Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 293 Post-War Situation

"Big Explosion Flame Bomb!"

With a roar, a large number of flames gathered in front, rushing forward ferociously like a giant flame dragon.

A line of defense composed of dark moon soldiers was blasted by the scorching flames.

But this is only the last afterglow, with the flash of fire somewhere in the darkness, a projectile accurately hit the forehead of the magic priest who used magic.

The bullet broke through his skull, and as the body fell to the ground, the brains inside were also scattered all over the floor.

"Damn it, the last magic priest who opened the way was also killed."

Mei Long gritted his teeth tightly, but the explosive bomb that the magic priest was about to die also blasted the road ahead.

Incomparably hot flames were everywhere on the road, spreading in all directions, and the surrounding Dark Moon Sergeants also briefly formed a passage gap because of these high-temperature flames.

"This is my chance!"

Mei Long opened her eyes angrily, and began to mobilize the magic power in her body to the greatest extent.

Although the temperature of those ember flames is not as high as before, it can melt steel.

But at least hundreds of degrees, they are all armored, there is no difference between rushing over and seeking their own death.


Frost blessing!"

"Guard, body!"

A slightly huge ice-blue transparent magic circle loomed on the hundreds of templar knights around him, and with the arrival of Meilong's magic power, those templar knights also had slight icy coldness rising from their bodies. Garden atmosphere.

As long as they are protected by this layer of frosty air, they can safely pass through the path full of flames caused by the use of the big explosive bomb just ahead.

"All Templars, listen to my orders! Go!"

Mei Long let out a roar, and all the templar knights who had received the blessing of his magic state quickened their pace and rushed fiercely towards that path of flames!


A dark moon sergeant major roared, and rows of dark moon sergeants held muskets, thinking about the templar knights who intended to rush towards the flames and passed through the flames.

"Papa papa..."

There was a lot of gunfire, the flames sounded and flickered, and pieces of musket smoke rose up.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding."

The bullets from the musket pierced the armor of the Templars, and many Templars fell to the ground and died on the spot.

They were not far from the flame road, and after paying dozens of casualties, they finally entered the flame road completely.

"Successful, the road ahead is the way to break through!"

Mei Long's eyes widened in surprise, and the corners of his mouth were drawn unconsciously.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, this strange voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

Dozens of armored chariots roared past, and the howling wind from the chariots alone extinguished some of the sparks.

After the dozens of armored vehicles passed through the fire scene extremely quickly, they lined up like a wall, completely blocking the road ahead of Mei Long and others.

And at this time, those embers of the flames also began to disappear because they burned out the last remaining magic power.

Mei Long looked desperately at the chariot that stopped in front of them and blocked their way, and the many dark moon soldiers who got out of the chariot, all wearing plate armor and holding muskets.

Yes, with that kind of strange steel chariot, no matter how fast they are, they will still be caught up.

This battle continued until dawn.

In the end, after all the follow-up forces of the Dark Alliance entered the arena, the battle still ended.

It has to be said that the number of Templar Knights is as high as 50,000 after all, which is more than the sergeants of the Crescent Moon City and the soldiers of the Kingdom who only have a total of 40,000.

Moreover, the average quality and combat ability of the Templars are even better than the Dark Moon Sergeants of Common.

On the brink of collapse.

If it was a face-to-face decisive battle, the Dark Moon Sergeants of Slanting Moon City would probably suffer even greater casualties.

Although this night battle paid some casualties, it was within an acceptable range.

Most of the casualties were caused by the magic priests all over the camp.

In the case of not using muskets to kill in advance, the flame magic of the magic priests is really powerful when it explodes in the crowd.

When they met head-on at the beginning, the Dark Moon Sergeants really suffered a lot.

And Meilong, the deputy commander of the vanguard of the church coalition army, was also captured.

Mellon is not the deputy commander of all the church coalition forces, but only the deputy commander of the vanguard army. His duty is to replace Carl as the commander of the vanguard army when Carl is away.

...0 for flowers...

But obviously, in the chaotic situation last night, Meilong's command ability was not well reflected.

"Nearly a thousand casualties were caused by the Dark Moon soldiers alone."

"The casualties are much greater than I imagined."

After the battle, Don Juan had a headache after getting the casualty report.

"Half of the casualties were caused by the magic priests who did not snipe in time."

"One of their most common fireballs, its temperature can melt the armor on our sergeants."

Ragnar stood in front of Don Juan and said.

Sergeant Dark Moon killed 427 people and injured 507 people.

Together, the casualties were nearly a thousand.

But fortunately, the healing potions can heal well no matter whether they are seriously wounded or lightly wounded, so there is no further increase in casualties.

"Where are the kingdom soldiers allied with us? How are their casualties?"

"Their casualties were far greater than ours. When our camp was raided at the very beginning, all the casualties were theirs. In addition to the subsequent raid on the church coalition camp, after they intervened in the battlefield, there were still many saints The Templar Knights still have fighting power, and they have caused a lot of casualties."

"Overall, they killed more than 2,400 people. Today, there are more than 1,200 people who are seriously injured, and more than 4,600 people who are slightly injured."

"Counting up, they suffered seven or eight thousand casualties."

"Send them a batch of healing potions, and focus on treating the seriously wounded who can't be treated. After all, they are fighting for us.

"And what about the casualties and prisoners of the church coalition forces?"

Don Juan asked again.

"According to our statistics, there were more than 700 Templars who were crushed to death by chariots last night, and in the ensuing battle, after our investigation, they died a total of more than 12,000 people, and we captured 27,000 people. There are more than a thousand people, and those noble soldiers in the church coalition army, we did not calculate their casualties in detail, and many of them escaped because we didn't have much idea of ​​them."

"And the number of Templars who escaped from the siege is estimated to be around 10,000."

Ragnar looked at the other booklet in his hand, and said knife to Don Juan. .

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