Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 75 This Road Is Blocked! 【57】【Seventh Watch For Subscription! 】

Snowflakes were flying all over the sky, and the wilderness of Green was dyed into a snow-white world by the heavy snow.


Habalina moved heavily, as if his legs were filled with lead, and kept moving forward.

His face was flushed red at the moment.

Under the howling cold wind, the slightly thin cotton padded jacket on his body had no defensive effect at all, so it was directly penetrated by the cold wind and blew on his body.

Habalina touched his chain mail.

Like a big popsicle.

Fortunately, the chain mail is put on the outside of the cotton coat, and there is a burqa of this layer outside the outer chain mail.

Although he still couldn't resist the cold wind, at least it wouldn't keep him on the verge of freezing to death.

Habalina looked back with difficulty in the cold wind.

The team of dozens of people dragged on for a very long time, and each of the villagers did not have enough cotton clothes to keep out the cold. Just for a while, another person fell down.

He fell into the icy snow, and soon the heavy snow would cover his body like a quilt, and this snow-white ground was his coffin and cemetery.

Knight Habalina gritted his teeth, held back his sadness and tears, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, go faster!"

"The monsters who destroyed our village will definitely catch up!"

"Master Habalina, leave us alone, you can go!"

"Come with us and we will only drag you down."

Several villagers trembled and shouted at Habalina.

"There are only knights who protect their people and die in battle, and there are absolutely no knights who leave their people and flee!"

Habalina was a poor knight who had a small village of two hundred people as his fief.

Although the village is poor, people are self-sufficient. Habalina never collects such heavy taxes, and the villagers live happily.

But all this was ruined by the barbarians and orcs who attacked the village.

Habalina has two attendants, both young men from the village, but because Habalina is poor, he has no money to equip them with horses and armor.

When the orcs attacked the village, those two attendants were the first to die in battle.

Even in the face of a strong enemy, Habalina never thought of running away, but at the last moment of life and death, he was rescued by the villagers desperately.

In a village of 200 people, only a few dozen people left to flee.

"Roar!" 々!"

Suddenly there was a roar of beasts in the distance behind, and everyone's faces turned pale.

"It's over, they are catching up!"

The villagers suddenly panicked.

"You go first!"

In the sight, there are six werewolves with snow-white fur running wildly in the distance.

Their eyes were blood red, and they howled like wolves.

"Go away! I will stay behind.

Habalina roared at all the other villagers, and then pulled out the only long sword left at his waist with both hands.

A few young people among the villagers wanted to say something, but they were glared at by the red-eyed Habalina.

"You don't have the ability to fight, and you will die here."


"They're close!!"

Habalina suddenly heard a loud cry.

Holding the long sword in both hands, he turned his head sharply.

A world of ice and snow with bleak wind and cold wind.

The snow under his feet was trampling, and the only knight held his long sword tightly, his eyes widened angrily, and stared round.

His shield has been lost, but that doesn't mean he has lost his shield.

Use your own body as a shield to protect the civilians behind you!

"Come on!! You bastards!!"

He let out a hoarse roar, behind him were the people who were protected by him.

And in front, there are six powerful werewolves!

The knight, the way of protection.

Even in the face of a strong enemy, in the face of a dead end, you must be able to face it calmly without changing your face!


The werewolf at the front let out a beast roar, it suddenly pulled out the scimitar around its waist, its body jumped out, and slashed directly at the Habarina knight from nowhere.

The Habalina knight rolled to the side, and the werewolf fell into the air and landed on the snow.


As the cold wind howled, the Habalina knight grabbed a handful of snow and sprinkled it towards the werewolf's eyes.

The werewolf was startled, unable to dodge in time, he was blinded by the snow.


Hari Qishi seized the opportunity, stepped forward with a sudden stride, and directly pierced the werewolf's throat.

The long sword pierced the werewolf's throat, and warm blood splashed out.

Part of it was sprinkled on the knight Habalina.

Knight Habalina actually felt a little bit of warmth.

But when he came back to his senses, he was already in a dead end.

The remaining five werewolves faced the knight, and they surrounded Habalina.

Habalina is surrounded by werewolves.


Suddenly, the refugees who hadn't gone far let out screams.

Habalinna was startled, and looked back quickly, and a dozen werewolves with snow-white fur appeared out of nowhere and surrounded the refugees.

"々`It's over, it seems that I am destined to die here today."

Knight Habalina thought desperately.

It doesn't matter if he dies, his subjects will also be buried in the wilderness with him.

"God...I beg you, if you can't save me, then please come and save those innocent civilians!"

"What did they do wrong, why should they be subjected to this cruel killing...

"My God...I beg prove my piety, I will die here, to protect my people.

Habalina was praying for the last time in her heart.

"So many human beings can have a big meal today!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The werewolves smiled ferociously, brandished the scimitar in their hands, and approached the refugees unhurriedly.

In their view, these refugees are like sheep in the sheepfold, and they cannot escape at all.

"Are you praying? Stop praying, your god will not save (Qian Zhao's) you, today you are destined to die here and fill our stomachs!"

A werewolf let out a wild laugh unhurriedly.

"Exaggerated exaggerated exaggerated cross big cross..."

"what sound?!"

Habalina stopped praying, and just as he was about to fight with his long sword, he heard this voice.

"This way doesn't work!!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and a werewolf screamed, and his body was thrown into the air.

All the werewolves stared wide-eyed.

But in their line of sight, in this endless ice and snow, in the snow ocean, a powerful knight with man and horse in black heavy armor [Chorse outrageously]


And behind him, dozens of elite heavy armored knights dressed in the same costume looked like a very small, but extremely dark, conspicuous Black wave in the endless ice and snow!

With his weak black light, against the frost and whiteness of the world!.

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