Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 66: Heaven Is Not Fair, I Will Preside Over It! 【47】【Seventh Subscription】

Heavy snow fell, and the entire wilderness looked like it was covered with snow, as if the whole world was covered by ice and snow.

Outside the city of Xieyue, countless refugees sat in a group in threes and fives, and lit a fire together to keep warm.

Most of them were only wearing thin clothes, and even in front of the fire, they were shivering by gusts of cold wind.

"Mom... I'm so hungry..."

"Damn it, give me these grains! Or I'll kill you!"

"Please let go, this is the last food left in our village. If you take this food, more than a hundred of us will starve to death!"

The cries of children, the violent cries of refugees who were driven mad by hunger and cold and began to rob other refugees around them, and the pitiful cries of those who were robbed all merged with the howling wind between heaven and earth.

The cold and ruthless world, the howling wind, and the wailing of the refugees, all of these things come together to form a mournful and mournful symphony.

"Outside the city~ How many refugees are there at this moment?"

Don Juan stood on the wall - asked Harlaus.

"Because of our manpower, we didn't have a detailed statistics, but a rough estimate, there are still 3,000 people.

Harlaus replied.

"Three thousand people..."

Don Juan thought about it.

"And most of them appeared to be young adults."

Harlaus added at this time.

"Prepare to receive these refugees! It has been less than a month since the arrival of the evil disaster."

"These refugees are a signal that the barbarians and orcs in the depths of the wilderness have rioted."

"They have lost their homes, their loved ones, and everything, but it doesn't matter. The Oblique Moon City will accommodate them and tolerate their suffering. They can reopen in the Oblique Moon City.

"Oblique Moon City will become their brand new home!"

Don Juan was wearing armor, standing on the city wall, looking at the suffering refugees below.

The most lacking thing in the oblique moon city right now is the population.

Although the oblique moon city has basically reached the standard of being officially upgraded to a city, it is still short of the last step.

And the poor line is two words, population.

Xieyue Town must have a population of more than 10,000 people before it can be officially upgraded to a city in the system.


Don Juan's voice suddenly became cold.

"The bullies and looters below..."


The word kill seems to contain a coldness that is even colder than the cold sky and snow!


"Crack creak creak."

The door mechanism that was splashed with hot water started to operate, making a harsh sound.

"The gates are open! The city is open!"

The refugees cried out in surprise.

"The gates of the city are finally opened, Yuanzi is getting impatient!"

"Hey, I hope I can find chickens in the city to make me happy."

The group of people closest to the city gate were all middle-aged men, and they all had axes and other weapons around their waists. What's more, the axes had long-frozen blood.

And they were out of place among the refugees. All of them were short of food, sallow and emaciated, cold and hungry, and walked to Xieyue City.

But they were wrapped in cotton clothes that didn't fit very well, and their faces were rosy!

There were bloodstains on the weapons, the cotton clothes on their bodies didn't fit well, and their faces were rosy, and the refugees around them all kept them at a respectful distance.

The surprise said it all.

"Cross big span big span big!"

A lot of hooves sounded in the city.

"Wait a second!"

Suddenly one of the men in the group stopped a fat and burly man who had just rushed to the gate of the city and hadn't entered yet.

"What's wrong?"

The man turned around suspiciously.

"Hiss, law, law!!"

Suddenly a war horse neighed.

A knight with a man and a horse, covered in black heavy armor, jumped out of the city gate!

The black heavy nail leaves all over the body and the white snowflakes like feathers fluttering in the air form an incomparably sharp contrast!

There was endless murderous intent in his eyes, and he stared angrily!

At this moment when the knight and that man passed by!


A cold light flashed past!

The knight galloped past, and a head soared into the sky!

Hot blood sprayed out, melting the surrounding white snow and splashing it into blood red!


All the refugees screamed in horror.

"I am the lord of Slanting Moon City, Don Juan!"

"Now I give an order to accept you!"

This strong knight with man and horse covered in black heavy armor pulled the horse's head and roared loudly: "But! I will wait for the army to maintain discipline!"

"Bully! Kill!"

"Rape and marauder! Kill!"

"There is no justice in this world!"

"But now, I, the lord of Slanting Moon City, Don Juan, will take the place of this heaven and uphold justice for you!"

Shouts resounded throughout the world, and the snowflakes falling around Don Juan also automatically danced around him!

... 0 for flowers 00

"Lord, host, the Lord of heaven and earth, justice..."

Minalia, who worked hard to climb the city wall, had endless admiration in her emerald-like green eyes, and her little face flushed with excitement.

This is the real knight!

"Not good! Run!"

The faces of the middle-aged men with frozen blood stains on their weapons changed wildly. They screamed in horror and ran away in a hurry.

But it's too late!

"Bully! Kill!!"

Pendragon was in full armor and led the cavalry, taking the lead! He was shouting loudly, and his eyes were full of coldness.

"Rape and marauder! Kill!!"

More than a dozen strong knights with men and horses in heavy armor all charged out on horseback!


The Black spear in his hand was waving, and Black's killing weapon turned the white and flawless snow into a blood red!

Sixty or seventy spears stood on the ground.

And above the spears, there is a ferocious head pierced!

"Oblique Moon City is where the law is!"

"We are the Dark Moon Knights of Slanting Moon City! We declare here!"

"You will become citizens of the oblique moon city! Follow the laws of the oblique moon city and be protected by the oblique moon city!"

Don Juan led the knights and roared loudly.


With a loud roar, the food, coal and other items that had been prepared a long time ago were sent out of the city and delivered to the hands of every refugee.

"Lord Don Juan."

A refugee was holding two large bags of food and coal in his hand, and tears flowed from his face.

"Master Don Juan!!"


Countless refugees stamped their feet, beat their chests, and howled loudly. They were only the people of Common who lived in the wilderness, but as the disaster approached, barbarians and orcs rioted, and they lost everything.

But today, they will start again in Slanted Moon City and get everything again!

"What the people want!"

"The strength of great men is condensed!"

"The effect is activated: the loyalty of all the people who settle in the oblique moon city is +10 by default!"

And at this moment, in the direction outside the wilderness, it seemed that flags were raised all over the sky.

A huge army is marching towards the wilderness!

[ps: After I came back from the hospital last night, I didn’t sleep all night. I got up again this morning to write these four chapters. I have to sleep first, and when I wake up, I will continue with the remaining three chapters [come on]

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