Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 186: Imperial Laws Are Still Just [6/7]

The first parchment scroll was written by Chesley himself in Oblique Moon City, and it was an autograph certificate for Don Juan's promotion to the noble title.

Although it has not been legally reviewed by the imperial capital, it is stamped with the seal of the emperor of the empire that Chesley carried with him, which can be regarded as very majestic.

With this certificate, Don Juan's promotion to earl is a certainty.

And the second one was written by Chesley, which allowed Don Juan to imprison the eldest prince and the second prince.

As the emperor of the empire, and the two princes are both his sons, Chesley still has the right to do so.

"On this piece of parchment, it is clearly written that the two princes have violated the laws of Xieyue City, and I am allowed to detain them."

"As for Earl Bergenrath, if I remember correctly, nobles can formulate laws to a certain extent on their own territories.

Don Juan's sneering "Four One Seven" looked at Bergenrath.

"How can this be!"

Earl Bergenrath's eyes widened suddenly. He took the two parchments in Don Juan's hand and began to look at them carefully, from top to bottom.

"This, this note is actually His Majesty's note!"

Earl Bergenrath opened his mouth wide, with unbelievable shock in his eyes.

He stayed with the second prince in the imperial capital for many years.

Imperial emperors are even more common.

Therefore, he is also very clear about the emperor's handwriting.

And the handwriting on this parchment scroll is exactly the same as the handwriting of His Majesty the Emperor in his memory!

"And this seal is actually the seal of His Majesty the Emperor!"

Earl Bergenlas tremblingly touched the seal on the bottom of the parchment scroll, his Adam's apple surged, and he swallowed unconsciously.

"This, this is impossible."

"The emperor, His Majesty the Emperor, how could it be possible to appear here?!"

"How could His Majesty the Emperor appear in the Oblique Moon City?"

All the nobles, big and small, panicked.

If Don Juan's imprisoning of the two princes was ordered by His Majesty, it is legal.

Then, they have lost the biggest reason to force Don Juan to the palace this time.

They took advantage of the matter of the eldest prince and the second prince to attack Tang Juan. If this reason is gone, what else can they do!?

Is it an assault?

Only a fool will really attack by force.

No one wants to kill their own people.

"No, His Majesty the Emperor cannot be here, it must be fake!"

"Don Juan, you, you dare to forge His Majesty's order!"

At this moment, a nobleman stood up bravely and accused him.

He didn't want to believe such a result from the bottom of his heart.

"Hmph, deceiving yourself."

Don Juan sneered, then looked at Bogenrath, and said: "Bergenrath, His Majesty's seal was damaged by an accident, so there is a small point missing in the lower left corner of the seal. Point, presumably all the nobles who have stayed in the imperial capital and received the emperor's orders know it.

Bergenrath's face immediately darkened.

He subconsciously covered the seal on the parchment.

Bogenlas really did not expect that Don Juan would know about this matter that only the nobles of the imperial capital would know.

Moreover, when Bergenlas looked at it just now, he also clearly discovered that there is indeed a small missing trace in the lower left corner of the imprint.

"Lord Earl."

The other nobles looked at Bergenlas in bewilderment.

At this moment, Bergenras was clutching the emperor's seal on the parchment, and Azelis and the others had already understood.

What Don Juan said was true.

Don Juan has won it all.

"Even if what you said is true, but, Don Juan, you just blatantly killed Count Tullah!"

"This is also a felony against the laws of the Empire!"

Earl Bergenlas suddenly sneered at this moment, and said to Tang Qi.

Hearing these words, the nobles of the empire also had cold smiles on their faces again.

Just now they were frightened by Don Juan, they even forgot about this matter.

"No, I controlled my strength just now. Turaggen is not dead, but just unconscious from serious injuries."

"Even if it is a serious injury, it is still a crime for you to seriously injure Count Tullah for no reason!"

Don Juan really shook his head, and said to Bergenlas: "Count, you seem to have forgotten one thing."

"What's up?"

Bergenlas and all the imperial nobles were taken aback.

"Just before I shot and wounded Count Tulachang, Count Tulachang slandered the father of Grand Duke Wilhelm II, Grand Duke Wilhelm and the more than 20,000 noble soldiers who died in the wilderness... 0

"Count, I don't need me to remind you that insulting and slandering the Duke seems to be a crime under the laws of the empire, right?"

Don Juan stood up, walked behind Wilhelm II, put his hands on the shoulders of Wilhelm II who was sitting on the chair, and looked at Count Bergenrath with a hint of sarcasm in his black eyes: "And I made the move, not just for Grand Duke Wilhelm! Duke!, and Duke Wilhelm's father who died in battle in the wilderness, the Duke who lives in the last ten is not fair.

"Excuse me, in the just imperial law, how do you judge such a thing?"

Speaking of this, Don Juan deliberately used the word "grand duke" in his tone, as if to remind Bergenrath that you are just a dog working for the prince, just an earl.

And Turaggen slandered a duke as an earl.

At this time, the Duke of Portia said: "Naturally, those who hurt others are not guilty."

"Well, it seems that the laws of the empire are still just, and they can return my innocence."

Don Juan said so.

Immediately, Wilhelm II, Azeroth and the others couldn't help laughing.

Anyone can tell that Don Juan is Chi Guoguo's irony.

"However, I am still very righteous."

"I'm sorry for accidentally injuring Count Turaggen, so I decided to compensate him.

Don Juan picked up a small satchel on his waist, and threw 5.1 directly outside the tent.

"There is a gold coin in it, so it should be my compensation.

"you you!"

Earl Bergenrath's eyes were wide open, his face was flushed by Don Juan's anger, and his neck was thick. At this moment, he gasped for breath, and when he took his breath away, he fell to the ground and fainted.

"Count, count!"

"Don Juan, you wait for us!"

As soon as Bogenlas fainted, the other imperial nobles panicked and lost their backbone.

They could only say harsh words to Don Juan, and then left here in despair with Bergenlas and Turabei, who was lying in a coma outside.

"Don Juan, is Turaggen really not dead?"

At this time, Wilhelm II asked.

"He's not dead now, but with their medical methods, it's believed that within a day, the rescue will be ineffective and he will die."

Tang shook his head and said as if nothing had happened. .

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