Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 289: A Real Giant Steel Beast!

It's midnight now, and although the Geer Condor in the sky itself has certain abilities, in this dark night, the Geer Condor can barely distinguish which are enemy troops and which are friendly troops.

Doesn't provide a very good view of Carl.

But that's enough for Carl.

Looking at the large camp in front of him, Carl waved his hands, and the two hundred magic priests who followed him out to attack at night began to prepare their own magic.

It is still the old method of the church.

Fire magic.

This extremely practical magic has been tested for thousands of years and has been passed down to this day.

"Swarm fireball attack, prepare!"

Carl raised his hand, and two hundred magic priests began to chant magic spells at the same time. Then, as the time for them to chant magic spells increased, the power of the fireball magic also became stronger and stronger, and the fireball also "twenty-eight" Seven" is getting bigger.

The light of the flame illuminated the surroundings, and it was very conspicuous in the darkness. Obviously, this kind of movement could not be hidden from the sentinels on duty at night in the Dark Alliance camp.

The Dark Alliance soldiers in plate armor, flat-topped helmets and spears in their hands stood in astonishment on the wooden wall of the camp, staring at the fireball that seemed to appear out of thin air with wide eyes. A growl with some inflections: "There are enemies!! There are enemies!!"

But it was too late for them to sound the warning.

The magic priests prepared their magic very quickly. Almost in an instant, the first batch of hundreds of magic fireballs fell directly from the sky, like meteor clusters, and hit the camp in an instant!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Countless explosions sounded, and clusters of flames exploded in the dark alliance camp. Countless flames raged, and the screams in low voices were endless.

Suddenly, the dark alliance camp was in chaos.

"Hahahaha! They're already messed up!"

Carl was shocked immediately, and did not let the magic priests prepare for the next wave of magic.

In the midst of this night, Carl knew all too well the Common's fear of the dark, and he just needed an introduction so they would mess themselves up.

And this introduction is just that round of magic fireball bombing.

Judging by the movement, at least hundreds or even hundreds of them must be killed or injured.

Although compared with the 40,000 Dark Alliance soldiers, a few hundred people are very few, but such a few people are often enough to cause chaos.

"Templars, charge!! Defeat the evil that lies ahead!"

"The Holy Light is protecting us!"

Before charging, Carl did not forget to let the magic priests bless a round of auxiliary magic state here.

Immediately, the templar knights who had been blessed with magic were extremely conspicuous in the darkness. Their bodies shone like holy light, their armor was bright, and countless templar knights flashing holy light rushed past. There is such a taste of heavenly soldiers descending to earth.

"Come on!!"

Immediately, the 3,000 Templars shouted to kill. First, they used magic to launch fireballs and shattered the gate of the camp, and then they charged in instantly under the leadership of Carl!

In the dark night, like a torrent, the Templars, shining with holy light, poured into the chaotic camp in an instant.

"Church! The Church is coming in!"

"Stop them quickly!!"

Kingdom soldiers also began to resist.

But in front of the Templars, who were already extraordinary in force, and at the moment they were blessed with magic, even if the soldiers of the kingdom were equipped with good equipment, they were still some Common soldiers.


In an instant, the already chaotic camp was even more noisy at the moment. It became chaotic, shouts of killing, and screams became one after another.

Under the blessing of the magic state, the Templar knights seem to have unlimited stamina and physical strength. They wield long-handled cross spears and big swords in their hands, and they can basically fight against each other by several times.

The Kingdom soldiers belonging to the Dark Alliance in the front camp were basically powerless to resist.

The initial battle was basically one-sided, and the soldiers of the Kingdom were no match for the Templars of the Church.

"Hahahaha! Kill these heretics!"

"How dare you betray the glory of my god! Let them all go to hell!"

Carl roared with great excitement. He waved his long sword and looked at the kingdom soldiers fleeing in front of the Templars. He was obviously extremely relaxed.

Look, no one can stand against the edge of the Templars.

Vulnerable mortal armies.

That's it?! Dare to resist the power of their church?

Carl, who was extremely excited, didn't notice that among the defeated soldiers, there were no sergeants from the Slanting Moon City Headquarters wearing full-body boards.

After the initial battle, the Templars had already occupied a considerable part of the camp.

Steady my heels... 0

With the help of the god's perspective of the Geer Condor in the sky, Carl has already aimed at the place where the tracked armored vehicles are located in the camp from the very beginning.

At this moment, from the perspective of the Geer Condor in the sky, there are rows of neatly placed steel monsters in the camp, and they have not moved.

Carl directly led the army to kill there [Wherever he went, the soldiers of the kingdom fled.

"This, this kind of steel monster has such a deterrent effect when viewed from a close distance."

Carl stood in front of a tracked armored combat vehicle, looking at the shining steel surface of the vehicle under the firelight, he swallowed.

From the perspective of the Geer Condor in the sky, everything on the ground is small, but when a group of templars rushing over really stand in front of these tracked armored vehicles, this steel monster gives people The visual impact is unparalleled!

Seven meters long, four meters wide, and four meters high, the tracked armored combat vehicle covered with all steel gave Carl an impact force enough to suffocate him just by placing it there.

It can be clearly felt that huge force.

And the six pairs of road wheels on the track make people feel that they are not clear.

"This, this is a real giant beast of war!"

Carl stood in front of a tracked armored combat vehicle, he swallowed, and trembling palm touched the cold steel surface of the tracked armored combat vehicle.

The Templars all stared wide-eyed, looking at the rows of neatly arranged rows in front of them, as if they were huge steel behemoths sleeping in 4.0.

Just looking at them made their bodies tremble a little. They couldn't imagine how many people would be crushed to death by the tonnage of this giant steel beast when it collided on the battlefield.

The human body of flesh and blood was directly crushed to pieces.

"Huh? What sound?"

All the Templars including Carl were taken aback.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

The voice, which they had never heard before, grew louder.

"This voice..."

A Templar put his ear close to the tracked armored vehicle, and then exclaimed in horror: "This sound is coming from the body of this steel monster!!"

Redstone piston engine! At this moment, it started violently! At this moment, hundreds of tracked armored vehicles lined up here, like ferocious beasts revived in the darkness, let out their roars!

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