Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 204 The Siege Of The Friendly Army [3/7]

Then, after the two dogs looked at each other, they both took a deep breath, and then they both let out shocking screams!



And both sides basically heard this movement.

"Not good! Slanting Moon City really has orc troops coming to attack the camp!"

The werewolf officer stood up abruptly.

At this time, he seemed to be in the darkness, vaguely seeing countless black shadows shaking.

"Hahahaha! That's a human battalion raider! Let's go!"


With a cry, immediately, Tongtian's cry for killing resounded.

Countless orc soldiers rushed out.

But at this time, the Tigerman officer who had just arrived here with his troops suddenly heard the shouts of killing soaring to the sky.

At this time, Hatch and the German Shepherd, who had already left a certain distance, looked at each other.

Hutch took out a book with a faint purple light from his pocket.

This is an enchanted book.

【Enchanted Book: Chaos】

[Within a radius of 1,000 meters of the object enchanted by this enchanted book, all creatures will fall into a certain degree of confusion. 】

[Duration: one hour]

Hatch randomly found a stone, and facing the stone, he read out the spell words that Don Juan taught him. 873

The next moment, after covering the stone with the effect of chaos, both Hutch and German Shepherd glanced at the magic ring on their hands.

glanced at each other,

This magic protection ring is really useful, and they didn't feel any discomfort.

Hutch picked up the stone and threw it at the orcs.

The stone hit the ground, and all the light disappeared. It seemed that it was just a common stone.

"That's the orc troop belonging to humans! They're coming to us!"

"Warriors, fight me!"


The Khajiit officer raised his tomahawk violently and let out a roar.

In the dark night, you can't see your fingers.



The turbulent elite orc troops of the two troops collided directly, and the swords of the two sides faced each other, and blood was sprayed.

An incomparably blind and dark melee unfolded in an instant.

"Ah! Fight!?"

At this time, the orcs in the camp were also alarmed. (daad) "Human troops captured?!"

"Hahahaha! Brothers, avenge the day!"

"Kill! Kill those humans!"

Countless orc soldiers of the Demon Disaster Legion in the camp were alarmed. They rushed out in an instant wearing armor and holding spears.

All of a sudden, this dark night was mixed up!

For the army, especially the backward army in the cold weapon era, night battles are all battles they try to avoid.

Even if there is no fighting, there is a special word in the barracks.

Camp Xiao.

During war, in the barracks, from soldiers to officers, their spirits are in a highly tense state.

In this state, a howl, or even the cracking sound of a jar being broken, may cause high tension among the soldiers. Therefore, the high tension among the soldiers draws out their swords and kills each other, and even the chain reaction causes the entire barracks to panic. Examples of collapse abound in ancient military camps.

Although it is not Yingxiao now, no one can tell who is fighting in the dark, and they are also affected by the magic effect of [Chaos] to a certain extent.

There are a lot of people on both sides.

Two thousand people each, add up to four thousand people.

Now it was night again, even if they lighted the torches, and more than 4,000 people fought in a melee, the span of the battlefield was not small.

The torch's limited light was of no use at all.

At this moment, the night has begun to become extremely chaotic.

This chaos reached a peak after the orc soldiers in the camp rushed out!

The combined number of the two parties has exceeded 10,000.

At night, 10,000 people fought on a large scale.

What a mess that must be.

Even in the daytime, it is possible to accidentally injure friendly troops in the melee, but now in the darkness where you can't see your fingers.

Therefore, as soon as the battle started and the melee started, basically all the orc soldiers were red-eyed.

The blood that was constantly splattered inspired their animal nature even more.


A tiger man held up his battle axe, his hands above his head, and was about to chop down on a wild boar man on the ground.

But the next moment, a roaring werewolf soldier held up a spear and stabbed directly at its abdomen!

Although the tiger man had chain mail on his body, the chain mail wasn't very stab-resistant. This time, its abdomen was pierced through.


A lot of blood gushed out, and before the werewolf could pull out his spear, the wild boar man who got up on the ground slammed an ax into the werewolf's neck, cutting off half of its neck.

The corpses of the werewolf and tiger man both fell to the ground.

Before the wild boar howled excitedly, the next moment an arrow flew directly over, piercing through its forehead.

All three bodies fell to the ground.

And right next to the three corpses, a werewolf stepped back and tripped over here.

The spear in the hand of another werewolf brutally pierced the abdomen of the werewolf on the ground.

As soon as the werewolf soldier's spear was drawn out, a scimitar behind his back wiped its throat.

Chaos, screaming, and killing are presented in this crazy night.

All the orc soldiers seemed to be crazy, they were red-eyed, regardless of whether they were enemies or friends, they slashed and killed everything they saw.

"The effect of chaos is so great?"

Hutch, who had already returned to Slanted Moon City, stood on the city wall, and he himself was very surprised to see the noisy and chaotic battlefield in the distance.

"No, it should be more than chaos. If you use [Chaos] in the daytime, it is impossible to expect them to kill each other."

"After all."

Don Juan glanced at the dark night outside, and then slowly said the remaining few words: "All this is the effect of darkness.

"It seems that they won't be able to escape without killing them all night.

"It's time to see, too, our friend."

Don Juan waved his hand, and then walked down the city wall.

In the oblique moon city police station, in a prison cell.

"Bastard! You little human beings dare to imprison me. What kind of magic did you use on me? Let me out!"

Baniduo held the iron door and window of the cell with both hands, roaring crazily.

"Mulder, is this new guy crazy?"

"We still sleep if he doesn't sleep."

In the cell on the other side, the eldest prince lying on the bed said with an angry face. .

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