Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 194: The Fallen Strong【3/10】


"A group of ants, I fly above the sky, overlooking the earth."

"The whole earth is crawling under my feet!"

Baniduo's insolent laughter came from the sky.

He unscrupulously looked at the buildings all over the oblique moon city.

"Such a city is really wonderful, it will be mine soon!"

"When I fly into the city first, you puny human beings can't stop me at all."

"Then, I will open the city gate and let the army enter the city. At that time, there will be no need to use the siege monsters at all, and I will be able to capture the city by myself!"

Baniduo was thinking wonderfully in his heart.

In fact, he was about to do just that.

"Below, is the Inclined City!"

Baniduo flapped his wings behind his back, and waves of magic power that Common people couldn't feel radiated from his body.

His whole body was directly close to the city wall of Slanting Moon City, passing directly above Don Juan, Wilhelm II, Marcus and others.

Seeing a group of sergeants in the oblique moon city wrapped in steel armor, as well as Marcus and others stared at him in astonishment.

Baniduo felt extremely happy in his heart.

"Yes, that's it, tiny human beings, look up to me!"

"I am above all of you...

At this moment, before Baniduo finished speaking, an accident happened suddenly.

Baniduo completely swept across the city wall 993, and at the moment when he flew into the oblique moon city, the magic power emanating from his body seemed to startle something.

Immediately, a font covering his whole body appeared on Baniduo's body out of thin air.



Baniduo suddenly widened his eyes.

The magic fluctuations all over his body suddenly disappeared at this moment!

As for the flight of the blood race, it is still possible to float close to the wings.

But if you want to fly fast, you must have a magical support.

Because their wings are not enough to drive their heavy bones to fly quickly in the sky, they can only float in the air.

Therefore, to fly so fast, Baniduo has blessed a lot of magic power.

But at the moment when he just entered the range of the oblique moon city.

The magic fluctuations all over his body suddenly disappeared!

Facing this situation, Baniduo regretted it.

He had never experienced such a thing before, completely unable to control the direction of his flight, and the whole person began to fall sharply downward.


call out

Hatch, a humanoid husky, stood on the city wall, stretched out his hand, and gestured to the falling route of Baniduo Ze, and made an imitative (dabf) sound effect in his mouth.


There was a loud bang.

Baniduo directly hit the second military defense wall behind the wall of the oblique moon city.

"what happened………"

Baniduo supported his head with one hand and the wall with the other, and stood up unsteadily like this.

"Just now, what happened,"

"Why did I suddenly fall down?"

Just when Baniduo was wondering, suddenly there was a lot of footsteps nearby.

On both sides of the sergeant's defense wall passage, a large number of oblique moon city sergeants, all wrapped in steel armor, rushed over with muskets in their hands.

The steel armor on their bodies reflected the dazzling light under the sunlight.

Jiaguang opened to the Japanese golden scales.

"Small human beings, so what if I fall!"

"You still can't be the opponent of the great me!"

Baniduo sneered, he looked at the passages on the left and right, and the Dark Moon Sergeants who had completely surrounded him.

He suddenly shouted.

The sergeants around were startled and all took a step back.

But right after Baniduo shouted, nothing happened.

"what happened?!"

"Where's my magic power!"

Baniduo's face changed color, and he roared in confusion.

Baniduo could clearly feel the full magic power in his body, but no matter how he mobilized it, he couldn't mobilize any trace of magic power to use.

It was as if the magic power in his body was covered by a transparent and strong glass cover.

Although you can clearly see and feel it, no matter how you touch the screen, you will never be able to touch it.

It can only be blocked by the glass cover.

Baniduo feels this way now.

Of course, he didn't know what glass was, he just had such a similar feeling.

"Blood Soul Claims!"

Unreconciled, Baniduo roared again, and he suddenly stretched out his palm to a sergeant.

It seemed that the sergeant could be directly captured and killed just like that.

However, the pair of eyes exposed under the iron helmet of the sergeant looked at him very indifferently.


"Impossible, how could this be!"

Baniduo was completely panicked.

Why can't his magic power be mobilized.

But at this moment, the houses are constantly approaching him.

"Even if you can't use magic power, it's just a bunch of tiny humans."

"Even if it's melee, I can easily kill you, come on!"

Baniduo drew out a scimitar from his waist, roaring ferociously.

"Raise the gun!"

A sergeant major roared loudly.

Immediately, after all the sergeants reached a certain distance, they stood still.

They raised the Kivers Z187 revolver in their hands.

"Hahaha, ridiculous human beings, do you think I will be afraid of holding some weird-shaped spears?"

"That's ridiculous."

Baniduo sneered, closing his eyes with the scimitar in his hand and waving it, and when he opened it again, he had extremely cruel eyes.

"Just let me enjoy it. I've never felt the thrill of fighting."


Suddenly there was a loud gunshot.

Baniduo's eyes widened sharply.

At this moment, he felt a chill in his abdomen.

When he lowered his head again, he found that a large piece of blood was gushing out from his abdomen.

"For, why..."

"Why, how could..."

Baniduo half-kneeled on the ground, covering his abdomen that was bleeding continuously with his hands, and at the same time stained some blood with his hands, leaning in front of him to look.

There was an intermittent sound in his throat, his eyes were wide open, and straightened, his gaze moved with the rotation of his head [as if he couldn't move his eyeballs anymore.

He just looked at the blood on his hand in disbelief.

On a sergeant's defense wall just ahead, a sergeant was covered in custom-made laminated composite armor, with a steel-like eagle peck holding a smoking musket in his hand, looking indifferently he.

"Hua Hua Hua"

A sergeant walked behind Baniduoze, and the plate-bound composite armor on his body made a sound of steel rubbing.


The Kievs Z187 revolver in his hand directly hammered heavily on the back of Barney Duoze's head with the butt of the gun.

Baniduo's eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground. .

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