Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 251 Collision Between Steel Canned Soldiers! 【Third Update】

[ps: Ma De, this chapter was sent by mistake just now, and it was sent to the end of the previous volume. 】

"Templars! Fight against evil!"

"Destroy Evil!"

"The Holy Light is protecting us!"

Before the Dark Moon Knights could make a move, Goffin roared angrily. He put down his long sword, took out the chain hammer, and rushed towards the blood soldiers first.

"The Holy Light is protecting us!"

The templar knights roared, holding long swords and shields, or facing the star hammer, the armor on their bodies moved, and they rushed over brazenly.

"My dear, these church lunatics are really crazy."

Pendragon touched the barrel helmet on his head with the hand of the steel gauntlet, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The blood soldiers rushing over at this moment are all in heavy armor no less than the whole plate armor, and there are more than 20 of them. At this moment, there are no more than ten Templar knights on the city wall, and they dare to rush up like this.

This can't help but make Pendragon feel admirable.

And as Pendragon charged up together, he wasn't thinking about how reliable these Templars were.

But in the future, in the possible war between Slanting Moon City and the Church, the threat these Templars will pose to their sergeants and soldiers of Slanting Moon City.

In hand-to-hand combat, these Templar knights showed impressive combat capabilities.

Although Pendragon rushed forward with the Dark Moon Knights to fight together, but at this moment, he had some strange thoughts about these church Templars.


A templar knight was directly stabbed in the abdomen by a long-handled double-pointed spear head-on. The blood soldier in black armor howled angrily, and two blood-colored lights flashed out of the gap in the helmet, and directly forced the holy man. The Knights of the Temple retreated again and again.

The scene at the scene was chaotic.

Countless steel clashes sounded.

On this narrow city wall, it can be said that there is a collision between iron cans and iron cans.

The dark moon knights are equipped with plate-bound composite armor. The plate armor parts and the plate armor parts are combined, and the defense is not weaker than the real plate.

Although the templars of the church don't wear full-body plate armor in the true sense, they are also very advanced plate-chain composite armor.

It can be said that it is the rudiment of a full-body plate armor, and its defensive power is also full, enough to be called an iron can.

In this world, the first battle in the real sense, the collision of all heavy armors, took place in such a small blood castle in the middle of the dark misty forest!


The chain hammer in the hand of a templar knight swung frantically, and directly hammered the full-cover helmet of a blood soldier with incomparable ferocity.


The sound of powerful steel clashing sounded instantly, and a large number of sparks burst out.

The huge force of the chain hammer swung directly deformed the blood soldier's helmet.

Even the heads of the blood soldiers inside were broken together.


And at the next moment, a blood soldier rushed over, and the long-handled double-pointed spear in his hand instantly pierced the relatively weak neck of the Templar knight.

The two spear points of the long-handled double-pointed spear directly broke through the chain mail covering the Templar's neck and pierced his entire neck with the huge strength of the blood race itself that surpassed that of Common humans.

Before he could draw out the long-handled double-pointed spear, a Dark Moon Knight held the hilt of the knife with one hand and the other hand directly held the blade of the horizontal knife, and slammed from the blood soldier. Leaking underarm pierced in!

The sharp square-headed armor-piercing horizontal knife pierced through the chain mail under the armpit of the blood soldier, and the entire blade pierced through.

The blade protrudes directly from the blood soldier's neck.

A lot of blood splashed out.

As the battle continued, more and more dark moon knights and church templars of the oblique moon city climbed to the top of the city.

Facing the absolute superiority of troops, although the blood soldiers were wearing heavy armor and were very powerful, they could only keep retreating.

Human forces gradually began to occupy the castle.

Soon, the bottom two floors of the castle fell, leaving only the topmost castle.

"Back! Back! Back!"

Howling loudly, more than a dozen surviving blood soldiers retreated to the topmost castle.

"Damn humans! Go to hell!"

Some blood soldiers started throwing rocks down from the second wall of the castle.

Falling rocks fell from the top floor of the castle [randomly falling among the Dark Moon Knights and Templars below.

Some people were hit and were seriously injured or died on the spot.

"We must break through the door ahead!"

Pendragon roared.

"I come!"

"The gods of heaven have given me the power to burn everything! Go!"

Before Pendragon called the Darkmoon Knights to use the wooden-handled grenade, Goffin stood up, his armor was stained with blood, he raised his hand, and a scorching fireball appeared in the air.


The fireball roared in the air, and hit the gate leading to the top floor of the castle in an instant.

The scorching heat of thousands of degrees surged violently.

Goffin withdrew his hand confidently. In his opinion, how could the high temperature of thousands of degrees fail to burn down a wooden city gate.

But the next moment something happened that surprised him.

The blood red light spread on the wooden city gate, and a magic power appeared automatically, which immediately counteracted the fireball fired by Goffin.

"Stupid human beings, you seem to have forgotten that our blood race is a great magic race, and in terms of magic attainments, our great race is far superior to you!"

At this moment, a pale middle-aged man in a blood-colored robe and a layer of Black armor stood on the top floor of the castle, looking down at everyone.


At this time, Goffin couldn't help but open his eyes angrily, and with a wave of his hands, his body surged with magic power. Several fireballs gathered and condensed out of thin air. Under his control, they instantly shot towards the person above The pale middle-aged man galloped away.

"Stupid Boat!"

The middle-aged vampire scolded angrily, and waved one hand: "Take your whole body blood!"

The next moment, the blood flashed.

Goffin was bound by a bloody magic power.

He fell to his knees suddenly, trembling in pain.

Little by little blood gushed out from the gaps in the plate chain armor on his body, forming streams of blood flying in the air, and entered the middle-aged man's palm.

Goffin wants to mobilize his magic power to resist, but his magic power is really not at the same level as this middle-aged vampire.

[ps: Not everyone in the blood clan knows magic. The blood clan has a total population of tens of millions, and only the noble blood clan nobles master magic, but even the Common blood clan civilians are naturally stronger than humans in physical fitness. Calculated, it is probably About 1.8 times that of ordinary humans. 】.

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