Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 168: final copy (sixteen)

How could the little ghost king who has seen the world be afraid of this little trick?

Not only was she not afraid, but she was also very enthusiastic and kind to help the little girl put her head back on her neck, and reminded her childishly, "Don't drop it."

The little girl's head was put back, then slowly slid down, and rolled off the bed with a bewildered expression.

Things have gone far beyond her imagination.

This is not right, why can't she bark?

She also helped me put my head back, isn't she afraid?

What's going on, how could this happen?

Who am I and where am I?

Who is she and why is she not afraid? ?

The first time she encountered a setback in her prank career, she was a child about her age, which made her ghost life suddenly feel a little dazed.

And the barrage is bursting with laughter:

— Hahahahahahahahahahaha Bubao is too polite

— Laughing at the house ghosts

—The core of horror is indeed comedy hahahahahahahaha

——I laughed more vigorously for Lao Tzu at night, she is indeed our little princess of the demon clan!

——The new job of Director Badhuo is doing well this time, and this ghost is very satisfied!

Bubu watched her head roll off the bed, hurriedly climbed to the edge of the bed, lay down on the bed and looked down, saw her motionless and said curiously: "You're not moving."

The little girl slowly turned to look at her.

Before she had time to speak, she suddenly retracted, not knowing what to do.

A few seconds later, the little girl saw her lying on the bed again, holding a book in both hands, her eyes were bright, and she asked in a low voice, "Do you want to read with Boo Boo?"


"Boob can read, and Boob will teach you."


— midnight storytelling, sure

—Cute cute cute cute, what color sack do you like baby boob!

— Bubu: Blame the uncle and blame the aunt for beating!

The little girl does not believe in evil.

Guisheng is a process of constant trying, if it fails once, it will always work the second time.

Her expression changed suddenly, showing a cruel and terrifying evil ghost, trying to restrain Bubu.

As a result, Bubu also changed his face, his expression was more fierce than hers, and his aura was stronger than hers, as if he was born with a ferocious beast.

little girl:"…"

Bubu looked at her: "Are you weird?"

Then the little hand clenched into a fist: "Boob wants to drive away the monsters and protect mom!"

She thought it was a child.

She has been imprisoned in the Guyi clan, and what she likes to do most after she is released is to make friends with her peers.

She wants lots and lots of friends, and lots and lots of kids to play with.

But I didn't expect this kid to be weird.

Goblin hurts the mothers, and it hurts her too, and she doesn't make friends with Goblin.

The little girl glanced at her fist.

It's just such a small one, but the oppressive feeling it gives her is endless, as if this fist is as heavy as a thousand catties, and it can hit several of her with one punch.

This child is not an ordinary child. He can't be scared but can't be beaten, and he can't be tough.

"I want to read a book with you." The little girl said.

Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

— Hahahahahahahaha this kid is so funny too

——Young age is very good at judging the situation hahahaha

— Boo Boo punches you down, you will indeed die a second time

—Indeed, I still remember her punch this morning, hey, it hurt my face so much

Bubu didn't let her go to bed, so he briefly interrogated her first.

"Then are you weird?"

"I'm a ghost."

"What is ghost?"

"It's a ghost. If you die, you will become a ghost."

"Then will you hurt my mother?"


"Would that hurt Boo Boo?"

"No, I don't think I can beat you."

"Yeah, Boo Boo is amazing!"

After the questioning, the crisis was resolved, and with a smile on his face, Bubu reached out and grabbed her hair, pulled her onto the bed, and pressed her back on her neck.

The two children just sat at the end of the bed, opened the picture book, and started their own midnight storytelling.

The little girl was gradually fascinated by watching, and already forgot that she was here to play a prank.

It's been a long time since she sat down like this, read a storybook quietly, and had a child's unique time...

"I like this book." The little girl said with a slight smile.

"Boob likes it too." Bubu smiled, happy to meet his fellow children.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu woke up one after another.

In fact, their consciousness has long been awakened in a daze, starting from the perception that someone is dancing on the bed.

But this Dee stopped after only a few jumps.

Then, half asleep and half awake, they seemed to hear a very short strange laugh, so short that it was suspected to be a dream.

Then there was the sound of very low voices.

Then they woke up completely.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw my daughter and a child from nowhere sitting at the end of the bed reading a picture book.

The little girl's white skirt was covered in blood, and there were several **** footprints on their quilt.

However, Bubu and her sat together very harmoniously, as if there had never been any disputes, and the picture was strange and harmonious.

Seeing the mothers woke up, Boo Boo greeted them happily.

The two of them didn't dare to relax their vigilance easily, and immediately called Boo Boo back to their side.

Jing Ruyu looked at the little girl and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

With pure eyes, the little girl replied honestly: "I am a ghost, and I am here to scare you."

After speaking, she immediately repeated the old trick.

On the slender neck, there were bloodstains cut by the knife again, and the head slowly slid down along the fracture, and fell onto the bed with a thud.

Immediately, the crimson blood flowed out of the mouth, staining the white dress again.

The scene is very shocking.

Xia Zhiyi was startled suddenly.

Jing Ruyu and Bubu, the two non-human beings, were very calm.

Seeing this, the little girl picked up her head by herself, and said affirmatively to Xia Zhiyi: "You are a normal person, the two of them are not."

Don't say you're scared, the faces of those two haven't changed!

Xia Zhiyi didn't really want this kind of praise either.

"It's okay, it's more scary when the cut suddenly appeared on your neck. I thought someone had stabbed you in the neck."

For example, those skeletons with knives who force them to go through the plot.

The little girl pushed her head back, touched the incision on her neck, and said, "Is this one? This incision has always been there, so my head fell off."

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu glanced at each other, vaguely grabbing a point of information.

Seeing her touching his neck, Bubu seemed to remember something, got up and sat in front of her, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

The little girl nodded: "It hurts, it hurts, but it doesn't hurt now."

Hearing this, Bubu stretched out his hand to gently touch her neck, and then blew twice.

The little girl was connected to her brain circuit at once, and said indifferently: "My pain has already flown away."

She was dead, and so was the pain.

Now only the ghost king and monsters stronger than her, and special things can hurt her.

Xia Zhiyi asked, "What's your name?"

The little girl said, "Slowly."

Xia Zhiyi asked again: "Is that the child Bubu saw today you?"

Take it easy, yes.

"There is a child's bone buried in the soil in the back garden. Is that yours?"

Xia Zhiyi asked the most critical question.

Slowly said, yes.

She spoke very calmly, without expression, as if numb.

This caused Xia Zhiyi and the two of them to be silent for a moment with complicated emotions, and then Xia Zhiyi asked questions again.

"Are only your bones buried there?"

"No, there are others."

"They're all kids?"

"There are also a lot of adults. Those who spend their food and don't pick their age, they eat their bones. Picky eaters will not grow up."

"So there are ghosts like you in the other rooms?"


"...Did Mr. Luo make you do this?"

Gradually neither denied nor admitted, she just said: "I can't say it."

The atmosphere was silent again.

It's too obvious that Mr. Luo must be the murderer behind the movie, so his target is all of them, not just Boo Boo.

But why is Mr. Luo particularly interested in Boo Boo?

He was even willing to promise them any conditions in exchange for Boo Boo.

Is this a blindfold?

He wants to use this trick to distract the player's attention, making the player mistakenly think that all he wants is Boo Boo, so that he can relax his vigilance?

While the mothers were contemplating, Bubu sat back beside Slowly and reopened the picture book.

The two children naturally ignored the current environment and started reading books together.

Jing Ruyu said loudly: "Mr. Luo asked you to scare us? What is the purpose?"

After thinking about it slowly, she didn't know how to explain this question.

It is not so much that Mr. Luo asked her to come, but rather it is a task that is inherent in death-no one assigns it, and it has naturally fallen on them since the moment they died.

"We're going to scare you, make you run out, and then you're going to crash and die yourself.

"When you die, you will become like us.

"It will be your turn to scare others in the future."

Two people: "..."

I understand, the script is arranged to promote the plot tool man-tool ghost.

However, they didn't hear the shouts coming from outside at all. I don't know if the sound insulation is too good, or the other players are calm and not frightened.

Xia Zhiyi asked: "You are only here to scare us, won't you do anything to us?"

Slowly looking at the picture book without raising his head, he said, "If you don't move, we will have nothing to do with you."

The two suddenly realized.

Xia Zhiyi had already shared this information with others today, and the players in other rooms might still remember it, so they stayed in the room without disturbing anyone, so they just escaped unharmed.

Slowly turning her head to look at Bubu beside her, she raised her head and asked, "She is obviously a child, why isn't she afraid of me?"

She felt something was wrong, very wrong.

How could there be such a courageous child in this world?

Jing Ruyu: "Because she is not an ordinary child."

Xia Zhiyi: "She is the little ghost king."

Boo Boo cheers for himself: "Boo Boo, it's great!"

Slowly: "...?"

—Fortunately, I didn't fight her.

At this time, a bullet screen floated in front of Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu:

——10,000 watched, let’s talk about the revenge plan!


The two of them raised their eyes to the upper right corner, only to realize that the moment they woke up, the popularity and ranking of the live broadcast room rose again, and they both broke 15,000!

These ghosts really don't sleep!

Xia Zhiyi suddenly felt a little pity.

If she had known that these ghost audiences were so interested in the little princess of the Demon Race, she should have set the conditions higher in the first place, the ones that could directly meet the customs clearance requirements!

At the same time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door. It sounded like there was obviously more than one person—it might be a person, or it might be something else.

The two immediately motioned for the two children to be quiet, and then, taking advantage of the moonlight coming in from the window, walked lightly to the locked door and listened intently.

Footsteps passed by their door and went all the way to the end of the passage.

Walking firmly and calmly, without a trace of hesitation, it can be heard that the goal is very clear.

Vaguely, they heard the slight sound of opening the door from behind, followed by a long period of silence.

After the silence, footsteps sounded again, from far to near.

Unlike the last time, the footsteps this time were a bit heavy, as if he had added weight.

Then the sound of footsteps gradually faded away until it completely disappeared and could no longer be heard.

The hallway fell into dead silence again.

The night was long, as if nothing had happened, it was just a dream.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu looked at each other.

Could this be the voice of the butler?

Sitting on the bed, he turned his head slowly and said to Bubu: "I'm leaving, thank you for letting me read the book with you, although I couldn't finish it, I'm still very happy."

Bubu looked at her puzzled: "Where are you going?"

Slowly said: "It's fine if you don't stay here."

Bubu didn't understand, so he asked again: "Then will you come back and read books with Bubu?"

After thinking about it slowly, I said regretfully: "I don't think there is a chance. This may be the last time we read a book together."

After finishing speaking, her gaze unconsciously fell on the picture book in Bubu's hand.

After becoming a ghost, she really hasn't sat down to read a book of fairy tales of her own for a long, long time.

Although the development in this room exceeded her expectations, at least it turned out not bad for her.

Then she saw the picture book being handed in front of her suddenly.

Bubu said generously: "Give it to you!"

She has no candy to give to Slowly this time, and she can see that Slowly likes this book very much, so she should give the book to Slowly.

Mothers have taught her to be a child who can share, and it’s okay to give a little to others when there are extra things.

She has other picture books, so it's okay to give one to other children!

Slowly stunned: "Then if I accept it, will you cry..."

Boob shook his head: "Boob is great, he won't cry!"

Slowly hesitated: "...Can I really accept it?"

Bubu nodded firmly.

Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi saw that Bubu took the initiative to share the picture book, so they encouraged him to accept it slowly.

This is a decision made by the child himself. If the child is happy, the mother will naturally support it.

Slowly, he hesitated to accept the picture book, and all the doubts in his heart dissipated when he saw Bubu's innocent and romantic smile.

She unconsciously showed a sweet smile at Bubu.

"Thank you, I'm leaving, and good luck to you."

After she finished speaking, she hugged the picture book tightly and floated up into the air. Her ethereal figure went straight through the ceiling and disappeared without a trace.

Next is the home field of these people, and she doesn't need to stay here.

Slowly walking forward, the script prompts the back foot to fly in front of Xia Zhiyi and the two, as if they would forget it.

[The strange footsteps sounded outside the door, the ghost suddenly disappeared, all these made you doubt, and you faintly felt that you were getting closer to the truth, so you decided to follow and find out. 】

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

Jing Ruyu: "..."

— This script really won't let them go.

The author has something to say:

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