Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 165 The Final Battle! 【2/10】【Ten More Please Subscribe! 】


Wilhelm II roared, the shield in his left hand slammed into the face of a werewolf soldier with a long kiss in front of him, and the long sword in his right hand swung, instantly slitting the throat of the werewolf soldier.

A large piece of blood sprayed out, splashing Wilhelm II all over.

The corpse of the werewolf soldier fell to the ground.

Wilhelm II was able to catch his breath for a while, and he looked around, watching the occupation of the moment.

There seemed to be a steady stream of soldiers from the Principality still crossing the river.

At this moment, the river bank has been firmly controlled by the soldiers of the principality who went ashore first.

"Damn human, you will be my axe!"

In the midst of the battle, a tiger officer who was at least two meters tall and whose chain mail was bulging up by his tense muscles roared with a huge battle ax in his hand.

Just now, its battle ax has chopped several principality soldiers into two pieces.

And at this moment, it is eyeing Wilhelm II, who is clearly an aristocrat.

"Come and die!"

It roared and swung its own battle ax in an instant.

It slammed down towards Wilhelm II.

Wilhelm II was startled, and quickly rolled to the side.


The battle ax slammed into the ground, and the dust on the ground was shaken a lot.


The tiger officer let out a beastly roar, his whole body turned sideways, and his huge tiger legs trampled on the ground.

Pulling out the tomahawk, he continued to sweep towards Wilhelm II.

Wilhelm II's eyes widened sharply. Facing the sweeping tomahawk, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, leaning back as hard as he could.

Close call.

The tomahawk swept across Wilhelm II's head.

The tiger man's eyes widened, and the beast's pupils suddenly turned downward.

And the long sword in Wilhelm II's hand, who escaped the tomahawk in a critical situation, pointed at the tiger officer's knee and stabbed it violently.


The tiger officer let out a scream, and with the severe pain, it half-kneeled on the ground.

Wilhelm II stood up suddenly at this moment, his eyes behind the helmet glared fiercely, and the shield in his left hand hit the nose of the tiger man's face in an instant.


There was a crisp bone cracking sound.

Wilhelm II drew his long sword from the tiger man's leg, and then, amidst the tiger man's screams, stabbed the long sword into the tiger man's throat!


The sound of the long sword piercing into the flesh sounded.

The tiger man's voice also stopped abruptly.


Wilhelm II panted heavily, and the voice came out from the face-covered helmet, which seemed muffled.

He drew his longsword from the Khajiit's throat.


A large amount of blood splashed out along the drawn long sword.

The half-kneeling body of the tiger man fell to the side with a bang.

Wilhelm II showed a tired but extremely excited expression on his young face.

"go to hell!"

During the scuffle, another tiger officer, Mangke, saw this, and immediately felt furious.

It violently raised one of the two hatchets, and threw it at Wilhelm II who was still standing there!

The hatchet spun violently in the air, causing a lot of howling wind!


Wilhelm II felt something and turned his head abruptly.

The eyes behind the slit in the visor widened suddenly.

At this moment, what was reflected in his pupils was the hatchet that was constantly spinning and flying with a huge impact force!

Even though he was wearing a helmet, but the huge force of the battle ax hit him, the impact force could still break his neck!


There was a shot.

A red trajectory flew towards him in an instant.

Hit the battle ax flying in the air with great precision!


There was a huge sound of steel colliding, and the war sparrow flying in the air was instantly bounced away.

The soldiers screamed, and the tomahawk smashed by the text handle smashed the head!


Wilhelm II was even more surprised, he quickly looked in the direction of the gunshots.

But at this time, a large number of horseshoes sounded suddenly, and the ground shook.

"Dark Moon Knights, charge!!"

A roar sounded at this moment.

Suddenly behind the orcs, a large number of armored knights, including men and horses, appeared in solid steel armor.

Even people and horses are all covered with hard steel armor, and the armor reflects the light from the surrounding torches, making it look so bright.

It's like a god descending from the earth.

Like a torrent of steel, the Dark Moon Knights rushed behind the orcs in an instant!

...ask for flowers...


"Behind, there are enemies behind!"

"Where did they come from!"

Countless orcs screamed and were directly knocked into the air by the huge impact of the rampaging steel armor.

A large number of costumed knights recklessly rampaged among the orc formations, killing wantonly!


In the battlefield, Pendragon and Ragnar rode freely, and the two took the lead. Riding their horses, they killed the orc battle line first!

And not far away, Don Juan on a horse is shaking and watching.

The horse under the crotch was covered with black diamond armor, and Sen Leng looked at the final battlefield through the iron mask.

By this moment, all the orc legions on the other battlefields had been routed and fled.

And Don Juan did not pursue them.

Because he knew that the rout soldiers on the battlefield were all terrified people, and they had lost the courage to fight in a short period of time.

And this last battlefield, after the dark moon knights of the oblique moon city entered the battlefield, also entered the sound!

The orc soldiers were attacked from both sides, and a large number of orc soldiers began to drop their weapons and flee from the battlefield.

"Bastard, come back! Come back!"

"We haven't lost yet!!"

The last Tigerman Mangke officer held his battle ax in one hand, and roared at the orc soldiers who started to flee around him.

It was furious at the moment, hacking and killing several deserted monks in a row.

"My lord! My lord! The battle situation is unfavorable, and we are caught between two sides!"

"My lord! Retreat! Let's go to the Commander of the Teluk Legion!"

"This is only a temporary failure. We still have troops on the other sides, and we can make a comeback!"

More than a dozen personal soldiers surrounded it tightly, and several of them forcibly controlled the roaring tiger mangke officer, trying to take it away from the battlefield.

"Damn humans, damn humans!"

"You wait, we still have strength, the commander of the Teluk army will lead us to kill you all!"

It roared unwillingly.

But at this moment, suddenly a round thing was thrown towards him.

Ragnar came to them on horseback, but did not attack.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the thing four that kept rolling down on the ground with unbelievable shock.

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