Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 267: Three Months Of Destruction In The Oblique Moon City【3/7】

As for this war, it can basically be said that the entire continent is paying attention.

Not only the nobles in the western part of the empire in the former empire's territory, but also the nobles of Nordlit, Novadia, and Barrons who did not participate in the war, the elves and dwarves are also paying attention to this war.

Because, since a war of several countries united against the church hundreds of years ago, no country has dared to directly confront the church in the past few hundred years.

Not to mention that the scale of the rebellion against the church this time seems to be larger than the one recorded hundreds of years ago.

The three principalities separated from the empire, one kingdom and the city of the oblique moon united and raised the banner of rebelling against the church.

Some nobles even had such a weird idea in their hearts: "It seems to be possible this time?"

But soon, they laughed it off.

The church has ruled over the continent for fifteen hundred years since records began.

In the past thousand and five hundred years, there have been constant waves, big and small, and even at the very beginning, the entire continent was anti-church.

But in the end it was still suppressed by the church.

Therefore, in the eyes of many aristocrats who did not participate in the war and watched the excitement of 773, the Dark Moon Military Alliance this time is just a lot of thunder and little rain.

Everyone knows the strength of the church.

They simply don't think that the Dark Moon Military Alliance can stop the Church's attack.

Among the church's army, some nobles who responded to the church's call gathered together in private and set up a gambling table for self-entertainment.

Most of these nobles are nobles from the Kingdom of Barrons.

What they gambled on was how long the Dark Military Division Alliance could last.

"I think that in about a year, we will be able to completely attack the city of the oblique moon, and then within a month, we will be able to capture the entire city of the oblique moon."

A Barens nobleman thought and said.

"One year? Hey, it's too long. We are with the church now, the church's army, do you understand? I bet half a year, twenty gold coins."

Another Nordlit nobleman sneered.

"Half a year, it's too short. Even if the church can rush to Xieyue City within two or three months, there are many military castles in the four countries along the way. A year and a half is also possible."

A nobleman from Novadia frowned and said.

"Hmph, don't use your mortal mind to think about the church army with magic."

I don't know who made such a mocking sentence, which made the Novadia nobleman sneer: "Aren't you a mortal?

"Baron Barbie, how long do you think they can last under the church's attack? How long can we attack the city of the oblique moon?"

At this time, the Barens nobleman looked at a person.

"The territory of the four countries combined is not small. If we march, it will take us two months to get to Xieyue City, and if we fight all the way... it will take two months."

"I think about four months."

"Today, four months later, maybe we will have captured the oblique moon city."

Baron Babi touched his chin and said.

"Four months? You think highly of them."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was startled, and turned their heads to look, only to see a priest in black standing outside the tent.

Behind the black-clothed priest were some Templars wearing plate chain armor, wearing a red gold-patterned cloak, and holding a long-handled golden-patterned cross spear.

"Ah, Commander Carl.

The nobles were a little flustered.

"Everyone, tomorrow we will completely leave the territory of Novadia of the Empire and enter the territory of the Kingdom of Wade. Recently, I am very bored, so let (dafa) let us have some fun. I also agree with this gamble. How about participating?"

Carl walked into the camp, and he looked around, looking at the panicked Barens nobles, he said.

"Yes, yes, Commander Carl wants to participate, and we naturally wish for it."

The Barens nobleman who started the game said to Carl with a flattering face.

"Then, I'll bet that in three months' time, not only will we be able to reach Xieyue City, but we've already captured Xieyue City."

"At that time, this gambling table will end in the oblique moon city. This is one hundred gold coins, and it is also my gambling capital.

Carl took out a bag casually and threw it on the table in front of many nobles, he said with great confidence.

"Ah, this, three months?"

Many Barens nobles were dumbfounded.

One must know that even if it is a march, it will take two months to reach Xieyue City.

Even if the army of the church moves quickly, it will take at least one and a half months.

Among them, there are countless towns and fortresses in the borders of these four countries. If the Common Army came to attack, it would be impossible to directly penetrate such a huge border without five or six years.

Because the Common's army is likely to be stuck in a military castle, or even stuck for several months.

On the mainland, there has never been a lack of incidents where the entire army was blocked by a small border castle for several years, and eventually the entire army could not be captured and returned.

However, this is considered to be the army of the church. Within three months, not only will they have to cross the thousands of kilometers, but they will also fight all the way.

This, this kind of thing, many nobles can't imagine.

Because if it was the army they commanded, after three months, even if they didn't fight along the way, they had just arrived at Xieyue City.

"Commander Carl...Here, within three months, he will fight all the way, not only to reach the city of the oblique moon, but also to capture the city of the oblique moon. This is a bit difficult."

A Nordlit nobleman swallowed his saliva, and said to Carl bravely.

"What, you don't believe me? Stupid mortal.

Carl gave the nobleman a cold look.

"No, no, no, it's not that I don't believe it. It's not difficult for the church's army, but we still have the central army and the rear army. Most of the central army and the rear army are led by nobles like us. Common Army."

"Will it be too soon for them to hit the oblique moon city within three months..."

The Nordlit nobleman wiped his sweat and said.

"They? Leave them alone."

"The purpose of the vanguard of our church's army is to fight all the way there, and then the mission of the follow-up mortal troops is to occupy the castles and cities that we have knocked down."

The corner of Carl's mouth curled into an arrogant and arrogant smile, and he said proudly. .

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