Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 226 The Most Important Thing Is The Inner [Second More]

"Oh, there seems to be something wrong, oh! So it is!"

Laudo looked at Don Juan's gloomy face, he was silent for a while, and then looked at the stick that turned counterclockwise for a while, and then turned clockwise for a while, his eyes lit up.

"Your lord, don't worry, I have thought of a way again, and I will improve it immediately."

Laudo patted his chest and promised.

"You better make sure your next thought is normal."

Don Juan said with a sullen face.

"Simple, the stick doesn't exactly guarantee turning in one direction, but that's all it needs to be."

Laudo stopped the redstone piston mechanism, changed the connection of the stick from the middle to the end of the stick, and said with a proud face: "In this way, the other side has no weight at all, and the weight is only on one side. It is guaranteed to rotate in one direction."

Don Juan's face became even more gloomy.

"I want you to turn the wheel, like a cart wheel, turn it! Not to turn the stick!"

Finally, Don Juan couldn't bear it any longer and growled at Laudo.


Laudo froze.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Lao Duo is a fool, ha ha ha ha ha!"

The other 30 engineers couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

"What are you talking about! Change it for me immediately!"

Don Juan pointed at the thing created by Laudo just now, and angrily said.

"Okay, my lord, don't be angry, I will change it immediately!"

Although he was scolded by Don Juan, Laudo was not discouraged, instead he spoke energetically.


After a pause, Don Juan calmed down a little.

He sat back on the recliner again.

On the other side, the engineers looked at Laodo again and re-entered into thinking. They also looked at the device in front of them and made their own improvements.

"How to get the wheels turning."

Engineer Smith rubbed his chin in thought.

While thinking, he looked at the structure of Laudo just now.

Although Laudo's structure is wrong, there are some places he can refer to.

Smith first fixed a wooden stick horizontally on the piston rod of the piston, activated the piston, and then watched the picture of the wooden stick also working when the piston was working.

"Oh, I think I've got an idea."

"This wheel also needs to be improved."

Soon, Smith's eyes lit up, he stood up, picked up the wheel, and looked at it first.

But he just felt that this wheel needed to be improved, and he couldn't think of how to improve it for a while.

So I just put it down and sold it to watch the piston work

"The wooden pole is also in constant operation."

"Perhaps, there are some principles in Laudo's design that are not wrong.

A smile was drawn sharply at the corner of Smith's mouth, and he thought of a way.

Next to Smith is a small table with some pencils and papers on it.

Smith began to write and draw on the paper.

Then he took his own achievements and said to Don Juan.

"My lord, I wish to apply for the manufacture of these parts."

Smith showed Don Juan some of the parts he had drawn.

"Very well, approved."

Don Juan nodded: "You can go to the smelter right now and let them make these parts for you.

Smith soon made a trip to the smelter.

About an hour later, he returned with the parts he needed.

"Okay, ready to start."

Smith moved his hands eagerly.

His wooden stick connected to the piston rod has not changed, but the top of the wooden stick is linked to a steel wheel.

This steel wheel is installed on another iron plate, and it is not rigidly fixed, but can be rotated.

Smith's idea is very simple, that is to let the wooden stick drive the rotation of the steel wheel through the movement of the piston.

Then, behind the steel wheel and the iron plate, there is another steel rod. This steel rod itself is fixed on the steel wheel. As long as the steel wheel rotates, the steel rod itself will rotate in situ.

The top of the steel rod is the rod.

Through the continuous rotation of the steel rod itself, the wheels are driven to start turning like the wheels of a traveling carriage.

When Smith showed this structure to Don Juan, Don Juan frowned and said to Smith: "Smith, your idea is very good, but have you ever thought that you can make this steel wheel Turning around, why?"

Hearing Don Juan's words, Smith froze for a moment, glanced at the wooden stick connected to the piston rod, and then nodded thoughtfully: "The piston rod moves forward and backward, and the wooden stick connected to it also Same."

"The reason why the wooden stick that moves forward and backward can make the steel wheel rotate is because the wooden stick itself has toughness, and can be forcibly fixed at the corner where the steel wheel and the wooden stick are not equal, and then the front and back Inertia makes the steel wheel rotate.

Listening to Smith's words, Don Juan nodded, and said to Smith: "Then Smith, have you ever thought that if the wooden sticks in this link are replaced with steel sticks that are not so tough, will the steel wheel be Won't it turn?"

"The steel wheel can't rotate, so naturally it can't drive the wheel to rotate."

Don Juan said.

"My lord, you are right 527, it seems that I still failed.

Smith sighed.

"No, you didn't fail, Smith, sometimes things don't lie on the surface, you have to look inside.

Don Juan shook his head and said to Smith.

"Inward thinking?"

Smith froze for a moment.

"Like thinking inside?"

The engineers who had been paying attention to Smith all nodded thoughtfully.

While Laudo touched his chin, his eyes gradually lit up as he looked at the piston rod.

"I see!"


Laudo burst out laughing, and the others jumped.

Under the astonished eyes of other engineers, Laudo held a hammer and slammed it on the top of the redstone piston machine.


There was a loud bang.

"Laudo, you're crazy!"

"What are you doing?"

"You broke the redstone piston mechanism, how do you complete the task?!"

The other engineers hurriedly stopped Laudo.

"No, I've already thought of a way!"

"The easiest way is not how many external structures we have added, the most important thing is the internal structure of this redstone piston mechanism!"

With an excited smile on his face, Laodo smashed the top of the piston mechanism with a hammer in his hand. .

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