Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 130: Model Community (12)

In the darkness, the cool air overflows.

The sound of ticking water from time to time was amplified infinitely in the quiet night, tormenting every nerve ending eerily.

In the corridor, Xia Zhiyi held the strawberry and dared not let it go easily, feeling confused.

The seemingly spacious house actually hides murderous intent everywhere.

She didn't know where to go or what to do next, as if staying where she was was the most sensible choice.

After all, compared with the boundless darkness, she is nothing but an ant that can die instantly.

At this time, the strawberry in her arms opened her mouth slightly: "Mom, turn off the water."

Under the weak light, the child in his arms stared intently at the direction of the stairs, and from nowhere came an obsession: "Turn off the water."

Xia Zhiyi remembered that she left the room suddenly before, and asked, "Strawberry, why do you suddenly sleep soundly and want to get up to turn off the water?"

Strawberry's voice was calm: "Noisy."

Xia Zhiyi was taken aback for a moment.

Strawberry said again: "Wasting water is wrong."

Strawberry: "Turn off the water, Mom, we're going to turn off the water."

After finishing speaking, she started to walk up the stairs again, as if she would not give up until she turned off the ticking faucet tonight.

Xia Zhiyi quickly pressed her into his arms: "Wait a minute, Strawberry, wait a moment..."

She gets it.

Children are not only a life-saving talisman for the player at night, but also a source of danger, because their actions can never be controlled, and they may put the player in danger at any time.

She suddenly began to miss Boo Boo.

With the bond between Bubu and Jing Ruyu, she would never leave Jing Ruyu and run around without her consent.

The most important thing is that she is very obedient, even if she wants to play, she will inform them first and ask for their consent before leaving.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiyi couldn't help but sigh.

I hope that there will be no accidents when the child stays with her parents, and that her girlfriend and daughter will be safe and sound.

Strawberry heard a sigh blowing in his ear suddenly.

She turned her head slightly, puzzled and said, "What's the matter, Mom?"

Xia Zhiyi looked at her with a little bit of happiness.

Anyway, Strawberry listened to her anyway, and came back as soon as she was asked, and didn't run around.

But just to be on the safe side, she now had to have a good talk with Strawberry about it—children's way.

Xia Zhiyi held Strawberry's hand: "Strawberry, do you like mom?"

Strawberry nodded: "I like it."

Xia Zhiyi said, "Then are you afraid that you won't see your mother?"

Strawberry was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why can't I see my mother?"

—Isn’t the perfect entry point here?

Xia Zhiyi rubbed her hand lightly, and said softly, "Because Strawberry is mother's little knight who can protect mother, without Strawberry by her side, mother will be taken away by the bad guys and never come back.

"So next time Strawberry leaves her mother without saying a word, she will never see her again."

Strawberry resisted this ending very much, and immediately said: "I don't want it!"

"Then you stay with your mother, okay?"


"Of course, it's not like you can't go anywhere, at least tell mom before you go, okay?"

"...Then mom is sleeping?"

"Wake me up," Xia Zhiyi didn't think about it, "no matter how much I sleep, just shake me hard to wake me up, and if mom doesn't nod, you won't leave, okay?"

Strawberry let out an "um", as if he had listened.

But she was still obsessed with going to turn off the water.

Xia Zhiyi sighed deeply.

If you don't take her to turn off the tap tonight, I'm afraid it won't stop all night.

This broken dungeon really won't let them go so easily!

Before going downstairs, Xia Zhiyi tried to turn on the stairs lights.

There was a "click", nothing happened - well, it can't be turned on, and the horror movie must temporarily cut off the power.

They had no choice but to take advantage of the faint light and go down one step at a time.

She took the strawberry and went downstairs carefully.

He muttered in a low voice: "Don't touch me, I'm leading the child, if the child falls, it will be your fault, you just wait for Xiaoji to let you write a self-criticism..."

The cold air rushed over in an instant.

Strawberry is curious: "What is Mom talking about?"

Xia Zhi's expression remained unchanged: "I'm praising the majesty of the administrator."

The cold air lingering around: "..."

There were strawberries, and they came to the first floor without any danger.

The sound of water suddenly became extremely clear, as if... in the bathroom.

The bathroom, a place favored by horror movies.

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

This is a copy of the naked/naked conspiracy!

Strawberry tugged at her finger: "In the bathroom, Mom, the water in the bathroom is not turned off properly."

Xia Zhiyi nodded to show that she understood.

Instead of rushing to the bathroom, she tried turning on the light again.

After discovering that all the lights on the first floor were also on strike, she hugged the strawberry and boldly walked to each window, pulling all the blackout curtains open.

The windows were locked at some point and could not be opened.

But finally a faint moonlight diffused into the room, and it was no longer as dark as before.

She takes strawberries to the bathroom.

After approaching the bathroom, the sound of water droplets became clearer, as if falling in a valley, with a faint echo, which seemed a bit empty.

There is a mirror directly opposite the bathroom door.

In this dark environment, the mirror is so bright that it is almost enough to engrave the four characters "I am not simple" on the mirror.

Strawberry pointed to the sink in front of the mirror: "The faucet is not turned off properly."

Xia Zhiyi squinted her eyes, looked in the mirror, and went in with the strawberry in her arms.

Strawberry leaned over, expressing that he would turn off the tap himself and be a good baby who cherishes water resources.

Xia Zhiyi was very relieved, and didn't want to do it a second time.

Their appearance, one big and one small, was reflected in the mirror.

Just as Strawberry reached out to turn off the faucet, Xia Zhiyi saw a flash of red light flashing in the mirror when she was all focused on it below—her head was separated in the mirror.

A deadwood-rotting hand grasped her detached head.

A ferocious and distorted face was pressed against the mirror, smiling very vilely.

Viscous blood oozes from the mirror at the neck in an instant, and the terrifying and gloomy atmosphere reaches its peak in an instant.

Xia Zhiyi was startled suddenly.

Gan, this trick is really wicked!

That's exactly what the thing in the mirror is supposed to do.

But this is not enough, it expects to see Xia Zhiyi so frightened that she throws the child in her arms to the ground, that way... her death is coming!

As a result, Xia Zhiyi not only didn't drop Strawberry in fright, but hugged Strawberry more tightly and steadily, and quickly calmed down, even motioning Strawberry to look up in the mirror.

Grimace froze for a moment.

Strawberry raised her head slowly.

The mirror surface is cleared in an instant, it is as bright as new, and it is as quiet as before—the magic is not so fast.

Xia Zhiyi showed a winner's smile.

—You take my head, I take yours!

Strawberry saw nothing: "There is nothing..."

Xia Zhiyi smiled calmly, "Yes, there is a cute little strawberry."

When Strawberry heard it, she laughed innocently, and then leaned down to turn off the water again.

The grimace appeared again.

Xia Zhiyi asked Strawberry to look up again.

The mirror is cleared again.

Strawberry obediently lowered his head to turn off the water.

The ghost face appeared again.

Xia Zhiyi asked Strawberry to look up again.

The mirror surface recovered in seconds.

Back and forth, disappearing and appearing, just like pressing a switch, funny and fun.

After the ghost face was played several times, when it reappeared, the expression was very angry.

It stared at Xia Zhiyi with its eyes, and pointed at her while swearing at her.

Unscrupulous, really unscrupulous, it has never seen such a wicked player! !

Xia Zhiyi raised her eyebrows calmly.

Knowing the weaknesses, of course, we must be brave to practice and test the truth, so as not to fail.

Besides, it was these ghosts who provoked her first, and if she did not do the immoral thing that could fight back the ghosts, then is she still called Xia Zhiyi!

Frustrated by her mother and grimaces, Strawberry, who knew nothing, was like a Tang monk learning Buddhist scriptures, and finally managed to turn off the water after ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

She said she was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

Xia Zhiyi thought of the noise just now, and knew that there would be no bed to sleep in when she went upstairs again.

She looked around the first floor and chose to spend the night on the sofa in the living room.

There is a window next to the living room, and the light is relatively bright, which is much better than the dark second floor.

Thinking of Jing Ruyu and Bubu, she first tried to open the gate, but she couldn't get out at all, as if locked.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why this dungeon arranged such a large and separated house for the player.

One is to prevent communication between them; the other is to create a huge hunting ground for monsters.

This is simply sinister!

If she hadn't quickly grasped the key to saving lives, she would really have to explain it here!

Xia Zhiyi had no choice but to take the strawberries back to the sofa in the living room, hoping that the day would come soon.

Strawberry leaned on the sofa and hugged the pillow. Because she was too sleepy, she didn't ask why she didn't go back upstairs to sleep, and soon closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Xia Zhiyi looked at her sleeping face, she didn't feel sleepy at all.

She could feel the covetousness hidden under the calmness, and the ghosts and monsters lurking in the dark never left.

The most important thing is that the loud noise that hit the bed just now shattered her drowsiness, and now she has an indescribable spirit.

She glanced at her watch.

It was past three in the morning.

Calculated based on the rest time of these children, she also slept a lot, enough is enough.

She turned to look out the gloomy window.

The long night is quiet, lonely and silent.

She suddenly looked sad.

There was no movement outside, so they should be fine, right?

Eight in the morning.

Jing Ruyu opened his eyes.

Bubu had already woken up before her, and was obediently sitting next to her reading a picture book.

The doll was held in Bobu's arms, and there was nothing unusual about it.

The chairs in the room don't change, the table doesn't change, nothing changes.

Jing Ruyu sat up.

Then a name popped up in my mind: Xia Zhiyi.

She immediately got out of bed to put on her shoes, and picked up three backpacks neatly.

Seeing this, Bubu immediately jumped out of bed and followed her footsteps without asking any questions.

Arriving at Xia Zhiyi's temporary residence, Jing Ruyu knocked on the door hastily, more urgently than ever.

Bubu imitated her and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened.

Familiar faces appeared in front of their eyes.

"Great!" Xia Zhiyi was overjoyed, "You are all fine!"

Jing Ruyu immediately supported her by the shoulders, checked her carefully from top to bottom, and after confirming that she was not injured, he let out a long sigh of relief, and his tense heartstrings were finally soothed.

As soon as Xia Zhiyi saw her lover, she couldn't help letting go of her guard.

She grabbed her hand and complained pitifully: "The night here is really scary, I almost died yesterday..."

The thought of almost confessing here, almost not seeing the sun today... She wanted to scold this broken world even more!

Unexpectedly, Jing Ruyu frowned after listening, and asked, "Did anything happen yesterday?"

Xia Zhiyi: "?"

She was a little surprised: "You don't know what happened yesterday?"

Jing Ruyu said frankly: "I don't know, after I fell asleep with Bubu yesterday, I have been sleeping until now, and I came to find you when I woke up, and nothing happened in the middle."

Xia Zhiyi was even more surprised.

"Boob stayed by your side after falling asleep yesterday?"


"Stay close?"



Xia Zhiyi fell into deep thought, starting some new thinking about life.

Seeing this, Jing Ruyu asked warmly, "What are you thinking?"

Xia Zhiyi suddenly looked serious: "I'm thinking about a very serious question.

"If I find a piece of string to tie a strawberry to me so that she stays with me...will I be able to sleep like a baby?"

In this kind of place, it is really a very precious thing to be able to sleep peacefully!

Jing Ruyu: "..."

This question is quite serious.

The author has something to say:

Strawberry: Tie Q

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