as Pendragon turned around, he saw Don Juan with a calm face standing behind him.

"Pendragon, how far is the Scourge Legion from us?"

Don Juan asked with a calm expression.

"Before I found out that they were twenty miles away, but now, they are estimated to be fifteen miles away from Slanting Moon City."

Pendragon replied immediately.

"Fifteen miles."

"Is it this close already, and how many of them are there?"

Don Juan continued to ask.

"It's too urgent, and I haven't checked it out for a while, but at least there should be more than 10,000 people."

"It seems that the main force of the Demon Disaster Legion is not here."

The two walked up the city wall, and upon hearing Pendragon's answer, Don Juan's frown relaxed a little.

If there are only ten thousand people, then for the oblique moon city at this moment, it is really an easy opponent.

Even in field battles, Don Juan had full confidence to completely defeat those enemies head-on.

But more than 10,000 people are just a general figure.

Fifteen thousand people is more than 10,000 people, but 560,000 people is also more than 10,000 people.

How many people are in the Demon Disaster Legion this time? It seems that we can only know when we face each other head-on.

The alarm bell that resounded throughout the entire Oblique Moon City rang.

The troops who were usually stationed outside the city for training also all withdrew into the city.

There are now a total of 4,000 soldiers in the entire oblique moon city.

According to Don Juan's previous vision, eight companies would defend each section of the city wall.

There are a total of four sections of the city wall, 3,200 defensive troops, and 500 people are on standby in the city, ready to support the critical city wall at any time.

The remaining 300 people are also used as a reserve team, but they need to maintain the continuation of the city.

"Has the Devil's Disaster Legion come over yet?!"

Seeing the fast action everywhere on the street, the sergeants wearing JS-1 sergeant armor and carrying the Kivers Z187 revolver, many citizens were worried.

"Don't be afraid, our Slanting Moon City won't be defeated so easily, and the people from the community management committee just said that the attack this time is not the main force of the evil disaster, the number is very small

There are only 10,000 people, and the defense force of our oblique moon city also has 4,000 people. "

"It's impossible for them to attack Slanting Moon City, so there's no need to worry too much."

Another citizen spoke very calmly, without seeming worried at all.


And at this moment, the sound of the horn soaring into the sky suddenly rang outside Xieyue City.


On the city wall, Don Juan, who had put on his armor, froze, and immediately looked into the distance.

At this moment, Don Juan is facing the direction deep in the wilderness, the north.

Within sight, one after another flags were erected.

I don't know how many people there are, but a dense army appeared outside the oblique moon city.

Countless banners were erected, and spears lined up in disorder, like a real forest.

Countless werewolves, hyenas, and wild boars appeared outside the oblique moon city as the vanguard.

"Report!! Demon disaster legions appear outside the west city! More than 10,000 people!"

"Report!! Demon disaster army appeared outside the east city wall! More than 10,000 people!"

At this moment, an orderly roared and ran across the walls.

"There are demon disaster legions outside the other two walls."

"The demon disaster legions outside the other two city walls are almost all over 10,000 people."

"But the evil disaster army in the north is the least, only a few thousand people."

Don Juan was holding a binoculars in his hand, looking at the situation of the evil disaster army on the opposite side.

"In this way, there are only more than 20,000 people who appeared outside the oblique moon city."

"More than 20,000 people, that's not a lot of troops."

Following Tang Juan were Hu Zun and Hatch, Hu Zun touched his head at this time and said.

Tang Juan glanced at Hu Zun, and then said: "This is definitely not their entire force, it should be their vanguard.

"They will definitely have follow-up troops coming."

"And their follow-up troops are at least equal to the forward troops, and may even exceed the forward troops in strength."

"At that time, the strength of all the evil disaster legions outside the oblique moon city should be at least 50,000 people.

"Fifty thousand people!"

Hatch gasped.

"What do 50,000 people have? We have 4,000 people, and the Japanese can cut off one.

Hu Zun said indifferently.

"Fool, what is four times ten?"

At this moment, Hutch looked at Hu Zun with contempt.

"Four times ten... It seems, it seems to be 40,000, oh yes, there is still a difference of 10,000."

"Let me do the math, one four gets four, two four gets eight, three forty-two... Oh, we have four thousand people, if one person cuts off thirteen people, that's enough to make twelve thousand people ugly."

Hu Zun, a 1.9 meter burly man, snapped his fingers beside him and thought for a long time before he said.

"Where's Ragnar?"

To Hu Zun, Tang Juan was a little speechless and could only ask.

"Today it's Ragnar's turn to lead the team to clear the monster lair, and he hasn't returned yet in 5.1.

Hatch said.

"Go and tell him to come back. The demonic disaster army outside, look at the momentum, it seems that they are not going to stop and set up camp."

"They see that my oblique moon city is small, so they want to attack my oblique moon city directly?"

"It's simply arrogance! If you want to take down my oblique moon city in one go, then you have to see how many lives you have to be buried under the oblique moon city!"

Under Don Juan's order, a sergeant armed with a Kivers Z187 revolver was ready on the city wall.

At the same time, all the shells and gunpowder that were lost by the Japanese Gate Group were moved to the city wall.

One city wall, twenty-five small watchtowers, ten large watchtowers, a total of thirty-five cast iron cannons lined up on the city wall!

And on one city wall, there are a total of five hundred and seventy-five shooting ports on the large and small watchtowers that can be used for shooting!

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