Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 177: final copy (twenty-five)

The screen of the TV is bright and clean, and it can be used as a mirror after the screen is black.

A mirror can reflect everything.

Xia Zhiyi didn't know if this was the final answer, but she should give it a try. Sitting and waiting is not her style.

She got up and walked towards the TV, then stopped.

First, I said silently in my heart: TV is my answer.

The copy is unresponsive.

Then he poked the TV screen with his finger and said softly, "This is my answer."

The copy is still unresponsive.

She frowned.

No, it shouldn't be...

Taking out the note, she looked at the twelve characters again and again, and then carefully recalled the words she saw when Jing Ruyu fell into the darkness—

Reflecting everything, there is nowhere to hide, like a shadow.

The way to crack is in it.

She still remembers it verbatim now.

She was lost in thought, did she not do a step right?

Raising her head, she gently supported the edge of the TV, the light on the screen flickered and danced in her eyes, like stars in the dark night.

Looking at it, she suddenly had an idea.

Is it possible... the copy wants me to break it?

Boob finished eating the cookies.

Jing Ruyu took her to the bathroom to wash her hands again.

This time, instead of using running water, she picked up a basin of clean water and put it on the ground.

The surface of the water was clear and waveless, reflecting the outlines of her and Boo Boo and everything around them, like a mirror.

She watched the water not move.

Bubu squatted beside her, stroked his sleeves, spread his fingers, and was ready to wash his hands early.

He didn't hear his mother saying that he could wash his hands, so Boo Boo looked curiously at the surface of the water, then at her, and after a while he said, "Boo Boo needs to wash his hands."

Hearing this, Jing Ruyu stretched out her hand and lightly touched the surface of the water, causing circle after circle of ripples on her fingertips.

Other than that, nothing has changed.

"Well, let's wash."

Bubu stretched his hand into the sink with a cheerful face, and Jing Ruyu also stretched his hand in to help her wash her hands.

The child's palm is small, the water is cool, and there is no third feeling.

Doubts arose in her heart.

Why isn't water another kind of mirror? It is impossible for the huge and vast new world not to take this into account.

That being the case, why did nothing happen? Could it be that she did something wrong?

Bubu didn't know her doubts, so he raised his two little hands covered with water, and said with a cheerful expression, "Bubbu is done washing!"

Jing Ruyu nodded, shouted for goodness, and then pulled out a clean piece of paper to help her dry the water drops.

While wiping her hands, she was still thinking about the surface of the water.

The answer to the riddle is a mirror, and there is no mirror in the dungeon, so the object that clears the level must be something similar to a mirror, there is no doubt about it.

But she has already found the water surface as a substitute for the mirror, why the copy still doesn't respond?

Was this substitute the only one, or was she calling the answer wrong?

She was a little lost in thought, and her eyes inadvertently passed over the drops of water that fell on the ground.

With this glance, she suddenly had a new idea.

There was one method she hadn't tried yet - sabotage.

How to destroy it is a question.

She glanced at the door of the bathroom, no one came, it was very quiet.

Since she has this condition, she must give it a try.

According to the idea of ​​destroying the mirror, it is nothing more than making the mirror unable to image, at least it can no longer form a complete image.

So how to make the water surface no longer image?

Jing Ruyu tried to splash the water out.

Seeing this, Bubu also splashed, very happy.

But to no avail.

Water falls to the ground to form water droplets, and it can still condense the surrounding scene on its own little water droplet.

That can also be counted as a mirror, but the size becomes smaller.

Jing Ruyu fell into deep thought.

Boob is still playing with water.

After a while, Jing Ruyu stopped her, helped her wipe her hands clean again, then picked up the basin and walked out.

Boob followed with a bag on his back, with a curious look on his face.

She followed her mother and walked straight to the balcony.

There are many potted flowers planted on the balcony, the big and small ones bloom very well, competing for beauty.

Then she saw her mother pour all the water in her hand into the flower pot.

Not a drop left, not a drop leaked.

If the water surface is no longer imaged?

Take it to water the flowers, let the water dissolve into the soil, and you can never see it again.

Maybe she should have just taken the water straight to the toilet...

Jing Ruyu didn't care about it, she put down the basin after pouring the water, and waited for the feedback from the dungeon.

She actually thinks this is a bit nonsense, but the new world, its existence itself is very nonsense, and it is not normal to talk about the way of customs clearance.

Not following routines is the biggest feature of New World.


There was an obvious unlocking sound from the door, like a customs clearance notification.

Jing Ruyu was extremely surprised by this voice.

She solved the riddle successfully!

Without thinking too much, she immediately took Boo Boo away from the balcony with anticipation.

The result was a sudden change.

Xiao Jia stood at the door of the room, and Sister Pang stood at the door of the kitchen, and they both stared at her bleakly.

There seemed to be something wriggling in their bodies, trying to break through the skin, which looked terrifying.

"You want to go?"

They all spoke together.

"You can't go, the meal is already being prepared, it would be too rude for you to leave.

"You can't go, you have to stay...

"—stay and be our lunch!!"

The normal tone of voice suddenly turned into thick and frightening ghostly language.

As soon as the words fell, a foul stench erupted from their bodies, filling the whole room in an instant!

As the mystery was revealed, their seals were also opened, revealing their true colors.

The long sharp thorns pierced the flesh and stood upright.

The chaotic face of the species is creepy, with two fangs sticking out of its mouth, and the saliva is dripping down, which is very disgusting to see.

They exhaled faintly and heavily, and their gazes towards Jing Ruyu and Bubu were full of greed.

After throwing away their human skins, their malice was even more exposed.

Jing Ruyu: "..."

It turns out that solving the mystery is one part, and being able to avoid these things and reach the door is another part.

At this moment, what she was most worried about was not herself, but Xia Zhiyi.

She wouldn't have encountered these too, would she?

How is she now, is she hurt?

No, she has to leave here to meet her!

Go meet her intact!

Jing Ruyu pointed to the opened door, and said to Bubu with serious eyes: "Bobu must avoid their attacks, protect himself, and follow his mother to leave here to find his mother, do you understand?"

Bubu nodded vigorously, and his voice was extremely clear and firm: "Yes! Go find mom!"

She also wants to bring the cookies to Mom!

The two monsters sneered, and attacked them first, their sickle-like hands cut at them without hesitation!

Jing Ruyu showed her original shape.

She didn't intend to attack, she only wanted to go out the door.

Maybe we can see her knowing mind by opening the door?

One person and one snake dodge dexterously under the chaotic attack, and their speed is no worse than that of monsters.

The two monsters didn't even touch a piece of their clothes or snake scales.

Bubu despised them for being too stinky, so he didn't even give them a fist.

In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the door without any risk, and Jing Ruyu opened the door without thinking!

There is a passage outside the door.

She recognized it, it was exactly the same as the door of the house where she and Xia Zhiyi lived, and next to her and Xia Zhiyi's house.

The two monsters are chasing after them, making people dare not relax.

At this moment, Jing Ruyu saw the door of her house move.

The next second, the door suddenly opened, and the person she was thinking of appeared in front of them.

"Come in quickly!" Xia Zhiyi said to her.

Without saying a word, Jing Ruyu immediately took Bubu in.

The door slammed shut, locking the monster out completely.


Looking at his sweetheart, Jing Ruyu finally showed a knowing smile: "Knowing..."

Bubu hugged Xia Zhiyi's leg happily: "Mom!"

Xia Zhiyi patted Bubu's head, raised his eyes and smiled at Jing Ruyu.

Xia Zhiyi's appearance was reflected on the TV.

She was holding the glass that Xiao Jia had just finished drinking, gesturing to smash the TV.

Whether it can be done or not, you will only know if you try it.

She has thought about the way forward.

If the attempt was unsuccessful, when asked by two NPCs, she would pretend that there were mice, cockroaches, or even ghosts, and subconsciously smashed things because of fear—there are so many excuses, there is always one that can fool you!

Lifting the cup, looking for a good angle, she swung it hard!

As soon as Xiao Jia returned to the room, she heard the sound of glass shattering outside.

She stopped and turned around abruptly.

Xia Zhiyi made the move.

She smashed the neighbor's TV.

Broken glass was all over the floor, and cracks spread from the middle of the screen in all directions, like a hideous spider web.

She prayed in her heart, hoping that this time it would work.

She wanted to see Jing Ruyu, wanted to see Bubu, and wanted to leave this ghostly place quickly! !

Suddenly, only a "click" was heard, and the locked door opened.

In the end, before she could move, Sister Pang and Xiao Jia appeared in front of her, looking gloomy like two lonely ghosts.

In the next second, they tore off their own human skin, revealing a terrifying and hideous look.

The two arms also turned into sickles, looking like a mutated praying mantis.

"You can't go...

"eat you…

"We're going to eat you!!"

After the seal was released, they didn't pretend at all, and they no longer concealed their desire to eat Xia Zhiyi.


Xia Zhiyi turned around and ran towards the door!

If she doesn't run now, when will she wait? She is not a fool who stays where she is waiting to die!

Thanks to the connection between the living room and the porch, she is closer to the door than the monsters.

So even if she doesn't have any supernatural powers, with this luck, she can get out of the door before the monsters catch up to her!

It turned out that the layout outside was exactly the same as the entrance of her house.

Damn the new world, I'm afraid the entire community she lives in has been moved in as a dungeon!

In a panic, she instinctively ran to the door of her house.

No matter what, let's avoid the pursuit of these two monsters first!

The moment she took the steps to escape, she saw the door of her house move.

There was a hasty door opening sound from inside.

In the blink of an eye, the door suddenly opened, and a person came out.

She took a closer look, her brows were filled with joy, and she almost cried out of excitement.

- Damn, it turns out her girlfriend is next door!

Jing Ruyu grabbed the doorknob and said to her nervously, "Come in, Zhiyi, it's safe inside!"

Xia Zhiyi hurriedly followed her into the house.

Jing Ruyu quickly locked the door and successfully blocked the monster's attack.

separated by a door.

They hid inside the door, and the monsters scratched the door frantically outside.

Xia Zhiyi hid behind Jing Ruyu and looked at the door that kept ringing, extremely nervous, her heart beating wildly.

She was really afraid that those two things would bump into it.

Fortunately, the bad ending she expected did not happen.

The movement outside the door gradually subsided, as if the two monsters had given up.

Xia Zhiyi saw Jing Ruyu walk up to the cat, glanced out, then turned her head and said to her reassuringly, "It's okay, they've already left."

Xia Zhiyi breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help reaching out to hug her, and buried her face in her arms: "I'm scared to death, I'm really scared when you're not here..."

Jing Ruyu hugged her back, stroked her long hair gently, with an imperceptible smile in his eyes.

"It's okay, from now on, I will always be with you."

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