Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 163 Baron Don Juan Failed【4/7】

"Hurry up and open the door!"

As soon as they heard the sound of horseshoes, the orcs outside became extremely frightened, as if they heard the sound of a demon, they roared crazily.


Halfway through the door opening, the tiger officer suddenly stopped the movements of the soldiers on duty.

But at this time, the rout soldiers who were already terrified saw that the door had been partially opened, no matter how many of them there were, they just squeezed directly into the camp gate!

But the gate of the camp was opened a little, so these orc routs were here directly.

"Open it up, let's go in!"

The orc routs crowded at the gate of the camp shouted frantically.

The tiger man turned his head and looked back. At this moment, there were already many orc soldiers gathered in the camp, and some of them held their weapons nervously and looked here.

The military camp has always been highly tense, and the soldiers are under great psychological pressure.

"Back! Back! Don't squeeze!"

The tiger officer's face immediately changed, and it angrily yelled at the orc routs crowded at the gate of the camp.

But the rout soldiers didn't care about it at this moment, and they kept trying to squeeze in.

"Close the door!"

The tiger officer ordered loudly.

"It can't be closed, their hands are stuck on the door."

The orc soldiers on duty shouted in bewilderment.

"Cut it!"

A fierce light flashed in the tiger officer's tiger eyes, and it immediately pulled out the knife and slashed it down!


Several orcs broke out and screamed, and several severed hands fell from the ground.

"close the door!"

The tiger officer roared immediately.

And at this moment, at the moment when the door is about to close!


Suddenly, the neighing of war horses sounded, and the sound of hurried hooves sounded for a moment, and then suddenly disappeared!

And in the dark night, with the little firelight around, the tiger officer seemed to see a huge, vague phantom jumping up from the darkness!

The hooves of the invisible horse trampled on the gate of the camp in an instant!

The huge force broke open the entire camp gate in an instant!

And at this moment, there seemed to be some gray and white film on the body of the invisible phantom, and then slowly disappeared.

Everyone saw it at this moment.

The tiger officer's eyes widened in horror.

Appearing in front of all of them at this moment is a huge black powerful knight with man and horse, covered in steel armor!

The moment he appeared, he had already broken in!

In the portal, a horse!

It's for breaking through!



The gate of the camp collapsed to the ground in an instant, and this powerful and huge knight controlled the horse and charged directly into the camp!

And the shocking force and the pressure in the heart of the huge and powerful knight who is covered in steel armor and the combined height of man and horse is more than four meters is incomparably huge!

"Raid the camp! Raid the camp!"

The shrill shout pierced the night sky in an instant, and the huge sound of horseshoes that followed woke up the entire camp!

Numerous invisibility potions began to fail, and the costumed knights who showed their figures seemed to appear in the dark night out of thin air.

They were in groups, like a torrent of steel in the dark night. Accompanied by the sound of a lot of horseshoes and the screams of orcs, they rushed into the camp under the leadership of Ragnar!


The sound of shouting and killing soaring into the sky resounded in the dark night.

Facing the armored knights who had rushed into the camp and slaughtered recklessly, the whole camp immediately fell into huge chaos!

The bonfire was kicked away, the flames ignited the camp, and the soaring fire spread throughout the camp.

The orc soldier who accidentally fell to the ground was trampled to death by his own footsteps.

The flames were everywhere, and in the camp where the knights were roaming wantonly, the orc soldiers fell into chaos and killed each other.

This night is destined to be no longer peaceful!

Under the attack of 700 armored knights with night vision potion and invisibility potion, the camp of Teluk headquarters didn't last much time, and all members collapsed directly.

And Teluk himself was directly beheaded by a knight in costume.

After beheading thousands of people, Don Juan didn't care about the fleeing orcs, but directly ordered Ragnar to lead the troops to attack the orc camp in the west!

When Ragnar passed the battlefield where Tiger Zun led his team to ambush, after smashing those orcs to pieces, he drove a small part of the orcs to this camp.

And just now, Ragnar was wearing armor with his men and horses, and this huge fishy knight directly broke into the camp!

On the other side of the river, the soldiers of the Principality of Wilhelm across the river looked at the orc camp on the west side of the river in amazement.

"They actually succeeded! A camp has already been attacked by them!"

"Hahahaha! Well done, people of Slanted Moon City!"

The soldiers of the Principality of Wilhelm cheered loudly, and shouts of incomparable excitement rang out.

"Unexpectedly, my plan actually succeeded."

Wilhelm II stood on the bank of the river with full admiration in his eyes.

He looked at the orc camp in the west of Slanting Moon City on the other side of the river. At this moment, the flames had already ignited soaring to the sky, and the half of the sky was red.

In the oblique moon city.


Waking up from the nightmare, Chesley sat up suddenly from the bed.

"Well... Your Majesty..."

The waiter who had been watching over Chesley immediately wiped his mouth when he saw this, and swallowed the unchewed bread abruptly.

But he swallowed so fast that he choked for a while.

He hastily picked up the honey lemon tea on the table and took a sip, then put down the half-eaten white bread from Crescent Moon City with his other hand, and immediately rushed to Chesley's side, asking with concern: "Your Majesty, Are you all right?"


"I'm in the oblique the city?"

Chesley was panting. Although he was tired, his wrinkled old face looked rosy at this moment.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Baron Don Juan led his troops out and has not yet returned."

The waiter picked up the glass of honey lemonade just now, and handed it to Chesley: "Your Majesty, drink some water, this is just sent by the people from Slanting Moon City, it is said that it is a special product

"I just, just had a nightmare."

Chesley took the water glass, took a sip, and said.

"Your Majesty, what nightmare?"

the servant asked.

"I just had a dream."

Halfway through speaking, Chesley couldn't help but poured all the honey and lemonade in the cup, and then said: "I just dreamed that Baron Don Juan failed, the entire army of the Crescent Moon City was wiped out, and then the Demon Disaster Legion Start the night siege directly."

"You and I, all died under the butcher's knife of the orc..."

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