Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter Thirty Sudden Melee【56】【Please Collect And Ask For Flowers】

"Who?! Come out!"

The lasso knight roared towards the surrounding woods.

"Someone is spying on us."

Knight Hana quickly put on his face-covered helmet, and drew out the long sword at his waist.

"What's wrong?! Are there any enemies?"

A farmer's hand was shaking while holding a hoe.

"If there is a fight, we will play dead and look for opportunities to escape."

Another farmer whispered to his friend.

"Archer ready! Shoot arrows into the woods!"

The Hana knight shouted angrily, and the thirty Archers drew up their bows and arrows.

Those real professional soldiers are also ready to guard against possible enemies.


Suddenly, a beast-like roar came from the woods on the other side, and then a black shadow sprang out instantly!


A farmer screamed, his stomach was cut instantly, and blood and intestines fell out of it.


"It's a werewolf, a werewolf!"

The peasants and soldiers saw the appearance of the thing clearly, and screamed loudly in horror.

The monster's size is not large, and its height is only 1.71 meters.

But it has gray hair all over its body, and its head is also a huge wolf head with a long snout!

It was wearing worn leather armor, and warm blood was still dripping down from the sharp claws of its hands.

Obviously, this was the one that cut through the stomach of the farmer and soldier just now.

It opened its bloody mouth wide, and its mouth full of cold fangs is shocking.

"Why did orcs suddenly appear here!"

The Lasso knight roared.

"It's just a single orc, I'll kill him!"

A knight servant rode out, raised the wooden lance in his hand, and pointed the iron point at the werewolf.

"Idiot, don't be impulsive!"

Hana Knight's eyes widened.

He knew that werewolves never act alone.


Sure enough, just when the cavalry was about to charge in front of the werewolf, there was another roar.

A black shadow jumped directly from a tree in the forest.

It fell precisely on the cavalry who was galloping forward.


The cavalry screamed in horror, and the horse under him jumped wildly and neighed.

Apparently even the horse sensed mortal danger.

The werewolf stood firmly on the horse's back, and it opened its mouth wide.

The huge mouth full of fangs directly crushed the unprotected neck of the cavalryman.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the wolf's head tore hard!

The cavalryman's head was torn off abruptly.

And as the cavalryman's head was torn off, the peasants and soldiers screamed in horror, and they began to flee backwards frantically.

Then more werewolves appeared in the woods, and some werewolves held machetes and other weapons in their hands.

They blocked the escape route of the militiamen and started a massacre one by one.

"Forget about these militias, we are ready to break through!"

The drag knight turned his horse and yelled.

Fortunately, they brought out not only farmers and soldiers this time, but also a hundred professional soldiers.

As long as there are not too many werewolves, they can form a solid line of defense and break through!

These soldiers were of a fundamentally different nature from the peasants, and instead of fleeing, they engaged in a melee with the werewolves who suddenly appeared.

Withstood the attack of werewolves.

All the cavalry dismounted.

Even if there is a road in the woods, the role of cavalry in this situation is pitifully small.

The equipment of the cavalry is much better than that of the infantry. They not only have swords and shields, but also wear chain mail and burqas.

Even if they are dismounted, their combat effectiveness is better than that of infantry.

The scuffle came very suddenly, several werewolves were killed in a row, and the blood-soaked Lasso knight held the long sword and shield tightly in his hands.


Holding a scimitar in his hand, another werewolf roared and rushed towards Lasso Knight.

The scimitar slashed across, and the Lasso knight lowered his body, avoiding the scimitar skillfully.

At this moment, the eyes under his iron bucket helmet were wide open, and the shield in his left hand slammed forward and instantly hit the werewolf's neck.

The werewolf roared in pain, and continued to rush forward, but dodging the werewolf's pounce, and the knight Lasso who passed by the werewolf instantly pierced the werewolf's back horizontally with the long sword in his right hand.

The blade directly burst out from the werewolf's chest, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

Knight Lasso was panting heavily, his iron bucket helmet and burqa were covered with blood, his left hand that was fixed on the shield grabbed the shoulder of the werewolf, and then he pulled hard, pulling the blood-stained long sword away from the werewolf's corpse come out.

"Hoo... Hoo... Hoo"

The sound of heavy breathing sounded from inside the iron barrel helmet, and the sound was very dull outside.

Knight Lasso held the sword and shield in his hand, looking around covered in blood.

The peasants had no ability to resist at all, they died and fled.

But now there are only a small number of soldiers resisting on this small battlefield.

But it was already on the verge of collapse, and there were many corpses lying on the ground, most of them were human.

Werewolf corpses are rare.

What made Lasso Knight extremely desperate was that werewolves continued to emerge from the woods.


Suddenly there was a terrifying scream, and Knight Lasso was startled. It was Hana's voice.

He turned around abruptly, only to see that Hana was grabbed by a tiger man who was nearly two meters tall and whose muscles were about to explode.

Under the face-covering helmet Hana was wearing, a pair of eyes looked at Lasso with fear and despair.

"damn it!"

Lasuo roared angrily, and didn't have time to think about why the werewolf and tiger were mixed together. His friend's life and death were at stake, so Lasuo rushed towards the tiger with a roar.

The tiger man let out a very cruel and ferocious smile, threw Hana out directly, and then faced Lasuo with a warhammer in his hand.

Before Hana, who thought he was saved, got up from the ground, a tiger man with a big ax appeared behind him, and the huge ax blade was cut off directly!

The chain mail that extends from the lining of the helmet to the neck is cut directly.

And the second layer of chain mail covering the upper body to the neck was thrillingly withstood the attack of the ax blade, and was almost cut open.

Although the ax blade did not directly cut Hana's neck, Hana was still dead.

Blood gushed out of the mouth under the helmet.

The ax directly broke Hana's neck.

The huge force broke the spine at the back of Hara's neck.

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