Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 155 This Is Not Called Raiding The Camp! This Is Nima's Strong Attack! 【3/7】【Seventh Su

"Hmph, it's just a group of human beings, you guys are so scared, if you want me to say, we'll attack the city directly!"

"Two of the three troops forcibly attacked the city, leaving one for the human army on the other side of the river to cross the river and attack."

"As for this mere small town in front of us, it won't take long for it to be captured."

"At that time, after we capture the city, we will be able to watch the human beings on the opposite side of the river from the city wall looking desperate and irritable.

Another tiger officer snorted coldly and waved his hands.

"But what if you fail to capture the city, and the humans on the other side seize the opportunity and fight back?!"

"Then who will bear this loss, Hu Like, will your team of Muke bear this loss!?"

Another tiger officer jumped up and spoke loudly to Huli Ke.

In the Demon Disaster Legion, Tike is the name of a team of 500 people, and Mang Ke is the name of a team of 2,000 people.

"It's just a small city. Before we didn't have a siege ladder, we failed to siege the city, and we lost a Tek team. But this time we have a siege ladder, and if we want to climb the city wall, what's the point?" not easy?!"

Hulik blushed and roared at the tiger officer.


Teruk frowned and roared angrily.

"Noisy, so messy, what does it look like?!"

"Prepare for a tentative siege tomorrow!"

"If the siege fails, then shrink your troops and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive!"

Teluk glanced at everyone, then said.

"Let's all go back."


The tiger officers all stood up, and then began to leave the field, returning to their respective camps.

"grown ups."

At this moment, a fox orc came in and shouted at Teluk.

"Well, Fox."

"You came."

Teruk waved his hands to Huao wearily, and said, "Just find a place to sit."

"My lord, I'm here to warn you this time, to strengthen the defense tonight (dabe), the humans in the city will definitely find a way to carry out a sneak attack at night if they have reinforcements.

Fuao said to Teluk.

"Sneak attack?! Hahahahaha!"

Teruk laughed out loud as if he heard some joke.

"grown ups."

Huao looked at Teluk in astonishment.

"Foo, you worry too much."

Teluk waved his hand, and then said: "How many troops can be hidden in such a small city? Two thousand people is enough!"

"If they want to attack the battalion, at least half of the troops have to stay behind. Then, only a thousand of them will come out to attack."

"However, how many troops are there in my headquarters? Five thousand, and the soldiers in the east and west combined?! Twenty thousand!"

Teruk waved his hands indifferently: "Once they are held back by us, the left and right sides will be able to react. At that time, it will not be them attacking the camp, but we will surround them!"

"When we wipe out all the people who attacked the camp, then we can directly attack with at least half of the city wall!"

"At that time, this city will be at your fingertips!"

"So, Fox, I wish they could come and raid the camp!"

"It would be best if they could attack the battalion, but there is no need to be too vigilant."

"I know the truth, and those cunning humans must also know that they have always been timid and would not make such a risky move, so ah, Fox, don't worry, it is impossible for someone to attack the camp tonight .”

Teruk took down the big black pot behind him, and put it casually by the wall, then lay down on a simple bed made of hay on the ground, and said to Fox: It's getting dark, I want to rest If you have nothing else to do, then you should also go to rest. "


Although what Teluk said was reasonable, Huao still felt that things would not be as simple as Teluk thought. He wanted to say something when he heard a burst of snoring.

Huao sighed, looked at Teluk who had fallen asleep, shook his head, and left the camp.

For Teluk, it can't say anything, after all, Teluk is the commander of the army, and it is just a small staff, a little clever.

Huao looked at the already dark sky, stood beside a bright bonfire, and murmured: "Hope, things don't develop as I imagined."

It was getting darker.

As time goes by, it has already passed the first half of the night and just entered the second half of the night.

Calculated according to the time of the earth, it is already more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Is everything ready?"

Don Juan was wearing three layers of armor and riding on a horse with black diamond horse armor. He looked at the group of armored knights behind him, and nodded.


The knights in costumes had three short wheeled muskets in their waists, a row of grenades on the back of their waists and on both sides of their horses, and a long lance in their hands. Very determined look.

"And Hu Zun and Hatch, Hu Zun, you lead a thousand gun sergeants to wait in an ambush on the left, Hatch "You lead ten thousand gun sergeants to wait in an ambush on the cloth.

"Ragnar, you and I will lead the victorious 700 knights in armor to attack the front of the headquarters of the Teluk army!"

Don Juan was making combat deployments at the moment, and Ragnar, with his incomparably tall body covered in armor, just silently listened to Don Juan's speech.

"Wait, wait, are you going to attack the camp?!"

Chesley ran over at this time, his eyes widened, and he said in astonishment.


Hu Zun nodded beside him.

"But you are attacking the camp, with so many cavalry, once they leave the city, I'm afraid they will hear the movement directly! Why are you attacking the camp!"

"Is this called attacking the camp!? Do you know what it means to attack the camp?! This is not called attacking the camp, this is called a frontal attack!"

Chesley stared and yelled in disbelief.

But what Chesley didn't expect was that Don Juan admitted frankly: "Yes, it's a frontal attack."

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